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4551/2 4551/2 4551/24551/2

Section A Bahagian A [60 marks] [60 markah] Answer all questions in this section. Jawap semua soalan dalam bahagian ini. 1 Diagram 1 shows a fluid mosaic model of a plasma membrane. Rajah 1 menunjukkan model bendalir mozek pada membran plasma.
For Examiner's Use

Diagram 1 Rajah 1 (a) (i) Name structure labeled P and R. Namakan struktur berlabel P dan R. P: ... R: .. [2 m ar ks]

[ 2 m a r k a h ] (ii) State two characteristics of the plasma membrane based on the model. 4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT


3 4551/2 Nyatakan dua ciri membran plasma berdasarkan model di atas.


[2 marks] [2 markah]
For Examiner's Use


Glucose can pass through structure S by facilitated diffusion but cannot pass through structure Q.
Glukosa boleh melalui struktur S secara resapan berbantu tetapi tidak boleh melalui struktur Q.


Explain how glucose pass through structure S. Terangkan bagaimana glukosa

melalui struktur S.


.. [2 marks]

[ 2
m a r k a h ]


Explain why the glucose cannot pass through structure Q.

Terangkan men gapa glukosa tidak boleh melalui struktur Q. .. ..


ma rks ]

[ 2
m a r k a h ]

4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT

6 SULIT 4551/


The movement of water across the plasma membrane is through osmosis.

Pergerakan air merentasi membran plasma adalah melalui osmosis.

For Examiner's U

i)State the definition of osmosis.

Nyatakan definisi osmosis. .. .. [1 mark]

[1 markah] ii)Explain why food is preserved using concentrated sugar solution.

Terangkan men gapa makanan diawet men ggunakan larutan gula pekat. .. .. .. .. [3 marks] [3 markah]


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[1 mark] [1 markah] 5 4551/2 [3 marks] [3 markah]

()In Diagram 2.1, label J , K and L . SULIT

For Examiners Use

Pada Rajah 2.1 , labelkan J, 2.1 shows the structure of a fish . 2 Diagram K dan L Rajah 2.1 menunjukkan struktur ikan.

Diagram 2.1
Rajah 2.1


State the type of skeleton of a fish. Nyatakan

jenis rangka yang terdapat pada ikan.

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6 SULIT 4551/

For Examiner's U


Structure J of the fish was found damaged. State the effect of this to the movement of fish.
Struktur J pada ikan berkenaan didapati rosak. Nyatakan kesannya keatas pergerakan ikan. . . [1 mark]

[1 markah]

4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT

7 SULIT 4551/2

For Examiner's U

Diagram 2.2 shows the movement of another fish and Diagram 2.3 shows a part of muscle W in (d) the fish tissue taken from X Y. Rajah 2.2 menunjukkan pergerakan ikan yang dan Rajah 2.3 menunjukkan sebahagian otot W didalam tissue ikan yang diambil daripada X Y.

Diagram 2.2 Rajah 2.2

Diagram 2.3 Rajah 2.3


Explain one characteristic of muscle W. Terangkan satu ciri otot W.

. [2 marks] [2 markah]
2 (d) (i) 2


Complete Diagram 2.3 by drawing the muscle W. Len gkapkan Rajah 2.3 dengan melukis otot W.

2 (d)(i) 2

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SULIT 4551/2

[2 markah]
Explain the action of muscle W that enables the fish to move as shown by Diagram 2.2

Terangkan tindakan otot W yang membolehkan ikan bergerak seperti ditunjukkan pada Rajah 2.2

. . [ 3 marks]

[ 3 markah]


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Diagram 3.1 shows cell P and cell Q undergoing one of the stages of cell division. Cell P and Cell Q are undergoing different cell divisions.

Rajah 3.1 menunjukkan sel P dan Q yang sedang menjalani salah satu peringkat di dalam pembahagian sel . Sel P dan cell Q menjalani pembahagian sel yang berbeza
For Examiner's

Sel P

Sel Q

Diagram 3.1 Rajah 3.1 (a) (i) State the type of cell division undergone by cell P and cell Q. Nyatakan jenis pembahagian sel yang dijalani oleh sel P dan sel Q. Cell P / Sel P : . Cell Q / Sel Q : [ 2 marks ] [ 2 markah]

4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh

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For Examiner s Use


State one importance of the cell division in cell P and cell Q. Nyatakan satu kepentingan bagi pembahagian sel bagi sel P dan sel Q. Cell P / Sel P: . [ 2 marks ]

3 (a) (ii) 2

[ 2 markah (b) (i) State one difference cell Q . Nyatakan satu between chromosomal behavior at the stage in cell P and

perbezaan perlakuan kromosom di peringkat sel P dan sel Q. Stage in cell P Peringkat sel P Stage in cell Q Peringkat sel Q 3 (b) (i) [1 mark] [1 markah ] 1


Explain one importance of the chromosomal behaviour in cell P. Terangkan satu kepentingan perlakuan kromosom di dalam sel P.

