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BC 5006 Advanced Mechanics Semester A 2012/2013 Assignment (10%)

Answer Q1, Q2 and choose ONE from Q3 to Q5. Deadline: 19:00 hours, 24 September 2012


Elaborate the difference between scalar, vector and tensor. Discuss with figures if necessary, why stress and strain are not vectors. (2 marks) Write out in full each of the following, where ij is the Kronecker delta. (a) ij a j (b) ij ai b j (c) aij xi x j (d) aik bkj = ij (e) s = aij bij (f) (6 marks)


gij =

xi x j uk uk


Let be a differentiable function of xi ( i = 1, 2,3) . If xi = f i ( t ) , where f i ( t ) has continuous derivative in ( a, b ) , find d dt and express it without using the summation symbol. (2 marks) Let be a twice continuously differentiable function of xi in a domain D , and suppose


xi = gi ( u1 , u2 , u3 ) where gi is twice continuously differentiable function in D for

(2 marks)

i = 1, 2,3 . Find ui and 2 ui u j using the summation convention.

Let be a function of xi and suppose xi ji x j ( i 1, 2,3) . = = Find xi for (2 marks)


i = 1, 2,3 .

Prepared by Dr. C.W. Lim September 2012

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