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R12 Login issue on target after cloning , fresh install or upgrade Successfully installed R12.1.

1 in my linux box without giving any error. But whe n I have access my login through IE 7, http://hostname.domainname:port getting m essage "unable to autheticate the session" instead of giving me username and pas sword screen. So I have thought of Firefox, using URL : http://host.domain:port is redirected to http://host.domain:port/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp nothing happen , no error, ... The cause of the issue may be Jsp / Class corruption under $COMMON_TOP/_pages, because of that system was not able to access the classes this may have as root cause jsp / class corruption or wrong $CLASSPATH After running the following steps, the issue has been resolved and I can able to login successfully. 1. cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin 2. perl --compile --flush -p 2 3. Run autoconfig on both db and apps tiers 3. Bring up the services and test login 11i - perl --compile -quiet When starting Application Server 10g services with EBusiness Suite Release 12, i f the server is heavily loaded you may sometimes receive a timeout message from one or more startup scripts called by This note describes how you can increase the default timeout values for the star tup scripts, which may prevent this issue from occurring. SOLUTION The OC4J containers (JVMs) with AS10g are given a certain amount of time to star tup. If the time taken to startup the process is longer than this value, you wi ll see an error returned by the startup script. NOTE : despite the error being thrown, the process may actually startup correctl y. You can use the following command to check the status of the processes:$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/ status The error seen for a timeout will normally be similar to that shown below:**************************************************** Executing service control script: /oracle/VIS/inst/apps/VIS_myhost/admin/scripts/ start script returned: **************************************************** ERROR : Timed out( 100000 ): Interrupted Exception You are running version 120.6.12000000.2 Starting OPMN managed OAFM OC4J instance ... **************************************************** The timeout value is defined in the $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/opmn/conf/opmn.xml f ile There are three entries to be concerned about, one for each of the managed OC4J containers (oacore, forms and oafm). The entry is shown below the appropr iate "process-type id=" section and looks like shown below by default:<start timeout="600" retry="2"/> Modifying the timeout value from "600" to "1800" may resolve the timeout error For example you may see entry similar to shown below for the "oacore" JVM group (lines omitted for brevity) <process-type id="oacore" module-id="OC4J" status="enabled" working-dir="$OR ACLE_HOME/j2ee/home"> <module-data> ............... ............... </module-data> <start timeout="600" retry="2"/>

<stop timeout="120"/> <restart timeout="720" retry="2"/> ............... ............... These default timeout values cannot be changed using Autoconfig variables, so an y change needs to be implemented using the "Configuration Customizations" sectio n in Note 387859.1 : Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle Applications Release 12 If you are running into this issue and want to change the timeout as described i n this note, these are the recommended steps: If your problem is occurring in a TEST environment 1. Shutdown all AS10g services 2. Manually edit the opmn.xml file as described above 3. Restart AS10g services to confirm the timeout message is no longer seen 4. Implement this new timeout value by modifying the AutoConfig template for op mn.xml Filename "opmn_xml_1013.tmp" located in $FND_TOP/admin/template 5. Run AutoConfig to regenerate the configuration files with your changes 6. Check the changes have taken effect in the opmn.xml file correctly 7. Restart AS10g services and confirm the timeout message no longer appears If your problem is occurring in a PRODUCTION environment 1. Shutdown all AS10g services on a TEST environment 2. Modify the AutoConfig template for opmn.xml for your TEST environment 3. Run AutoConfig on TEST environment to regenerate the configuration files wit h your changes 4. Check the files in TEST environment to be sure the change has taken effect a s expected 5. Restart AS10g Service on TEST environment and ensure the services all startu p correctly 6. Promote this change to your PROD instance Note: You may see or other OPMN managed scripts fail with message "exiting with status 150" This may indicate that the script has not started/stopped within the timeout def ined for the service control infrastructure "s_oacoretimeout" is an AutoConfig variable whose value is used internally by th e service control infrastructure to determine how much time it should wait befor e giving up on a script that starts/stops a service. The above error likely indicates this OACore timeout has been hit. The default i s 100 seconds, but can be increased if necessary. The variables for the OPMN managed processes are: s_oacoretimeout s_formstimeout s_oafmtimeout For further information on debugging service startup issues see Note 743518.1 "S tarting up AS10g services in an EBusiness Suite Release 12 environment" For additional reading you can review section "3 Starting and Stopping" in the O racle Application Server Administrator's Guide 10g Release 3 (10.1.3) Additional Note: For customers using, upgrading to has also b een reported as resolving this issue REFERENCES BUG:9061809 - ADSTPALL.SH RETURN ERROR : TIMED OUT( 100000 ): INTERRUPTED EXCEPT ION NOTE:387859.1 - Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Bus iness Suite Release 12