.. . . [ 2 marks ] [ 2 markah ]

4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh

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Diagram 3.2 shows the formation of zygote during fertilization. The sperm has 23 chromosomes while ovum has 24 chromosom. Rajah 3.2 menunjukkan pembentukan zigot semasa persenyawaan.Sperma mempunyai 23 kromosom manakala ovum mempunyai 24 kromosom. Sperm (23 chromosom) Sperma (23 kromosom) Ovum (24 chromosom) Ovum (24 kromosom)

For Examiner's U

Z y g o t e Z i g o t

Offspring Anak Diagram 3.2 Rajah 3.2 (i) Normal gamete has 23 chromosom. Explain why the ovum has 24 chromosomes? Gamet normal mempunyai 23 kromosom. Terangkan men gapa ovum mempunyai 24 kromosom.

............................................................................................................ ..................... ............................................................................................................ ..................... ............................................................................................................ ..................... [2 ma rks ] 4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh halaman sebelah [Lihat SULIT

For Examiner's Use


4551/2 [ 2 markah ] (ii) State the chromosomal

number of the offspring. Nyatakan jumlah kromosom dalam anak. [ 1 mark ] [ 1 markah ] (d) Explain how radioactive rays can cause the formation of cancerous cell. Terangkan bagaimana sinar radioaktif boleh men yebabkan pembentukan sel-sel kanser. ............................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................... .............................................................................................................................. [2 marks] [2 markah]



4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh

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13 SULIT 4551/2

4 Diagram 4.1 shows different type of tissues which involve in plant transport. Rajah 4.1
menunjukkan jenis tisu berbeza yang terlibat dalam pengangkutan tumbuhan.

lignin Plat tapis

For Examiner's Use

Tissue R
Tisu R

Tissue S
Tisu S

Diagram 4.1
Rajah 4.1

(a) (i)

State the function of tissue R and tissue S. Nyatakan fungsi tisu R dan tisu S.
Tissue R / Tisu R: ..

Tissue S / Tisu S : .. [ 2 marks ] [ 2markah ]

4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh

[Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT


SULIT 4551/2


For Examiner s Use

(ii) State two difference s in the structure of tissue R and tissue S.

Nyatakan dua perbezaa n antara struktur tisu R dan tisu S.

[ [

Expl ain one adap tatio n of tissu eR

to carry out its funct ion in wate r trans port effici ently .
T e r a n g k a n s a t u p e n y e s u a i a n ti s

u R u n t u k m e n j a l a n k a n f u n g s i n y a d a l a m p e n g a n g k u

t a n a i r d e n g a n b e r k e s a n . [ [

4551/2 2

15 SULIT 4551/2


During the hot day, water evaporates from leaves of the plant to the enviroment. Explain how this process helps to prevent the occurrence of overheating in plants.
Semasa hari panas, air tersejat daripada daun tumbuhan ke persekitaran. Terangkan bagaimana proses ini membantu menghalang kejadian kepanasan melampau pada tumbuhan.

. .
For Examiner's Use

[ 3 marks ] [ 3 markah ]


Diagram 4.2 shows the part of a stem of tree where the ring of bark has been removed. The tree is watered every day.
Rajah 4.2 menunjukkan bahagian batang satu pokok yang gelang kulitnya telah dibuang. Pokok tersebut disiram dengan air setiap hari.

Beginning Permulaan

After three months Selepas tiga


Diagram 4.2
Rajah 4.2

4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh

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For Examiner's Use



Complete Diagram 4.2 by drawing in box provided, to show the tree after three months of the ring bark removed.
Len gkapkan Rajah 4.2 dengan melukis di dalam kotak tersedia untuk menunjukkan pokok tersebut selepas tiga bulan gelang kulitnya dibuang.

