Diederich Basic Practice

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Paul B.

Diederich's Basic Vocabulary of Ancient and Medieval Latin

Scope: In 1939 Paul B. Diederich published a paper titled "The frequency of Latin words and their endings". In this paper Diederich listed the frequency of Latin words in three anthologies covering ancient Latin prose and poetry and medieval Latin. From these words he chose the most frequent ones, i.e. those used more than twenty times, to create a "basic vocabulary" divided into various categories for easier memorization. According to him, this basic vocabulary enables the reader to recognize 83.6 percent of the vocabulary of these anthologies (excluding proper names and certain words important almost entirely in medieval literature). Note: Words which must be distinguished are marked by the abbreviation "d."

I. Nouns and Related Words ..................................................................................2 II. Pronouns ....................................................................................................... 12 III. Verbs and Related Words ............................................................................... 13 IV. Adjectives and Related Words ......................................................................... 25 V. Adverbs.......................................................................................................... 30 VI. Interjections .................................................................................................. 32 VII. Conjunctions ................................................................................................ 32 VIII. Prepositions and Prefixes ............................................................................. 33

19 December 2011 (2nd edition)

Carolus Raeticus


I. Nouns and Related Words

1. Gods
deus, -, m. - dea, -ae, f. - dvnus, -a, -um - dvus, -a, -um - dves, -itis [d.] nympha, -ae, f. religi, -nis, f. templum, -, n. ra, -ae, f. vts, -is, mf. vtum, -, n. - dvove, -re, -vv, -vtum nmen, -inis, n. ftum, -, n. - fortna, -ae, f. - sors, sortis, f. god - goddess - divine - divine - rich [d.] Nymph religion temple altar prophet, soothsayer, poet vow, prayer - to devote divine will or power, divinity fate - fortune - lot, luck

2. Time
tempus, -oris, n. aets, -tis, f. - aevum, -, n. - saeculum, -, n. aests, -tis, f. - aestus, -s, m. [d.] vr, vris, n. - vernus, -a, -um hiem(p)s, hiemis, f. annus, -, m. mnsis, -is, m. - mnsa, -ae, f. [d.] dis, -, m. nox, noctis, f. - nocturnus, -a, -um - tenebrae, -rum, f. (pl.) - umbra, -ae, f. - somnus, -, m. - somnium, -, n. hra, -ae, f. mora, -ae, f. - moror, -ri, -tus sum time age - age - age; century summer - heat, tide, wave, storm [d.] spring - spring-like, vernal winter, storm year month - table [d.] day night - nightly - darkness - shade, shadow - sleep - dream hour delay - (dep.) to delay, linger


3. Sky
mundus, -, m. - mundus, -a, -um [d.] - orbis, -is, m. - caelum, -, n. caelestis, -e - caeruleus, -a, -um - polus, -, m. sdus, -eris, n. - stlla, -ae, f. - astrum, -, n. sl, slis m. r, eris, m. - aes, aeris, n. [d.] aethr, -eris, m. aura, -ae, f. - auris, -is, f. [d.] - aurum, -, n. [d.] ventus, -, m. nbs, -is, f. tempests, -tis, f. - imber, -bris, m. (gen. pl. -ium) nix, nivis, f. (gen. pl. -ium) - niveus, -a, -um world, universe, heavenly body - neat, clean [d.] - circle, world - sky heavenly - blue - pole of the earth, sky star, constellation, season - star, planet - star sun air - copper, brass, money [d.] upper air, heaven air, breeze - ear [d.] - gold [d.] wind cloud season, weather, tempest - shower, storm snow - snowy

4. Fire
ignis, -is, m. incendium, -, n. - accend, -ere, -cend, -cnsum flamma, -ae, f. cinis, -eris, m. fax, facis, f. focus, -, m. fire big fire - to light a fire, kindle flame ashes fire-brand, torch hearth, fireplace

5. Water
aqua, -ae, f. - aequor, -oris, n. mare, -is, n. - pontus, -, m. - pns, pontis, m. [d.] - pelagus, -, n. ra, -ae, f. - rpa, -ae, f. - ltus, -oris, n. aestus, -s, m. - aests, -tis, f. [d.] - unda, -ae, f. sinus, -s, m. fretum, -, n. gurges, -itis, m. water - water, sea sea - the deep, sea - bridge [d.] - sea, ocean shore - bank (of river) - shore, beach tide, wave, storm, heat - summer [d.] - wave bay, gulf, curve, fold strait whirlpool


rvus, -, m. - amnis, -is, m. lacus, -s, -m. (dat./abl. pl. -ubus) fns, fontis, m. pns, pontis, m. - pontus, -, m. [d.] nvis, -is, f. - ratis, -is, f. - classis, -is, f. - vlum, -, n.

stream - stream lake spring, fountain bridge - sea [d.] ship, boat - raft, boat - fleet, class - sail

6. Earth
terra, -ae, .f - tells, -ris, f. - humus, -, f. rs, rris, n. - rsticus, -a, -um ager, agr, m. - agricola, -ae, m. - arvum, -, n. - campus, -, m. prtum, -, n. mns, montis, m. rps, -is, f. collis, -is, m. valls, -is, f. - saltus, -s, m. - antrum, -, n. saxum, -, n. - lapis, -idis, m. - marmor, -oris, n. aes, aeris, n. - r, eris, m. [d.] aurum, -, n. - aura, -ae, f. [d.] - auris, -is, f. [d.] - aureus, -a, -um - ferrum, -, n. earth, land - earth, soil - ground, soil the country(side) - rural, rustic field, land - farmer - ploughed or sown field - plain, field meadow mountain cliff, rock hill valley - dale, ravine, glade - cave stone, rock - stone, jewel - marble copper, brass, money - air [d.] gold - air, breeze [d.] - ear [d.] - golden - iron

