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federal register

July 1, 1997

Part IV

Department of
34 CFR Part 685
William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan
Program; Final Rule

35602 Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 126 / Tuesday, July 1, 1997 / Rules and Regulations

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION because these factors are based on more Dated: June 25, 1997.
recent data. Richard W. Riley,
34 CFR Part 685 Waiver of Proposed Rulemaking Secretary of Education.
RIN 1840–AC43 The Secretary amends Part 685 of title
In accordance with section 437 of the 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations as
William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan General Education Provisions Act, 20 follows:
Program U.S.C. 1232, and the Administrative
Procedure Act, 5 U.S.C. 553, it is the PART 685—WILLIAM D. FORD
AGENCY: Department of Education. practice of the Secretary to offer FEDERAL DIRECT LOAN PROGRAM
ACTION: Final regulations. interested parties the opportunity to 1. The authority citation for part 685
comment on proposed regulations. continues to read as follows:
SUMMARY: These regulations contain
However, the changes in this document
revised income percentage factors for Authority: 20 U.S.C. 1087a et seq., unless
do not establish any new rules but
the income contingent repayment plan, otherwise noted.
simply update the income percentage
a repayment plan available in the 2. Appendix A to part 685 is revised
factors used in the income contingent
William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan to read as follows:
repayment plan, as required under 34
(Direct Loan) Program. In addition,
CFR 685.209(a)(8), and revise sample Appendix A to part 685—Income
these regulations contain updated
repayment information accordingly. Contingent Repayment
sample income contingent repayment
Therefore, the Secretary has determined
amounts for single and married or head- Examples of the Calculation of Monthly
that publication of a proposed rule is
of-household borrowers at various Repayment Amounts
unnecessary and contrary to the public
income and debt levels. Example 1. A single borrower with $12,500
interest under 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(B). For
EFFECTIVE DATE: These regulations take the same reasons, the Secretary waives of Direct Loans, 8.25 percent interest rate,
effect July 1, 1997. the 30-day delayed effective date under and an adjusted gross income (AGI) of
5 U.S.C. 553(d). Step 1: Determine annual payments based
Rachel Edelstein, Program Specialist, on what the borrower would pay over 12
Direct Loan Policy, Policy Development Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
years using standard amortization. To do
Division, U.S. Department of Education, These regulations have been this, multiply the principal balance by the
Room 3053, ROB–3, 600 Independence examined under the Paperwork constant multiplier for 8.25 percent interest
Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20202– Reduction Act of 1995 and have been (0.1315452). The constant multiplier is a
5400. Telephone: (202) 708–8242. factor used to calculate amortized payments
found to contain no information at a given interest rate over a fixed period of
Individuals who use a collection requirements.
telecommunications device for the deaf time. (See the constant multiplier chart
Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification below to determine the constant multiplier
(TDD) may call the Federal Information
you should use for the interest rate on the
Relay Service (FIRS) at 1–800–877–8339 loan. If the exact interest rate is not listed,
between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern time, The Secretary certifies that these
regulations will not have significant use the next highest for estimation purposes.)
Monday through Friday. ■ 0.1315452×12,500=1,644.315
economic impact on a substantial
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Step 2: Multiply the result by the income
number of small entities. The
regulations are amended to revise the regulations will affect borrowers who percentage factor shown in the income
income percentage factors and sample are in repayment and will not affect percentage factor table that corresponds to
repayment amount information in final the borrower’s income (if the income is not
institutions participating in the Direct listed, you can calculate the applicable
regulations in Appendix A to 34 CFR Loan Program. The Regulatory
Part 685, published on June 19, 1996 (61 income percentage factor by following the
Flexibility Act does not include instructions under the interpolation heading
FR 31358). individuals in its definition of ‘‘small below):
The Secretary has revised the table in entities’’. Thus, the changes will not ■ 80.33% (0.8033)×1,644.315=1,320.8782
the appendix showing income have a significant economic impact on
percentage factors to reflect changes Step 3: Determine 20 percent of
any small entities under the Regulatory discretionary income. For a single borrower,
based on inflation. The revised table Flexibility Act. subtract the poverty level for a family of one,
was developed by changing the dollar as published in the Federal Register on
amounts shown by a percentage equal to Assessment of Educational Impact March 10, 1997 (62 FR 10856), from the
the estimated percentage changes in the borrower’s income and multiply the result by
Consumer Price Index for all Urban The Secretary has determined that the 20%:
Consumers from December 1996 to regulations in this document would not
■ $22,791—$7,890=$14,901
December 1997. In addition, the require transmission of information that ■ $14,901×0.20=$2,980.20
examples of the calculation of monthly is being gathered by or is available from Step 4: Compare the amount from step 2
repayment amounts and the charts any other agency or authority of the with the amount from step 3. The lower of
showing sample repayment amounts United States. the two will be the borrower’s annual
have been amended to reflect the List of Subjects in 34 CFR Part 685 payment amount. This borrower will be
updated income percentage factors. paying the amount calculated under step 2.
Administrative practice and To determine the monthly repayment
Under the updated income percentage
amount, divide the annual amount by 12.
factors, at any given income, borrowers’ procedure, Colleges and universities,
Education, Loan programs-education, ■ 1,320.8782÷12=$110.07
payments will be slightly lower than
under the income percentage factors Reporting and recordkeeping Example 2. Married borrowers repaying
requirements, Student aid, Vocational jointly under the income contingent
published in the June 19, 1996 repayment plan with a combined AGI of
regulations. These updated income education. $28,627. The husband has a Direct Loan
percentage factors more accurately (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance balance of $5,000, and the wife has a Direct
reflect a borrower’s current ability to Number 84.268 William D. Ford Federal Loan balance of $15,000. The interest rate is
repay than those previously published Direct Loan Program) 8.25 percent. This couple has no children.
Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 126 / Tuesday, July 1, 1997 / Rules and Regulations 35603

