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Alicia Keys Superwoman

By: Wrenae Hylton & Skylla Batista

The narrative matched the pace and the lyrics of the song Had many shots of Alicia Keys herself

Everywhere Im turning the camera rotated around Alicia Keys and her piano

I am a superwoman there was always a shot of either herself or of the other superwomen of the music video

The editing was quite slow at times, this gave time for the audience to watch and observe the different characters stories, however at times the editing did speed up to go with the beat of the song At the end Alicia Keys faded into the actual women that she was portraying. Showed the actual women, their jobs and superwoman at the bottom. The last few seconds was a collage of different women from around the world who are all superwomen, which when they came together became a mosaic of Alicia Keys and her piano

There were many close-ups of Alicia Keys of herself and as the other superwomen. There were also many close ups of her piano which is what she is known for.

Alicia Keys looks directly at the camera and points at the camera to address the audience.

Nokia Mobile Phone


Her Watch


NASA Space Launch

Mixture of all three because. Each individual character in her music video has a story line which makes it narrative, Alicia Keys also performs part of her song when she is on her piano or standing in a white room without her piano. The overall concept of the music video is addressing the different women of the world and saying that they are all great and are superwoman. Superwoman is mostly associated with women who manage a career as well as their personal life.

The background is black but the different shots in the collage have various different lighting. Some have low key lighting and some have natural lighting, others do not. They also have a mixture of shots some show the different women's surroundings and some just have close ups of the women.

The collage of different women come together to create a mosaic picture of Alicia Keys and her piano

Shows the different characters that Alicia Keys portrayed throughout the video

Slow paced editing to go with the fading out of the song at the end of the video

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