7. Plants
silva, -ae, f. - nemus, -oris, n. - lcus, -, m. - lctus, -s, m. [d.] arbor, -oris, f. frns, frondis, f. - frns, frontis, f. [d.] - folium, -, n. rmus, -, m. rbur, -oris, n. palma, -ae, f. forest - wood, grove - sacred grove - grief [d.] tree foliage - forehead [d.] - leaf branch oak, strength palm (tree and hand)


grmen, -inis, n. - herba, -ae, f. hortus, -, m. smen, -inis, n. seges, -etis, f. messis, -is, f. - mnsis, -is, m. [d.] - mnsa, -ae, f. [d.] fls, -ris, m. - flre, -re, -u, -- sertum, -, n. rosa, -ae, f. laurus, - (or -s), f. llium, -, n.

grass - grass, plant, herb garden seed crop, hedge harvest, crop - month [d.] - table [d.] flower - to flower - garland of flowers, wreath rose laurel lily

8. Food
cibus, -, m. epulae, -rum, f. (pl.) fams, -is, f. - fma, -ae, f. [d.] mnsa, -ae, f. - mnsis, -is, m. [d.] - messis, -is, f. [d.] pculum, -, n. vnum, -, n. pmum, -, n. mel, mellis, n. food banquet, feast hunger - report, rumor, fame [d.] table - month [d.] - harvest [d.] cup wine fruit honey

9. Animals
animal, -lis, n. grex, gregis, m. - gregius, -a, -um - pecus, -oris, n. - pecus, -udis, f. - pecnia, -ae, f. equus, -, m. - eques, -itis, m. bs, bovis, mf. (gen. pl. boum; dat/abl. pl. bbus/bbus) taurus, -, m. iuvencus, -, m. ovis, -is, f. corn, -s, n. canis, -is, mf. (abl. sg. -e, gen. pl. canum) lupus, -, m. le, -nis, m. avis, -is, f. - les, -itis, m. - penna, -ae, f. serpns, -entis, mf. - anguis, -is, mf. animal flock, herd - outstanding - cattle - one head of cattle, beast - money horse - horseman, man of the middle class cow bull young bull or cow, ox sheep horn, wing of an army dog wolf lion bird - winged thing, bird - feather snake - snake


piscis, -is, m.


10. People
populus, -, m. - plbs, -is, f. - vulgus, -, n. - vulg, -re, -v, -tum - turba, -ae, f. - turb, -re, -v, -tum gns, gentis, f. - genus, -eris, n. - gign, -ere, genu, genitum hom, -inis, m. - hmnus, -a, -um vir, vir, m. - virts, -tis, f. - vs (sg. only acc. vim, abl. v; pl. vrs, -ium), f. [d.] mulier, -eris, f. - fmina, -ae, f. puer, puer, m. - puella, -ae, f. adulscns, -entis, mf. virg, -inis, f. senex, -is, mf. - senects, -tis, f. - sentus, -s, m. familia, -ae, f. parns, -entis, mf. - pari, -ere, peper, partum (paritrus) - par, -re, -v, -tum [d.] - pre, -re, -u, -itrus (with dat.) [d.] pater, -tris, m. - patria, -ae, f. mter, -tris, f. frter, -tris, m. soror, -ris, f. prls, -is, f. flius, -, m. - flia, -ae, f. (dat./abl. pl. flibus) gener, -er, m. neps, -tis, m. dominus, -, m. - domina, -ae, f. prnceps, -ipis, m. - prncipium, -, n. socius, -, m. - comes, -itis, mf. vcnus, -, m. - hospes, -itis, m. hrs, -dis, mf. minister, -tr, m. - famulus, -, m. people - common people, lowest class of free men in Rome - the crowd, common herd - to publish, announce, make public - mob, throng, tumult - to disturb, throw into confusion, rout clan, breed, class - race, birth, kind - give birth to man as opp. to animal - human man as opp. to woman - courage - violence, force [d.] woman - woman, female boy - girl young man/woman virgin, maiden old man - old age - senate family parent - to give birth - to prepare [d.] - to obey, appear [d.] father - fatherland mother brother sister offspring son - daughter son-in-law nephew, descendant master - mistress a chief - origin, beginning ally, friend - comrade, companion neighbor - stranger, guest heir servant - servant, slave


barbarus, -, m. pauper, -eris, m.

foreigner, barbarian poor man, pauper

11. Body
corpus, -oris, n. caput, -itis, n. coma, -ae, f. - capillus, -, m. - crnis, -is, m. facis, -, f. - vultus, -s, m. frns, frontis, f. - frns, frondis, f. [d.] oculus, -, m. s, ris, n. - os, ossis, n. [d.] - sculum, -, n. dns, dentis, m. lingua, -ae, f. gena, -ae, f. cervx, -cis, f. - collum, -, n. pectus, -oris, n. cor, cordis, n. sanguis, -inis, m. tergum, -, n. bracchium, -, n. gremium, -, n. manus, -s, f. - dexter, -t(e)ra, -t(e)rum - sinister, -tra, -trum - laevus, -a, -um - palma, -ae, f. - digitus, -, m. ps, pedis, m. - impedi, -re, -v, -tum - expedi, -re, -v, -tum - pedes, -itis, m. - passus, -s, m. - vestgium, -, n. membrum, -, n. - frma, -ae, f. - frmsus, -a, -um - figra, -ae, f. - specis, -, f. - img, -inis, f. - habitus, -s, m. - vestis, -is, f. body head hair - a hair - hair, looks form, figure, face, manner - face, expression, look forehead - foliage [d.] eye mouth - bone [d.] - a kiss tooth tongue cheek neck - neck chest heart blood the back arm lap, embrace hand - right hand - left hand - left - palm (hand and tree) - finger foot - to hinder - to set free, set forth, explain, be useful to - foot soldier - pace - footstep, trace limb, member - form, face, manner - beautiful - form, shape, figure - appearance, idea, kind - image, idea, ghost - condition or appearance of the body, dress - clothing


12. Mind
animus, -, m. - anima, -ae, f. - mns, mentis, f. - rati, -nis, f. - ingenium, -, n. memoria, -ae, f. - memor, -is - memor, -re, -v, -tum - memin, -isse - oblvscor, -, obltus sum sponte (abl., gen. spontis very rare), f. mind, soul, courage, will - breath, life, soul - mind, intellect - reason, theory - genius, talent, nature memory - mindful - to remind, mention - to remember - (dep.) to forget of one's free will