[1 mark ] [1 markah ]


Explain your answer in d(i)

Terangkan jawapan anda di (d)(i). [2 marks ] [2 markah ]



4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT



For Examiner's U

Diagram 5 (a) shows the respiratory system in organism P. Diagram 5 (b) shows the respiratory system in organism Q. Rajah 5 (a) menunjukkan sistem respirasi organisma P. Rajah 5 (b) menunjukkan sistem respirasi organisma Q.

Blood capillary Kapilari darah Diagram 5 (a) Rajah 5(a)

Organism Q Organisma Q

Blood capillary Kapilari darah

Diagram 5 (b) Rajah 5(b)

4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh

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For Examiner s Use

(a) Name the respir atory organ s of organi sm P and Q.

s i

a /





m [

(b) E x p l a i n o n e c h a r a c t e ri s ti c w


4551/2 h i c h X a n d Y h a v e i n c o m m o n i n t h e ir f u n c ti o n t o i n c r e a


4551/2 s e t h e e ff i c i e n c y f o r g a s e o u s e x c h a n g e .

T a k s u c p s a p a d



Y y g m m u a f g s a u u m n g t n k e p p u r g .

C r e t c : .



E l t /



[ [ (c)



Expla in briefl y how oxyge n suppli ed to the body cells of organ ism P is faster than to body cells of organ ism Q.








[ [


4551/2 4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasra ma Penuh [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT


For Examiner s Use

Explain how smoking may reduce the efficiency of the function of structure X
Terangk an bagaima na merokok boleh mengura ngkan kecekap an fungsi struktur X. . .


4551/2 .. .. [ [

Explain two importanc e of the respirator y system to living organism.

Terangka n dua kepenting an system respirasi kepada organism hidup. .


4551/2 .. . . [ [


4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasra ma Penuh [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT



Section B Bahagian B [ 40 marks ] [ 40 markah ] Answer any two questions from this section Jawab mana-mana dua soalan daripada bahagian ini. 6 (a) Diagram 6.1 shows some organs of the humans digestive system. GambaRajah 6.1 menunjukkan beberapa organ dalam sistem pencernaan manusia.

Diagram 6.1 Rajah 6.1 Explain the role of organ P in digestion . Terangkan peranan organ X dalam pencernaan [4 marks] [ 4 markah ]

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Diagram 6.2 shows the path of how digested foods are assimilated in the body. Rajah 6.2 menunjukkan laluan bagaimana makanan tercerna diasimilasikan dalam badan

Diagram 6.2 Rajah 6.2 Based on the Diagram 6.2, explain the assimilation process of the following substances. Berdasarkan GambaRajah 6.2, terangkan proses asimilasi bahan-bahan berikut. ( i ) glucose / glukosa ( ii ) amino acids / asid amino ( iii ) lipids / lipid [6 marks] [ 6 markah ]

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A fifteen year old girl requires about 9000kJ of energy per day. Table 6.3 shows the detail of her daily menu. Seorang remaja perempuan berumur lima belas tahun memerlukan 9000 kJ tenaga sehari. Jadual 6.3 menunjukkan perincian menu harian beliau.

Types of food Jenis makanan Rice Nasi Potato Chips Kepingan kentang Roasted Chicken Ayam panggang Grilled Beef Daging bakar Boiled potato Kentang rebus Chocolate Cokelat Yoghurt Dadih Egg Telur

Quantity taken Kuantiti diambil (g) 350 150 300 200 150 100 200 100

Energy Content Kandungan tenaga ( kJ /100 g ) 1500 1000 800 1200 500 2500 200 600

Table 6.3 Jadual 6.3


Determine the total energy value taken by the girl per day. Apakah maksud nilai kalori tenaga?Tentukan jumlah tenaga yang telah diambil oleh pelajar perempuan itu sehari. [1 mark] [ 1 markah ]

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Justify whether the girl has consumed a balanced diet. Give a reason for your answer. Justifikasi samada budak perempuan itu mengambil pemakanan yang seimbang. Berikan sebab bagi jawapan anda [2 marks] [ 2 markah ] (ii) If she continues to take the same menu everyday for a long time, explain the consequences of the eating habit to the health. Jika dia meneruskan pen gambilan menu yang sama setiap hari untuk jan gkamasa yang panjang, terangkan kesan tabiat pemakanan ini terhadap kesihatnnya. [ 7 marks] [ 7 markah ]

4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh

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Diagram 7.1 shows a cross section of blood vessels X and Y in a human. Rajah .1 menunjukkan keratan rentas salur darah X dan Y manusia.