Step 1: Add the Direct Loan balances of the subtract the HHS poverty level for a family Next, find the interval between the two
husband and wife together to determine the of 2, as published in the Federal Register on income percentage factors that are given for
aggregate loan balance. March 10, 1997 (62 FR 10856), from the these incomes (for this discussion, we’ll call
■ $5,000+$15,000=$20,000 couple’s income and multiply the result by the result, the ‘‘income percentage factor
20 percent: interval’’):
Step 2 Determine the annual payments
based on what the couple would pay over 12 ■ $28,627—$10,610=$18,017 ■ 88.77—80.33=8.44
years using standard amortization. To do ■ $18,017×0.20=$3,603.40 Subtract the income shown on the chart that
this, multiply the aggregate principal balance Step 5 Compare the amount from step 3 is immediately less than $26,000 from
by the constant multiplier for 8.25 percent with the amount from step 4. The lower of $26,000:
interest (0.1315452). (See the constant the two will be the annual payment amount. ■ $26,000–$22,791=$3,209
multiplier chart to determine the constant The married borrowers will be paying the Divide the result by the number representing
multiplier you should use for the interest rate amount calculated under step 3. To the income interval:
on the loan. If the exact interest rate is not determine the monthly repayment amount, ■ $3,209÷$5,836=0.5499
listed, choose the next highest rate for divide the annual amount by 12.
Multiply the result by the income percentage
estimation purposes.) ■ 2,304.9350÷12=$192.08 factor interval:
■ 0.1315452×20,000=2,630.904 Interpolation: If your income does not ■ 0.5499×8.44=4.64
Step 3 Multiply the result by the income appear on the income percentage factor table,
Add the result to the lower income
percentage factor shown in the income you will have to calculate the income
percentage factor used to calculate the
percentage factor table that corresponds to percentage factor through interpolation. For
income percentage factor interval for $26,000
the couple’s income (if the income is not example, assume you are single and your
in income:
listed, you can calculate the applicable income is $26,000. To interpolate, you must
income percentage factor by following the first find the interval between the closest ■ 4.64+80.33=84.97%
instructions under the interpolation heading income listed that is less than $26,000 and The result is the income percentage factor
below): the closest income listed that is greater than that will be used to calculate the monthly
■ 87.61% (0.8761)×2,630.904=2,304.9350 $26,000 (for this discussion, we’ll call the repayment amount under the income
result ‘‘the income interval’’): contingent repayment plan.
Step 4 Determine 20 percent of the
couple’s discretionary income. To do this, ■ $28,627—$22,791=$5,836 BILLING CODE 4000–01–P
35604 Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 126 / Tuesday, July 1, 1997 / Rules and Regulations
Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 126 / Tuesday, July 1, 1997 / Rules and Regulations 35605
35606 Federal Register / Vol. 62, No. 126 / Tuesday, July 1, 1997 / Rules and Regulations

[FR Doc. 97–17130 Filed 6–30–97; 8:45 am]


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