13. Feelings
ra, -ae, f. - rscor, -, -- furor, -ris, m. - odium, -, n. fids, -e, f. - fidlis, -e - fdus, -a, -um - cnfd, -ere, -fsus sum sps, -e, f. - spr, -re, -v, -tum - dspr, -re, -v, -tum clmentia, -ae, f. dliciae, -rum, f. (pl.) anger - to become angry - anger, madness - hatred faith, trust - faithful - faithful - trust, confide hope - to hope - to despair mercy, clemency pleasure, pet, darling

14. Talk
serm, -nis, m. clmor, -ris, m. - clm, -re, -v, -tum tumultus, -s, m. - tumulus, -, m. [d.] murmur, -uris, n. rmor, -ris, m. iocus, -, m. a talk outcry, clamor, shout - to cry out tumult - mound [d.] a murmur a rumor a joke

15. Writing
verbum, -, n. littera, -ae, f. - litterae, -rum, f. (pl.) epistula, -ae, f. versus, -s, m. fbula, -ae, f. historia, -ae, f. c(h)arta, -ae, f. titulus, -, m. lyra, -ae, f. word letter (of alphabet) - writing; letter letter verse, line of poetry story history sheet of papyrus title, inscription lyre


chorus, -, m. pota, -ae, m. auctor, -ris, mf. ars, artis, f.

chorus, dance poet author art

16. Work and Play

labor, -ris, m. - lbor, lb, lpsus sum [d.] - labr, -re, -v, -tum - opus, -eris, n. negtium, -, n. - merx, -cis, f. - pretium, -, n. - ops, opis, f. tium, -, n. - quis, -tis, f. - quisc, -ere, -v, -tum labor, work - (dep.) to fall [d.] - to work - a work business - merchandise, wares - price - resources, power, help leisure, rest - rest, quiet - to rest, be quiet

17. City and Buildings

urbs, urbis, f. via, -ae, f. - obvius, -a, -um - iter, itineris, n. mrus, -, m. turris, -is, f. (acc. sg. -im, abl. sg. -i) domus, -s, f. - vlla, -ae, f. lmen, -inis, n. inua, -ae, f. aula, -ae, f. columna, -ae, f. thalamus, -, m. - torus, -, m. city street - in the way of - road, journey wall tower home - country house, estate threshold door hall, palace column bedroom - couch, knot

18. Military
mles, -itis, m. - mlitris, -e - mlitia, -ae, f. cohors, -tis, f. legi, -nis, f. - lgtus, -, m. arma, -rum, n. (pl.) - arm, -re, -v, -tum - tlum, -, n. gladius, -, m. - nsis, -is, m. arcus, -s, m. - sagitta, -ae, f. arx, arcis, f. moenia, -ium, n. (pl.) soldier - military, of a soldier - military service cohort, company of soldiers legion, regiment - commander of a legion, military officer, ambassador arms - to arm - weapon sword - sword a bow - arrow citadel, high fortified part of a city walls, ramparts


castra, -rum, n. (pl.) - castellum, -, m. bellum, -, n. - proelium, -, n. - impetus, -s, m. px, pcis, f. sgnum, -, n. - sgnific, -re, -v, -tum victor, -ris, m. - victria, -ae, f. - vinc, -ere, vc, victum - vinci, -re, vinx, vinctum [d.] triumphus, -, m. praeda, -ae, f. hostis, -is, mf. custs, -dis, mf. - custdia, -ae, f. praesidium, -, n. perculum, -, n. auxilium, -, n.

camp - fortress war - battle - attack peace sign, standard, banner - indicate victor - victory - to conquer - to bind [d.] triumph booty enemy guardian, sentinel - care, custody a guard, garrison, help peril, danger help

19. Government
cvis, -is, mf. - cvlis, -e - cvits, -tis, f. is, iris, n. - istitia, -ae, f. - istus, -a, -um - iniria, -ae, f. - idex, -icis, m. - idicium, -, n. - ls, ltis, f. (gen. pl. -ium) - lx, lgis, f. carcer, -eris, m. forum, -, n. cria, -ae, f. prvincia, -ae, f. corna, -ae, f. citizen - civil, civic - state right, law - justice - just - injustice, injury - judge - trial, judgment - contention, controversy, suit - law prison forum, public square senate house, court, curia province crown

20. Social Approval

fs, n. (indecl.) - nefs, n. (indecl.) ms, mris, m. decus, -oris, n. mnus, -eris, n. praemium, -, n. honor (or hons), -ris, m. - honestus, -a, -um laus, -dis, f. - laud, -re, -v, -tum fma, -ae, f. (what is) right, lawful - (what is) wrong, unlawful custom honor, ornament duty, office, favor, reward reward distinction, honor - honorable, distinguished praise, esteem - to praise report, rumor, fame


- fams, -is, f. [d.] - glria, -ae, f. grtia, -ae, f. - grtus, -a, -um - ingrtus, -a, -um

- hunger [d.] - fame, renown, glory charm, grace, favor, thanks, for the sake of - pleasing - not pleasing

21. Evil
clds, -is, f. lctus, -s, m. - lcus, -, m. [d.] lacrima, -ae, f. scelus, -eris, n. fraus, -dis, f. culpa, -ae, f. frtum, -, n. nsidiae, -rum, f. (pl.) vennum, -, n. error, -ris, m. - err, -re, -v, -tum crmen, -inis, n. poena, -ae, f. vulnus, -eris, n. - vultus, -s, m. [d.] verber, -eris, n. - verber, -re, -v, -tum destruction grief - grove [d.] a tear crime fraud, deceit fault, blame theft ambush, treachery poison error, mistake - to wander, stray accusation, charge punishment, penalty wound - face, expression [d.] lash, blow - to lash