NOTE:743518.1 - Starting up AS10g services in an EBusiness Suite Release 12 envi ronment RESOLVING AN EBS LOGIN PROBLEM I was asked to investigate an EBS login page failure on a production system last night. Well, actually, I was asked if I had any crazy ideas, since someone else was already working the problem with Oracle Support. Management thought a fresh pair of eyes might help, as the East Coast eyes that had been looking were gett ing tired. The solution turned out to be somewhat obscure, but I'm throwing it u p here in case it helps a desperate, flailing Googler in the future. Symptoms and observations R12 landing page (Navigator) was returning the dreaded, generic "You have encoun tered an unexpected error. Please contact the System Administrator for assistanc e" error. As far as anyone knew, there hadn't been any changes, patches, or service restar ts; the system had just spontaneously stopped working. (Don't you just hate that ?) SSO and non-SSO logins were authenticating users, but no work could be done beca use the EBS home page was inaccessible. Web services had already been restarted, to no avail AOL/J diagnostic tests were passing, implying that this wasn't a systemic Java p roblem Investigation and resolution My first thought was that there were corrupt JSPs (probably because I had my las t blog post on the brain), but the application server log files were not consist ent with that problem. Then I noticed that the other troubleshooters had activat ed FND Diagnostics, which had the benefit of adding a "Click here for exception details" link. Knowing that this often leads to a mostly-unintelligible (to me, anyway) Java stack trace, I didn't have high hopes, but I had a look. Surprising ly, I found something interesting: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "200000000000" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString( 48) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt( at java.lang.Integer.valueOf( at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAUtility.getProfileVoMaxFetchSize(OAUtil So, Java was having trouble chewing on a really large number, and it looks like it was getting that value from a system profile option. A quick look at recently -changed profile options (query here) revealed: applmgr@prodsys:~> sqlplus apps @last_profile_changes SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Jan 20 02:45:27 2010 Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved. Enter password: Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Enter value for number_of_items: 4 Profile Option Option Level Value Set on Scoldee --------------- ------------- --------------- --------- --------------FND: Diagnostic Site Y 20-JAN-10 SYSADMIN s GL Journals: La User LESS 19-JAN-10 XXXXXX st Find Window State FND: View Objec Site 200000000000 19-JAN-10 XXXXXX t Max Fetch Siz e GL Journals: La User LESS 19-JAN-10 XXXXXXXX st Find Window

State As is often the case, the key part of the phrase, "no changes as far as anyone k new" was the last five words. That number (200000000000) is several orders of m agnitudes larger than typical values of "FND: View Object Max Fetch Size," and a fter resetting it to something more sane, the system became usable again. Whew! MISSING SYSADMIN RESPONSIBILITY AFTER UPGRADE TO 12.1.3 SYMPTOMS On : 12.1.3 version, after successful upgrade of to 12.1.3: While running "", stopping the concurrent manager fails" with the fol lowing message in adcmctl.txt You are running version 120.17.12010000.5 Shutting down concurrent managers for <SID>... ORACLE Password: Please enter a valid responsibility. The responsibility System Administrator doe s not exist or is not active. Check that the correct application short name is s pecified for your responsibility. Also, after logging into the 12.1.3 system, the Sysadmin Responsibility is missi ng.

CHANGES Upgraded from to 12.1.3. CAUSE Running: $ FNDLOAD APPS/apps 0 Y UPLOAD @FND:patch/115/import/afscursp.lct @FND:patch/115 /import/US/wfssresp.ldt produces the following error on screen: Uploading from the data file <APPL_TOP>/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/import/US/wfssresp. ldt Altering database NLS_LANGUAGE environment to AMERICAN Dumping from LCT/LDT files (<APPL_TOP>/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct( 120.4.12010000.3), <APPL_TOP>/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/import/US/wfssresp.ldt) to st aging tables Dumping LCT file <APPL_TOP>/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/import/afscursp.lct(120.4.12010 000.3) into FND_SEED_STAGE_CONFIG Dumping LDT file <APPL_TOP>/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/import/US/wfssresp.ldt into FND _SEED_STAGE_ENTITY Dumped the batch (FND_APPLICATION FND , FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS FND FNDWF_ADMIN_WEB STANDARD ) into FND_SEED_STAGE_ENTITY Uploading from staging tables Error loading seed data for FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS: USER_NAME = SYSADMIN, RG_APPLI CATION_SHORT_NAME = FND, RG_RESP_KEY = FNDWF_USER_WEB, SG_KEY = STANDARD, ORA-20 001: Oracle error -20001: ORA-20001: Oracle error -20002: ORA-20002: 4016: User/ Role relationship for user 'SYSADMIN' and role 'FND_RESP|FND|FNDWF_USER_WEB|STAN DARD' already exists. has been detected in FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_API.UPDATE_ASSIG NMENT. has been detected in FND_USER_RESP_GROUPS_API.UPLOAD_ASSIGNMENT. SOLUTION Please run the below concurrent programs in the order given, with the respective values of the parameters, and then retest the issue.

