Gump Reworked

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Storyboard: Re-Worked

Opening Sequence: Legs with brace begins to walk slowly then gradually transitions to a run. The background reacts to the movement of the legs, and begins to scroll to the right as the legs pick up pace. This mimics the early years of Forrests life when leg braces held him back.

As the legs pick up speed to a run, the background transitions on to a football field and the braces fall off, being replaced by cleats and a football uniform. Figures can be seen in the background.

Legs run through the football field and the background mimics the movement of the person running. Depth is shown through the use of atmospheric perspective. This mimics the years that Forrest played football on a scholarship.

Background transitions in to a battle field in Vietnam, explosions mimicked by flashing colors can be seen in the background, transition from football player to army clothes is masked by an explosion that blocks the view of the legs for an instant.

Legs make their way through the battlefield, the mood changes to a more threatening composition with explosions and planes flying overhead. Piece Transitions to running next to the shrimp boat, it is again masked by an explosion. This section mimics the time that Forrest spent at war.

Legs run by the water next to Shrimp boats, boats are moving slowly, legs transition in to a running outfit. This section relates to the years in Forrests life where he ran a Shrimping company.

Final sequence before the end of the piece, legs are now running along a highway, atmospheric Legs transition in to a full suit (consistent with the suit that Forrest wears while sitting on a perspective gives depth to the composition. This section shows the part in the movie where park bench and telling his life story). The legs run by the park bench and off to the right of the forest ran across the country. composition, camera slows to a halt and focuses solely on the park bench with the suitcase left on it.

The camera pulls out and focuses on the park bench. The title sequence for the time and date of the network premire transition on to the screen while a feather drifts through the wind from the top of the composition and lands on the suitcase. (Feather landed at forests feet while he was sitting at the bench in the movie)

Screen cuts to the network logo and the piece fades to black.

Storyboard: Details

Storyboard: Details

Storyboard: Details

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