22. Death
mors, -tis, f. - mortuus, -a, -um - mortlis, -e - morior, mor, mortuus sum - morbus, -, m. ltum, -, n. - nex, necis, f. fnus, -eris, n. - rogus, -, m. - sepulcrum, -, n. - sepeli, -re, -pelv, -pultum - tumulus, -, m. - tumultus, -s, m. [d.] - monumentum, -, n. mns, -ium, m. (pl.) death - dead - mortal - (dep.) to die - disease death, destruction - slaughter funeral, ruin - funeral pyre - tomb, sepulchre - to bury - mound, grave - tumult [d.] - monument shades, spirits of the dead

23. Abstractions and Unclassified

ntra, -ae, f. causa, -ae, f. mteria, -ae, f. rs, re, f. pondus, -eris, n. - mls, -is, f. nature cause material thing, affair, matter weight - mass, heap


onus, -eris, n. - oner, -re, -v, -tum cpia, -ae, f. locus, -, m. (pl. -a, -rum, n.) - loc, -re, -v, -tum - situs, -s, m. spatium, -, n. vta, -ae, f. vs (sg. only acc. vim, abl. v; pl. vrs, -ium), f. - vir, vir, m. [d.] vicis (gen. sg.), vicem (acc. sg.), vice (abl. sg.) fnis, -is, m. - fni, -re, -v, -tum - initium, -, n. modus, -, m. qumodo exemplum, -, n. rd, -inis, m. condici, -nis, f. discrmen, -inis, n. pars, partis, f. nm (nllus, nmin, nminem, nll) nihil or nl (indecl.) numerus, -, m. - numer, -re, -v, -tum nmen, -inis, n. - nmin, -re, -v, -tum color, -ris, m. odor, -ris, m. rota, -ae, f.

burden - to load, burden supply, stores place - to place - site space life force, violence, strength - man [d.] change, in turn end, finish; (pl.) territory - to end, finish - a beginning manner, way in what way, how? example order, class in society condition turning point, crisis, dividing line a part no one nothing number - to number, count name - to name color odor wheel

II. Pronouns
eg (ego) - m - mcum - meus, -a, -um - mihi ns - nbs - noster, -tra, -trum t - t - tcum - tuus, -a, -um - tibi vs - vbs - vester, -tra, -trum s or ss I - me - with me - my - to me we, us - us, to us - our you (singular) - you (acc. sg.) - with you (sg.) - your (sg.) - to you (sg.) you (plural) - you, to you (pl.) - your (pl.) himself, herself, itself, themselves (refers to subject)


- scum - sibi - suus, -a, -um alius, -a, -ud (gen. alterus, dat. ali/alter) - alinus, -a, -um - aliter - alter, -era, -erum (gen. alterus, dat. alter) - alternus, -a, -um - cterus, -a, -um hic, haec, hoc ille, illa, illud is, ea, id

- with him, her, it, them - to him, her, it, them - his, her, its, their other, another - stranger, foreigner - otherwise - the other - alternate - the rest (pl.) others this, he, she, it that, he, she, it this or that (not so definite as <hic> or <ille>, and used chiefly to refer to something or someone already mentioned); he, she, it same your, this or that of yours himself, herself, itself, themselves, that very (for emphasis) which, which of two, one of two - each of two, both who, which - to whom, to which someone, something whoever, whatever a certain one or thing anyone or thing you please who then? what then? anybody, anything everyone, everything, each whoever, whatever

dem, eadem, idem iste, ista, istud ipse, ipsa, ipsum uter, utra, utrum - uterque, utraque, utrumque qu, quis - cui aliquis, aliquid qucumque, quaecumque, quodcumque qudam, quaedam, quiddam (subst., quoddam, adj.) qulibet, quaelibet, quidlibet (subst., quodlibet, adj.) quisnam, quidnam quisquam, quidquam/quicquam quisque, quaeque, quidque (subst., quodque, adj.) quisquis, quidquid/quicquid (subst., quodquod, adj.)

III. Verbs and Related Words

1. Verbs Which Express or Affect the Location of the Subject
e, re, i (v), itum - abe, -re, -i, -itum - ade, -re, -i, -itum - circume, -re, -i, -itum - exe, -re, -i, -itum - ine, -re, -i, -itum - obe, -re, -i (-v), -itum - pere, -re, -i, -itum - praetere, -re, -i, -itum - rede, -re, -i, -itum - sube, -re, -i, -itum - trnse, -re, -i, -itum pet, -ere, -v (-i), -tum - repeto, -ere, -v (-i), -tum perg, -ere, perrx, perrctum proper, -re, -v, -tum curr, -ere, cucurr, cursum - concurr, -ere, -(cu)curr, -cursum to go - to go away - to go toward, approach - to go around - to go out, leave - to go into, enter upon - to go against, die - to perish - to pass over, omit - to return - to go under, approach, follow - to go through to go after, seek, ask - to seek again, repeat to go on, continue, proceed to hasten, hurry to run - to run together


- occurr, -ere, -(cu)curr, -cursum - cursus, -s, m. - currus, -s, m. flu, -ere, flx, flxum - flmen, -inis, n. - fluvius, -, m. - flctus, -s, m. veni, -re, vn, ventum - adveni, -re, -vn, -ventum - adventus, -s, m. - conveni, -re, -vn, -ventum - veni, -re, -vn, -ventum - inveni, -re, -vn, -ventum - perveni, -re, -vn, -ventum cd, -ere, cess, cessum - accd, -re, -cess, -cessum - concd, -re, -cess, -cessum - dcd, -re, -cess, -cessum - discd, -re, -cess, -cessum - excd, -re, -cess, -cessum - incd, -re, -cess, -cessum - prcd, -re, -cess, -cessum - recd, -re, -cess, -cessum vd, -ere, --, -vd, -ere, -vs, -vsum vadum, -, n. vagus, -a, -um fugi, -ere, fg, fugitrus - fuga, -ae, f. vt, -re, -v, -tum - vitium, -, n. appre, -re, -u, (-itrus) late, -re, -u, -iace, -re, -u, -- iaci, -ere, ic, iactum [d.] incumb, -ere, -cubu, -cubitum - cuble, -is, n. cad, -ere, cecid, csrus - accid, -ere, -cid, -- incid, -ere, -cid, -- csus, -s, m. lbor, lb, lpsus sum labor, -ris, m. [d.] ru, -ere, ru, rutum (ruitrus) - runa, -ae, f. surg, -ere, surrx, surrctum orior, orr, ortus sum - exorior, -orr, -ortus sum ascend, -ere, -end, -nsum dscend, -ere, -scend, -scnsum st, stre, stet, statum (statrus) - ast, astre, astit, -- cnst, -stre, -stit, -sttrus

