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Presented by Dr. Eliyahu M.

Goldratt, each session is divided in various video segments of about 10 minutes each so that users can learn at their own speed and easily review any of the material, as they need! 1. TOC - Self Learning Program on Operations How can we replicate Alex Rogo's achievements described in the book, The Goal? The key lies in the ability to transform production from the prevailing cost-world mentality into the common sense approach of the throughputworld mentality. 2. TOC - Self Learning Program on Finance and Measurements Every reader of The Goal is aware that common sense will not prevail on the shop floor unless the financial approach changes. Learn what is a sensible financial approach which bridges the gap between the bottom line measurements and the local measurements. 3. TOC - Self Learning Program on Project Management and Engineering Projects (especially in multi-project environments) have characteristics which drastically differentiate them from production. Learn how projects can be finished ahead of time, within the allotted budget and without compromising on the content! 4. TOC - Self Learning Program on Distribution and Supply Chain Since every company is a link in a supply chain, most already realize that as long as the end consumer has not bought, nobody has sold. Learn the procedures and measurements to help the distribution link to drastically improve its performance. 5. TOC - Self Learning Program on Marketing Marketing should not be confused with sales nor with advertising. Marketing is the ability to create a competitive edge. Learn how to put the systematic framework that enables a company to bring the market to want its products. 6. TOC - Self Learning Program on Sales and Buy-in Not just the sales people but every manager in every company is required to sell; to sell their products, their suggestions and decisions, to clients, bosses or their own people. Learn an effective, systematic way to sell; to overcome resistance to change. 7. TOC - Self Learning Program on Managing People Learn the TOC powerful methods for conflict resolution, empowerment and team building. In the long term this program probably provides the most important know-how. 8. TOC - Self Learning Program on Strategy and Tactics The objective of any company is to implement an effective and lasting Process Of OnGoing Improvement. This program molds the TOC know-how into a clear, over-all strategy backed up by detailed tactics.

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