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The Great Castro Valley Debate

Debate Representative Application Form

Name: Are you a Castro Valley resident? Do you have prior debate experience?

Age: Yes Yes No Some high school High School Diploma Some College/Associates Bachelors Degree Masters Degree Ph.D. Professional Degree Other (Explain below) No

Please check your highest educational level:

What ethnic group(s) do you identify with? This information is used purely for statistics and does not affect your application. Black or African-American East Indian/Pakistani Other Caucasian/White Hispanic /Latino Decline to State Asian/Pacific Islander Native American

Which issue do you wish to represent and what stance are you taking on it? Limit your answer to 3 sentences. Type your response here.

What makes you uniquely qualified to represent this stance (e.g. education, social circumstances, life experience, etc.)? Make sure we understand your motivation and qualifications for defending your stance. Limit your response to 250 words. Type your response here.

If you have prior experience in debate, politics, or other similar venture, please elaborate below. Limit your response to 6 sentences. If you have no experience, type Not applicable. Type your response here.

Whats the coolest thing youve done recently? Limit your response to 3 sentences. Type your response here.

If you had four hours of free time with absolutely no responsibilities whatsoever, what would you do? Limit your response to 3 sentences. Type your response here.

Chocolate chip or Oatmeal Raisin? Do you think youre awesome?

Chocolate Chip Heck Yeah!

Oatmeal Raisin Definitely!

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