- to run against, occur - course, race - chariot to flow - river - river - wave to come - to come toward - arrival - to come together - to come out, happen - to come upon, find - to come through, arrive to go, yield, give up - to approach - to go away, withdraw - to depart, die - to depart - to go away, go beyond, exceed - to advance, enter - to go forward, proceed - to go back recede to go, walk, hasten to go out, escape, result shallow, shoal, ford, bottom wandering, unsettled to flee - flight, fleeing, escape to avoid, shun - vice to appear to be hidden, escape notice to lie (e.g. on ground) - to throw [d.] to lie upon, apply to - bed, lair to fall - to happen - to fall on, meet - fall (dep.) to fall, slip labor [d.] to fall, be ruined, rush - ruin, fall rise (dep.) to rise, begin - to rise up, rise from to ascend to descend to stand - to stand by, assist - to exist, consist, continue, be certain


- nst, -stre, -stit, -sttrus - obst, -stre, -stit, -sttrus - praest, -stre, -stit, -stitum (-sttrus) sede, -re, sd, sessum - resd, -ere, -sd, -sessum - sds, -is, f. (gen. pl. -um) mane, -re, mns, mnsum habit, -re, -v, -tum occup, -re, -v, -tum intr, -re, -v, -tum - intr gredior, -, gressus sum - ingredior, -, ingressus sum penetr, -re, -v, -tum tang, -ere, tetig, tctum - conting, -ere, -tig, -tctum haere, -re, haes, haesum sequor, -, sectus sum - cnsequor, -, -sectus sum - persequor, -, -sectus sum - secundus, -a, -um comitor, -ar, -tus sum

- to stand on, follow closely, press - to stand in the way of, block - to stand before, show to sit - to sit down, sink down - seat to remain to live in, inhabit to seize, occupy to enter - inside of, within (dep.) to go out - (dep.) to go in, enter, begin to penetrate, enter to touch - to touch, concern, happen to stick, cling to, stand still (dep.) to follow - (dep.) to follow, obtain - (dep.) to follow, pursue, punish - following, second, favorable (dep.) to accompany, follow

2. Verbs Which Affect the Location of the Object

move, -re, mv, mtum - remove, -re, -mv, -mtum fer, ferre, tul, ltum - affer, afferre, attul, alltum - aufer, auferre, abstul, abltum - cnfer, cnferre, contul, colltum - dfer, dferre, dtul, dltum - differ, differre, distul, dltum - effer, efferre, extul, ltum - nfer, nferre, intul, illtum - offer, offerre, obtul, obltum - perfer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum - praefer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum - prfer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum - refer, referre, rettul, reltum trnsfer, -ferre, -tul, -ltum port, -re, -v, -tum - portus, -s, m. - porta, -ae, f. veh, -ere, vx, vectum ger, gerere, gess, gestum toll, -ere, sustul, subltum trah, -ere, trx, tractum - dtrah, -ere, -trx, -tractum - tract, -re, -v, -tum dco, -ere, dx, ductum - addc, -ere, -dx, -ductum - ddco, -ere, -dx, -ductum to move - to remove to bring, carry - to bring to - to carry away - to bring together - to carry down, report - to scatter - to bring out, utter - to bring on, attack - to offer, place before - to carry through - to carry before, show, prefer - to bring forth, advance - to bring back, report, it matters, it is important to transfer, convey, change to carry - port - gate to carry, bear to carry, carry on to lift, remove to drag, draw, take - to take down or away, lower, humiliate - to drag, handle, manage to lead, draw - to lead towards - to lead down, accompany


- dco, -ere, -dx, -ductum - redco, -ere, -dx, -ductum - dux, ducis, m. mitt, -ere, ms, missum - admitt, -ere, -ms, -missum - mitt, -ere, -ms, -missum - committ, -ere, -ms, -missum - dmitt, -ere, -ms, -missum - permitt, -ere, -ms, -missum - prmitt, -ere, -ms, -missum - remitt, -ere, -ms, -missum mand, -re, -v, -tum - commend, -re, -v, -tum pell, -ere, pepul, pulsum - expell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum - impell, -ere, -pul, -pulsum - puls, -re, -v, -tum ag, -ere, g, ctum - agit, -re, -v, -tum - agmen, -inis, n. cg, -ere, cog, coctum - exig, -ere, -g, -ctum - perag, -ere, -g, -ctum - urge, -re, urs, -iaci, -ere, ic, iactum - adici, -ere, -ic, -iectum - dici, -ere, -ic, -iectum - inici, -ere, -ic, -iectum - obici, -ere, -ic, -iectum - prici, -ere, -ic, -iectum - subici, -ere, -ic, -iectum - trici, -ere, -ic, -iectum - iact, -re, -v, -tum - ictus, -s, m. - iace, -re, -u, -- [d.] d, dare, ded, datum - add, -ere, -did, -ditum - circumd, -dare, -ded, -datum - prd, -ere, -did, -ditum - redd, -ere, -did, -ditum - subd, -ere, -did, -ditum - trd, -ere, -did, -ditum - dn, -re, -v, -tum - dnum, -, n. praebe, -re, -bu, -bitum tribu, -ere, -u, -tum pn, -ere, posu, positum - appn, -ere, -posu, -positum - compn, -ere, -posu, -positum - dpn, -ere, -posu, -positum - impn, -ere, -posu, -positum - prpn, -ere, -posu, -positum iung, -ere, inx, inctum

