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GWINNETT All Data Needs are for 2007-08 and 2011-12 (or most recent year available)
1. Acceleration data: a. AICE number and percent of: i. students enrolled; ii. Students who take an exam; iii. Students who pass an exam Gwinnett reports that this is not applicable. b. IB number and percent of: i. students enrolled; ii. Students who take an exam; iii. Students who pass an exam Gwinnett reports that IB is not tracked at present. 2. How many Career and Technical Education programs did you offer in your district during both years? 2008-09---Gwinnet reports that there were 28 Tech Ed Program Areas offered at Traditional High Schools, Maxwell and Grayson Technical Program. In 2012-13 there are 32 Tech Ed Program Areas offered at Traditional High Schools, Maxwell and Grayson Technical Program. 3. The number and percent of suspensions (in and out of school combined) for both school years. Gwinnett reports discipline numbers are collected on a calendar year basis there. For 2011, out of a total of 161,908 students enrolled, there were 33,918 incidents of in-school suspension, and 18,013 out-of-school incidents. In 2008, out of a total enrolled of 153,901, there were 34,663 incidents of in-school suspension, and 19,386 incidents of out-of-school suspension. These are incident numbers, not students. 4. District enrollment by gender for both school years. Gwinnett reports they cannot provide this information in time to meet our request. 5. What number and percent of dedicated magnet or choice schools did you have in your district during both years? What number and percent of charter schools did you have in your district during both years? There was one charter school in 2008 - Gwinnett School of Math Science and Technology. They currently have three charter schools in 2012-13: Gwinnett School of Math Science and Technology, Gwinnett Online Campus, and Maxwell School of Technology. 6. How does your district define low performing schools? What number and percent of low performing schools were in your district during both years? Gwinnett reports they are working on getting this information from their Research and Evaluation department and will forward if received shortly. 7. Climate Surveys a. Do you give the surveys to parents, students and staff members? Yes b. Can we obtain results (for all 3 groups if applicable) for both years?

The results are released to district leaders and principals, who are responsible for the distribution of the results. This is not mandated, however, some principals do share the results with their PTA boards. Gwinnett reports they survey all staff and students K-12, and all parents. It is a web-based survey however they do not report this information publically. 8. What early learning programs does your district offer? Georgia offers Pre-K through private day care and learning centers funded through the Georgia Lottery. As a system, Gwinnett reports that they provide early intervention programs for special needs students only. 9. What programs are offered for overage students? Phoenix High School is an alternative high school that offers various programs to meet the graduation needs of non-traditional students. In middle school, they have piloted a program that offers overage 8th graders focused opportunities to be successful and earn Carnegie credit toward high school. 10. What alternative pathways for graduation are offered for this population? Phoenix High School is the only option at this time. 11. Does your district use any data to attempt to gauge staff morale? If so, what? Perception surveys are administered yearly and comments and answers are provided anonymously to supervisors to improve district function. These data are not reported or released to the general public. 12. What unions exist for certificated staff? Classified staff? Is the union involved in the decisionmaking processes for the district? Gwinnett does not have a relationship with any union for staff, certified or classified. 13. Can we obtain your districts Strategic Plan or priorities for 2007-08? Is there a link to this plan? The 2007-2008 plan is no longer available online. 14. Do you have any data on teacher retention that you could share for both years? Gwinnett reports that for 2008, certified retention was 90.5%, and for 2012 retention increased to 92.1%. 15. Community Engagement c. Number of mentors each year? Gwinnett did not track mentors in 2008 in 2009 they showed 26. In 2012 that number grew to 186. d. Number of volunteer hours each year? Only 2012 data are available 1,150 hours. These are district numbers only and do not include local school programs.

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