1. Workflow Directory services user/role validation with argument values as 1000 0:Yes:Yes:No:NULL 2. Synchronize WF Local Tables with default values for the arguments. 3. Run adadmin - Compile/generate menu and rebuild JAR files 4. Rerun: FNDLOAD APPS/<apps_password> 0 Y UPLOAD @FND:patch/115/import/afscurs p.lct @FND:patch/115/import/US/wfssresp.ldt Login issues in Oracle Apps R12 Application version: 12.0.4 running on 11g RAC database. None of the users are able to login to the Oracle Apps R12 URL. The URL just han gs without giving any information. All the application services were up. Couldn t find any significant load on the CPU and the number of concurrent requests running at the time was normal. The http error_log had the below error: oc4j_socket_recvfull timed out The Application log has the below error: 12/04/26 03:15:13.511 html: Servlet error java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 12/04/26 03:50:35.503 html: Servlet error The opmn log had the below error: 12/04/26 03:15:00 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 12/04/26 03:15:02 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 12/04/26 03:15:06 java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space 12/04/26 03:15:13 Exception in thread "Timer-1" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space oracle.jbo.DMLException: JBO-26066: Error during rollback Solution: We would need to do changes to -Xms ( for start heap memory ) and -Xmx ( for max imum heap memory ) of the opmn.xml. Changing the Xmx to 512 MB and Xms to 128 MB will help. >>>> Increase Java Heap Size for the OC4J instance as per the available memory ( RAM) & restart the instance. You can do it with AS Control -> OC4J Instance -> Administration Tab -> Server P roperties -> Java options. Update -Xms -Xmx java options. Once updated, stop and start the OC4J instance to pick up the changes. Unable to authenticate session in Oracle apps R12 (12.0.4): Login Issue Unable to authenticate session in Oracle apps R12 (12.0.4): Login Issue The Release 12.0.4 instance was cloned from another identical instance. When we try to login, the login page does not display Have tried clearing the cache (_pages). Have tried recompiling jsps and bouncing

however the problem still persists. Cleared all the Apache and related logs and found an interesting error. It is in the following log file: $INST_TOP/logs/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/oacore_default_group_1/application.log 08/08/21 15:17:00.601 Started 08/08/21 15:17:02.769 html: Started 08/08/21 15:17:33.132 html: ized:1219349853132 08/08/21 15:17:33.132 html: LeakSetting: global:true,session:false,aggressive:false,stderr:false,appslog:false,corelog:fa lse ignoring:null 08/08/21 15:17:34.859 html: chain failed javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to create use r session. Please contact your System Administrator. at com.evermind[Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( ].server.http.Evermi ndPageContext.handlePageThrowable( Solution: Enable FND debug The FND debug log had the below error: Oracle error -1654: ORA-01654: unable to extend index APPLSYS.FND_LOGINS_N2 by 1 6 in tablespace APPS_TS_ARCHIVE has been detected in FND_SIGNON.AUDIT_USER. Check if the APPS_TS_ARCHIVE Tablespace is full. Increase the size of tablespace APPS_TS_ARCHIVE / add a datafile to the tablespa ce. This will resolve the issue. Login page error: 404 - The url /OA_HTML/AppsLogin not found This blog speaks about the Login Page Issue on R12.1.1 instance. Suddenly the login page was throwing an error - 404 /OA_HTML/AppsLogin was not f ound on the server The access_log shows no errors. error.log from $LOG_HOME/ora/10.1.3/Apache shows [Tue Jan 18 11:27:51 2011] [error],0] File does not portal/OA_HTML/AppsLogin [Tue Jan 18 11:27:54 2011] [error],0] File does not portal/OA_HTML/AppsLogin [Tue Jan 18 11:30:10 2011] [error],0] File does not portal/OA_HTML/AppsLogin [client] [ecid: 1295330271:12 exist: /oracle/CLON/inst/apps/CLON_obaserver/ [client] [ecid: 1295330274:12 exist: /oracle/CLON/inst/apps/CLON_obaserver/ [client] [ecid: 1295330410:12 exist: /oracle/CLON/inst/apps/CLON_obaserver/

I recreated the jar files using adadmin and compiled the jsp using

cd $FND_TOP/patch/115/bin perl --compile --flush -p 20 -log /tmp/ojspc_error2.log Nothing worked out. Fix: This problem occurred because wsrp_service.wsdl was owned by root but the servic es were being started by applmgr. Ensure that the file $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/application-deployments/oacore/html/server-w sdl/wsrp_service.wsdl it shows it is owned by root. Somebody started the services of Apps as root user . Changed the owner of the file to Apps Owner. Restarted the service. Everything works fine. Responsibility not Appearing I have some strange issue with one user. This user has 4 resposibilites assigned to him in dev, due to security issue we have to end his two responsibility. Now user want this "Sysadmin Inquiry" responsibility again. I did end date and told him about that. Now after 24 hrs he came back and asked what is the status. Tha t means he is not able to see this responsbility under his ID.I did enable and d isable other responsibilities under his id, he can see immediate impact of that. But not this one. Now for checking I did assigned this responsibility to my id and can see it without any issue. I did ran all these 1. Navigate to the define user form (FNDSCAUS). 2. Query up the user (that is having the issue) and insure the responsibility is NOT end dated. 3. END DATE the USER (not the responsibility) and save the record. 4. UNEND DATE the USER and save the record. 5. Run the request 'Sync responsibility role data into the WF table'.6 . Run the request "Synchronize WF LOCAL tables". 7. Run the request "Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation" (with para meters 10000, yes, yes, yes). 8. Have the user log off and back on and verify that the responsibility appears.

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