- to lead out, raise up - to lead back, reduce - leader to send, send forth or away, throw - to send to, let go, admit - to send away, lose - to begin, entrust to - to send away, stop - to permit, give up, throw - to promise, send forward - to send back, concede, grant to entrust to, command - to entrust to, recommend to drive, strike - to drive out, expel - to drive upon, push forward - to strike, beat, knock to do, drive, act - to drive about, vex, consider, observe - column of soldiers, band to force - to demand, require, exact - to finish, relate, go through - to urge, drive on, press to throw - to throw at - to throw down - to throw into or on - to throw against, oppose, expose - to throw forward - to throw under, place under, subdue - to throw across, bring across - to throw about, boast, discuss - blow, stroke, accent (of verse) - to lie (e.g. on ground), recline [d.] to give, offer, put - to add, give to, place - to surround, put around - to bring forth, betray - to give back, return - to put under, subdue, substitute - to give up, hand over, communicate - to (give as) present - gift, present to offer, furnish, give to give as a share, attribute to place, put, lay - to pleace near, put to - to put together, compose, arrange - to put down, put aside - to put upon or in - to put forward, propose to join, unite, connect


- iugum, -, n. - coniung, -ere, -inx, -inctum - coninx (coniux), -iugis, mf. - martus, -, m. - uxor, -ris, f. nect, -ere, nex(u), nexum fg, -ere, fx, fxum misce, -re, miscu, mixtum merg, -ere, mers, mersum pend, -ere, pepend, pnsum - suspend, -ere, -pend, -pnsum - pende, -re, pepend, -- impende, -re, --, -indu, -ere, -u, -tum ed, -ere (or sse), d, sum - d, -ere, -did, -ditum [d.] bib, -ere, bib, -hauri, -re, haus, haustum fund, -ere, fd, fsum - effund, -ere, -fd, -fsum lb, -re, -v, -tum capi, -ere, cp, captum - accipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum - concipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum - dcipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum - excipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum - incipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum - percipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum - recipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum - suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum - captvus, -a, -um rapi, -ere, rapu, raptum - corripi, -ere, -ripu, -reptum - ripi, -ere, -ripu, -reptum carp, -ere, carps, carptum dprehend, -ere, -end, -nsum sm, -ere, smps, smptum - cnsm, -ere, -smps, -smptum em, emere, m, mptum habe, -re, -u, -itum - adhibe, -re, -u, -itum - prohibe, -re, -u, -itum posside, -re, -sd, -sessum tene, -re, tenu, tentum - contine, -re, -tinu, -tentum - obtine, -re, -tinu, -tentum - pertine, -re, -tinu, -- retine, -re, -tinu, -tentum - sustine, -re, -tinu, -tentum relinqu, -ere, -lqu, -lictum - reliquus, -a, -um - linqu, -ere, lqu, -dser, -ere, -seru, -sertum

- yoke - to join together - mate, wife, husband - husband - wife to tie, fasten, connect to fix, fasten, attach, transfix to mix, mingle to dip, immerse, sink to hang, weigh, consider, pay - to suspend, hang up - to hang, depend on - to overhang to put on, assume to eat - to give out, publish [d.] to drink to empty, draw out to pour, scatter - to pour out to pour a libation, sacrifice, touch, take from to get, take - to accept - to conceive, catch, receive - to deceive - to except, take out, take up - to begin - to perceive - to take back, recover, receive - to undertake - captive to seize, snatch, grab - to seize, lay hold of - to snatch away, rescue to pluck to catch, perceive to take, select, assume - to consume, spend to buy to have, hold - to apply - to prohibit to possess to hold - to hold together, contain - to obtain - to pertain - to retain - to sustain to leave, abandon - remaining - to leave, depart to desert, forsake


vend, -ere, -did, -ditum pand, -ere, pand, passum (pnsum) nstru, -ere, -strx, -strctum stern, -ere, strv, strtum sparg, -ere, -rs, -rsum quati, -ere, --, quassum (perf. -cuss only in composita) vert, -ere, -rt, -rsum - vert, -ere, -vert, -versum - adversus, -a, -um - convert, -ere, vert, -versum - dversus, -a, -um - revertor, -, reversus sum (or revert, -ere, -vert) - vertex (or vortex), -icis, m. - vers, -re, -v, -tum volv, -ere, volv, voltum aperi, -re, -ru, -rtum - comperi, -re, -per, -pertum - experior, -r, expertus sum - operi, -re, -eru, -ertum - reperi, -re, repper, repertum claud, -ere, claus, clausum

to sell to spread out, expand, explain to arrange, furnish, draw up in order of battle, instruct to strew, lay low, cover scatter to shake to turn, change, overthrow - to turn away, avert - turned away, adverse, hostile - to convert, turn towards - turned apart, different, diverse - to turn back, return - the top - to turn around, be engaged in to roll, revolve, ponder open - to find out - to try - to cover - to find out to close

3. Verbs Which Express or Affect the State of the Subject

sum, esse, fu, futrum absum, abesse, fu, futrus adsum (assum), adesse, -fu (affu), -futrus (affutrus) dsum, deesse, dfu prsum, prdesse, prfu supersum, superesse, superfu futrus, -a, -um possum, posse, potu potns, potentis potentia, -ae, f. potests, -tis, f. potis, -e potior, -ius potissimum mere, -re, -u, -itum nscor, -, ntus sum - ntus, -, m. (nta, -ae, f.) vv, -ere, vx, vctrus - vivus, -a, -um - convvium, -, n. spr, -re, -v, -tum - spritus, -s, m. exsist (exist), -ere, -stit, -stitum crsc, -ere, crv, crtum - auge, -re, aux, auctum abund, -re, -v, -tum pate, -re, -u, -to be to be away, be absent to be present to be lacking to be useful or advantageous to, profit to be over and above, survive, remain about to be, the future to be able, can powerful power power able preferable, rather chiefly, above all to merit, deserve (dep.) to be born, spring from, arise - offspring, child to live, be alive - alive, lively - banquet, feast to breathe, blow, inspire - spirit, breath to arise, come into existence to increase, grow - to cause to increase, strengthen to abound, overflow to be open, be clear, extend


vire, -re, -u, -- viridis, -e palle, -re, -u, -rube, -re, -u, -rde, -re, rs, rsum - rdor, -ris, m. - arduus, -a, -um r, -ere, uss, ustum fulge, -re, fuls, -- fulmen, -inis, n. lce, -re, lx, -- lcidus, -a, -um - lmen, -inis, n. - lna, -ae, f. - lx, lcis, f. mic, -re, -u, -nite, -re, -u, -- nitidus, -a, -um care, -re, -u, -itrus - ege, -re, -u, -parc, -ere, peperc (pars), parsrus vac, -re, -v, -tum - vacuus, -a, -um dormi, -re, -v, -tum imitor, -r, -tus sum - simul, -re, -v, -tum - simulcrum, -, n.