Diagram 7.1 Rajah 7.1 (a) Based on your observation in Diagram 7.1, explain the importance of the characteristics found in blood vessel X. Berdasarkan pemerhatian anda pada Rajah 7.1, terangkan kepentingan ciri yang terdapat pada salur darah X. [ 4 marks ] [ 4 markah ]

4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh

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Diagram 7. 2 shows an individual suffering from an edema caused by the failure of the lymphatic system. Edema (pembengkakan) pada sendi dan Rajah 7.2 menunjukkan seorang individu menderita edema disebabkan kaki kegagalan dalam system limfa.

Diagram 7.2 Rajah 7.2 Based on your knowledge of biology, explain how edema can happen. Berdasarkan pen getahuan Biologi anda, terangkan bagaimana terjadinya edema. [ 6 marks ] [ 6 markah]

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Individuals P was given two injections to acquire immunity. The level of antibodies in the blood of individual P is shown in Diagram 7.3 Individu P diberi dua suntikan untuk memperolehi keimunan. Aras antibody dalan darah individu P ditunjukkan oleh Rajah 7.3

1s t injection 2n d injection

Diagram 7.3 Rajah 7.3 (i) Based on diagram 7.3, explain the immunity given to individual P. Berdasarkan Rajah 7.3 , terangkan keimunan yang diperolehi oleh individu P [ 6 marks] [ 6 markah]

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A boy was unconscious after being beaten by a snake. In the hospital he was given, an injection of antiserum. Seorang budak lelaki tidak sedarkan diri setelah dipatuk ular. Semasa dirawat di hospital, budak itu diberi suntikan antiserum.

Explain how the injection of antiserum could save the boy. Terangkan bagaimana suntikan antiserum dapat men yelamatkan budak itu. [4 marks] [4 markah]

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8 (a)

Diagram 8 shows the knee-jerk reflex in human. Rajah 8 menunjukkan reflek sentakan lutut pada manusia.

Diagram 8 Rajah 8 (i) Neurone Neurone

Based on the Diagram 8, explain how the knee-jerk reflex occurs. Berdasarkan Rajah 8, terangkan bagaimana reflek sentakan lutut terjadi. Reflex hammer Tukul refleks [ 8 marks ] [ 8 markah ] A person met with an accident and one of the neurones at the area marked X is Leg jerking forward permanently damaged. Kaki tersentak ke depan Explain what will happen if his knee is tapped with a reflex hammer again. Seorang ditimpa kemalangan dan satu daripada neuron di kawasan bertanda X men galami kerosakan kekal. Terangkan apa yang akan berlaku sekiranya lutut diketuk semula dengan tukul reflek. [ 4 marks ] [ 4 markah]

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29 SULIT 4551/2

(b) Describe the transmission of information across a synapse. Terangkan pen ghantaran maklumat melalui sinaps

[8 marks] [ 8 markah]

9 (a) Diagram 9.1 shows the environmental pollution that caused by an emission of smoke. Rajah 9.1 menunjukkan pencemaran alam sekitar yang disebabkan oleh pembebasan asap.

Diagram 9.1 Rajah 9.1 Based on your biology knowledge, explain the effects of this pollution to the environment and suggest measures to be taken to reduce this pollution. Berdasarkan pen getahuan biologi anda, terangkan kesan-kesan pencemaran ini terhadap alam sekitar serta cadangkan langkah-langkah yang boleh diambil untuk men ggurangkan pencemaran ini.

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[10 marks] [10 markah] (b) Diagram 9.2 shows an activity carried out near residential area with the intention to develop the area. However, the residents are worried about the bad effects of the activity. Rajah 9.2 menunjukkan aktiviti yang dilakukan berhampiran satu kawasan perumahan dengan hasrat untuk membangunkan kawasan itu. Walaubagaimanapun, penduduk di kawasan tersebut bimbang tentang kesan buruk daripada aktiviti itu.

Diagram 9.2 Rajah 9.2 If you were a resident of the area, discuss the good and bad effects of the activity Jika anda pendudukk di kawasan itu, bincangkan kesan baik dan kesan buruk aktiviti tersebut. [ 10 marks ] [10 markah ] END OF QUESTION PAPER KERTAS SOALAN TAMAT 4551/2 2011 Hak Cipta Sekolah Berasrama Penuh [Lihat halaman sebelah SULIT

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