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Is one of the most controversial Orishas from the Pantheon of Yoruba He is known as the God of fire and thunder

and he yan), mahogany and sex. His colours are white and mbombo (Il), ram (gb), turtle (jp), rooster inds of fruits (ogede), palm oil (epo), osun food eds, ostrich feathers, mamey, yam flour and corn. is very fond of dancing, of (A red, his favourite food is qui (akuko), guinea fowl (etu), bananas, all colouring, seed yam, orogbo se

He is mostly represented in the shapes of edena (thunder stones), this because o f a conflict he hade in the sign of ret s with one of his disciples who replaced him . Sngo was forced to transform six of his soldiers to dn- r, so he could prove that h is identity was stolen so that he could recover his throne. It says that he came to earth descendent from the sign of knrn Mji and he carries six stones (ota). The sect that engages directly in his worship is called Magba. He is the brother of Abkn, ranmiyn and Dada Igbayin, his throne is guarded by Obakolaba and his mothe r is Ayalua or ymase who gave him birth in the bottom of the oceans from where he came. He is closely related with Ekn, the leopard. He respects the pumpkin becaus e it gave him the se of Oldumar;s sacred word, which he posses, in the odu br Mji. He is the father of the Ibeji, whom he hade with Osun. When he discovered that O sun gave birth to Ibeji, Sngo beat Osun, believing that she was responsible for b igamy. Osun took the Ibeji and left them under a malanga plant from where Oya to ok them and raise them up. Under the escape of Osun she ended up where rnmil was, a nd gave birth to the one that is called Idew (the triplet).

When Sngo arrived to rnml looking for Osun, rnml demanded from that day that the e o would be placed in the Igbd ris in memory of the Ibeji and a bunch of bananas woul d be placed to remind Sngo that he has to approve the rs whom is settling down. It i s found in the odun knrn Oyk that the Omo Sngo has to subject to a special ceremony, o that they can undo the actions of ranmiyn, considered a brother to Sng, he is the one who represents the shadow. Often manifested like a shadow, that the sons of Sng (omo Sng) obeservs behind them. A legend says that Sng was the fourth king of the Yorb city from y and together with btl the king of the Igbo they hade a territorial war with Oddw the king of If. Obtl s warriors dressed up daily with dry palm leafs (mariwo) besieged the territory of If so that they could deceive the residents into believing that they where gho sts and run away. A long time before hostilities started, a soldier hade a relat ionship with one of the daughters to the monarch of Igbo and one day during the conflict, the daughter of Obtl confessed to the soldier that her father s ghosts were n t either ghosts or spirits, but men dressed in mariwo costumes. When this revela tion came to Oddw s notice he order to light a fire to the fields as soon as the oppo site side started the next attack, and the attackers came out of the fields cove red in flames. Oddw took the opportunity of this and took over the city of Igbo, ou sting Obtl from his throne and freed him.

Obtl hade sent for enforcement to y, but Sngo being entertained by his three concubin s (Oya, Oba and Osun) did not sent any help.

Oddw started to attack y and before Sng was captured he set his house on fire and ha d himself from a mahogany tree (Ayan). Sngo s concubines took suicide because it wa s a law to follow if the king would die. When Sngo s followers knew about he s death they started to scream Sng oba koso which means: The king did not hang himself, and until today people uses that phrase when Sng s name is motioned. The legend says that the river is divided in three at the place where his concub ines took suicide and the three rivers have the names: Odo Osun, Odo Oya, Odo Ob a.

After the death of there king the habitants of y continued resistance against the forces of Oddw and with the gunpowder that the Fulani have given to Sng they put it i nto dry guiras so it made an explosion, which made the invading forces retreat. It is also said that a thunderstorm started right after the explosions and made such horrible noise and thunders, that people thought that it was the unleashed wrath of Sng and they started to say the following words: Kawo kabie sile Sng (Welcome to earth Sng) Another story says that Sng was the fourth king that ruled in y, which is placed eas t of Nigeria. He sat in the throne for seven years and even thought he had ups a nd downs in his kingdom, he is attributed with many victories. His victories whe re not only because of his grate heroism, but mainly because of his magical gift s, he scared his enemies, and made them escape by casting fire and smoke through his mouth and nose, he also hade the gift of producing storms along with his ma gical gifts. A mythology tells that he one day went to the mountain near his pal ace accompanied by his most trustworthy men and because he did not trust his gif t of storm, he decided to put it to test. Rays shot from the sky and in few seco nds the palace was in flames. Most of his women and children where victims of th e flames and with his heart crushed Sng abdicated. He left y seeking refuge in Eleme pe north of Nupe which belong to his Grandfather. Sng pointed his sword to anyone who tried to convince him to go back to his y, they even told him that they would replace the women he lost, so he could have new children, but nothing could make him change his mind. So along with people of trust and his preferred women Oya he made his way to Elempe. During the way, his followers started to regret why they followed him and turned back. Oya, his faithful wife lost the courage when they arrive to Ira, and even Sng himself was starting to doubt, but his pride prevented him from turning aroun d, so he decided to terminate his life. There are different stories about the wa y he put an end to his life, there is a legend that says that he is not allow to have a normal death, so he penetrates in to the ground; while he sat under a bu tter tree (Butyrospermum parkii) in the city of Koso, suddenly thunders and rays shook the earth until he was slowly buried in the ground.

Ork Sng (Praising the siprit of rays and thunder) Alaafin, ekun bu, a sa Alaafin, King of Oyo whom growls as a leopard and makes people run far away Eleyinju ogunna He who s eyes shines as lighted fire Olukoso lalu Olukoso, the famos in the city A ri igba ota, segn He who uses hundreds of cartridges to scare his enemies Eyi ti o fi alapa segun ota re He who used pieces of broke wall parts to defeat his enemies Kabiyesi o We honour you


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