to be green, vigorous, youthful - green to be pale to be red, blush to burn, glow, desire, be in love - heat, ardor - steep, difficult to burn up to shine - thunderbolt to be bright, be daylight, be clear or evident - bright, clear, lucid - light - moon - light to shine, sparkle, vibrate to shine, be brilliant, be sleek - shining, handsome, polished to be without, lack, miss, want - to be without, be in need, be destitute, be poor to spare, be moderate or frugal, refrain from to be empty, be free of, be at leisure - empty, free from, unoccupied to sleep (dep.) to imitate, copy - to make like, represent, feign, simulate - likeness, portrait, statue

4. Verbs Which Affect the State of the Object

mt, -re, -v, -tum flect, -ere, flex, flexum torque, -re, tors, tortum tend, -ere, tetend, tentum (tnsum) - intend, -ere, -tend, -tentum - ostend, -ere, -tend, -tentum (-tnsum) ter, -ere, trv, trtum percuti, -ere, -cuss, -cussum prem, -ere, press, pressum - opprim, -ere, -press, -pressum reg, -ere, rx, rctum - drig, -ere, -rx, -rctum - rig, -ere, -rx, -rctum - porrig, -ere, -rx, -rctum - rctus, -a, -um - rx, rgis, m. - rgn, -ae, f. - rgius, -a, -um - regi, -nis, f. - rgn, -re, -v, -tum - rgnum, -, n. vinci, -re, vinx, vinctum - vinculum, -, n. to change to bend to twist, torture to stretch, tend, contend - to aim, intend, direct, be intent on - to show to rub, wear to strike press, pursue - to oppress, press down, crush to rule, direct, govern - to direct, guide - to erect, raise, lift - to extend, stretch out - straight, right - king - queen - royal - region - to reign, rule - kingdom to bind - bond, fastening, chain


cing, -ere, cinx, cinctum solv, -ere, solv, soltum - absolv, -ere, -solv, -soltum dvid, -ere, -vs, -vsum teg, -ere, tx, tctum - tctum, -, n. ping, -ere, pnx, pictum temper, -re, -v, -tum ex(s)tingu, -ere, -nx, -nctum torre, -re, torru, tostum excit, -re, -v, -tum - citus, -a, -um exerce, -re, -u, -itum - exercitus, -s, m. par, -re, -v, -tum - compar, -re, -v, -tum - pre, -re, -u, -itrus [d.] - pari, -ere, peper, partum (paritrus) [d.]

to gird, surround to loosen, untie - to absolve, acquit, free to divide, separate, distinguish to cover - roof, dwelling to paint, stain, dye, color to be temperate, refrain from, temper extinguish to heat, parch, burn excite, arouse - quick to exercise, train, use, practice - army to prepare - to prepare, compare - to obey [d.] - to give birth [d.]

5. Constructive Activities
faci, -ere, fc, factum - affici, -ere, -fc, -fectum - cnfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum - dfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum - effici, -ere, -fc, -fectum - interfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum - perfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum - praefici, -ere, -fc, -fectum - prfici, -ere, -fc, -fectum - refici, -ere, -fc, -fectum - suffici, -ere, -fc, -fectum - f, fier (fer), factus sum - facilis, -e - officium, -, n. fing, -ere, fnx, fictum cond, -ere, -did, -ditum cre, -re, -v, -tum tor, t, sus sum - sus, -s, m. - sus est - tilis, -e - tilits, -tis, f. rn, -re, -v, -tum lav, -re, lv, lautum (lavtum) psc, -re, pv, pstum - pstor, -ris, m. al, -ere, alu, altum (alitum) - almus, -a, -um - altus, -a, -um col, -ere, colu, cultum cultus, -s, m. mni, -re, -v, -tum to make, do - to affect, influence - to finish, get, weaken, destroy - to fail, revolt - to bring about, effect - to kill - to accomplish, complete - to put in charge of - to make progress, help - to make again, restore - to suffice, put under, supply - to be made, become - easy - office, duty to conceive, fashion, make, feign to build, found, keep, conceal to create (dep.) to use - use, experience - it is necessary - useful - usefulness to ornament, honor, equip to wash, bathe to feed, eat, graze - shepherd to nourish, support - foster, kind - tall, deep to cultivate, live in, study, pay attention or respect to cultivation, worship to fortify, build, protect, strengthen


dfend, -ere, -end, -nsum servi, -re, -v, -tum - servitium, -, n. - servus, -, m. - serv, -re, -v, -tum

to defend to serve, be a slave to - slavery, service - slave - to save

6. Destructive Activities
noce, -re, -u, -itum caed, -ere, cecd, caesum - caeds, -is, f. occd, -ere, -cd, -csum laed, -ere, laes, laesum lacer, -re, -v, -tum feri, -re, --, -- (as perfect use c or percti) - fer, ferre, tul, ltum [d.] pgn, -re, -v, -tum - corrump, -ere, -rp, -ruptum frang, -ere, frg, frctum negleg, -ere, -lx, lctum perd, -ere, -did, -ditum pecc, -re, -v, -tum damn, -re, -v, -tum - damnum, -, n. to harm, injure to kill, cut - slaughter to kill, die to injure to lacerate, wound to strike - to bear [d.] to fight - to corrupt, destroy to break to neglect, disregard to ruin, destroy, lose to sin, err, commit a crime to condemn, sentence - damage, injury

7. Verbs Affecting Other Verbs

oportet, -re, -uit dbe, -re, -u, -itum decet, -re, decuit licet, -re, -uit (licitum est) cnor, -r, -tus sum tempt, -re, -v, -tum coep, coepisse, coeptum cess, -re, -v, -tum to must, ought to be obliged, owe, ought it is fitting, proper it is permitted, may (dep.) to try to try, attempt to begin to stop, cease, be idle

8. Vocal Activities
dc, -ere, dx, dictum - indic, -re, -v, -tum i, ais, ait, aiunt inquam, inquis, inquit, inquiunt loquor, -, loctus sum - loquentia, -ae, f. fateor, -r, fassus sum - cnfiteor, -r, -fessus sum narr, -re, -v, -tum nnti, -re, -v, -tum - nntius, -, m. responde, -re, -spond, -spnsum quaer, -ere, -sv, -stum - queror, -, questus sum - requr, -ere, -sv, -stum to say, tell - to indicate, make known to say to say (few other forms) (dep.) to talk, speak, say - eloquence (dep.) to confess, admit - (dep.) to confess, acknowledge to tell, relate to announce - messenger to respond, answer to ask, inquire, beg, try to get - (dep.) to complain, bewail - to ask for, need


rog, -re, -v, -tum r, -re, -v, -tum - rti, -nis, f. - rtor, -ris, m. precor, -r, -tus sum - prex, precis, f. (mostly used in pl., in sg. only. dat., acc., abl.) cnsul, -ere, -lu, -ltum - cnsilium, -, n. - cnsul, -is, m. mone, -re, -u, -itum hortor, -ri, -tus sum iube, -re, iuss, iussum imper, -re, -v, -tum - impertor, -ris, m. - imperium, -, n. vet, -re, -u, -itum neg, -re, -v, -tum ir, -re, -v, -tum can, -ere, cecin, cantum - cant, -re, -v, -tum - cantus, -s, m. - carmen, -inis, n. son, -re, -nu, -nitum - sonus, -, m. - sonitus, -s, m. voc, -re, -v, -tum - revoc, -re, -v, -tum - vx, vcis, f. appell, -re, -v, -tum sile, -re, -u, -- silentium, -, n. tace, -re, -u, -itum - tacitus, -a, -um

to demand, entreat to speak, pray, beg - oration, speech - orator, speaker (dep.) to pray, beg, curse - prayers, curse to consult, consider - plan, consultation, wisdom - consul (head of Roman government) to advise, warn (dep.) to urge, exhort, encourage to order, command to order, command - commander, emperor - an order, right to command to forbid, prevent to deny, say no to swear to sing, play a musical instrument, prophesy - to sing, play - song, poetry - poem to sound, resound, shout - sound, noise - sound, noise to call - to call back - voice to name, call by name to be silent - silence to be silent - silent, secret

9. Mental and Sensory Operations

vide, -re, vd, vsum - invide, -re, -vd, -vsum - invidia, -ae, f. - vs, -ere, vsi, -cern, -ere, crv, crtum - dcern, -ere, -crv, -crtum tueor, -r, tuitus sum (ttus sum) - intueor, -r, -tuitus sum - ttus, -a, -um spect, -re, -v, -tum - exspect, -re, -v, -tum - aspici, -ere, -spex, -spectum - cnspici, -ere, -spex, -spectum - dspici, -ere, -spex, -spectum - respici, -ere, -ex, -ectum - suscipi, -ere, -cp, -ceptum to see - to envy - envy - to look at, come to see, call upon to distinguish, decide - to decree, resolve (dep.) to look at, look after, guard - to gaze at - safe to look at - to wait for, expect - to look at - to catch sight of, perceive - to look down on, despise - to look back, reflect - to look up to, look upwards, suspect


audi, -re, -v, -tum - auris, -is, f. - aura, -ae, f. [d.] - aurum, -, n. [d.] vigil, -re, -v, -tum senti, -re, sns, snsum - snsus, -s, m. - sententia, -ae, f. intelleg, -ere, -lx, lctum sci, scre, scv (sci), sctum nesci, -re, -v, -tum nsc, -ere, nv, ntum - agnsc, -ere, agnv, agnitum - cognsc, -ere, -gnv, -gnitum cnse, -re, -su, -sum reor, rr, ratus sum - reus, -, m. crd, -ere, -did, -ditum cgit, -re, -v, -tum - cgitti, -nis, f. put, -re, -v, -tum - arbitror, -r, -tus sum - exstim, -re, -v, -tum statu, -ere, -u, -tum - cnstitu, -ere, -u, -tum - nstitu, -ere, -u, -tum dstin, -re, -v, -tum sin, -ere, sv, situm dsin, -ere, si, situm vol, velle, volu, -- nl, nlle, nlu, -- ml, mlle, mlu, -- volunts, -tis, f. - volupts, -tis, f. - vol, -re, -v, -tum [d.] - volucer, -cris, -cre; (as subst.) volucris, -is, f. cnsusc, -ere, -suv, -sutum - assusc, -ere, -suv, -sutum - cnsutd, -inis, f. sole, -re, solitus sum disc, -ere, didic, -- disciplna, -ae, f. doce, -re, docu, doctum leg, -ere, lg, lctum - collig, -ere, -lg, -lctum - lig, -ere, -lg, -lctum scrb, -ere, scrps, scrptum gnr, -re, -v, -tum fall, -ere, fefell, -- (falsus mostly only used as adj.; dceptus serves as PPP) - fallx, -cis - falsus, -a, -um

to hear - ear - air, breeze [d.] - gold [d.] to watch, be awake to feel, perceive, think - sense, feeling - opinion, thought, sentence to understand, know to know to not know, be ignorant of to become aquainted with, recognize, know - to perceive, recognize, acknowledge - to become aquainted with, perceive, recognize, know to give an opinion, think, vote, take a census, estimate, censor (dep.) to think, suppose, judge - accused person, defendant in a trial to believe, think to consider, reflect, think - cogitation, reflection to think, suppose, reckon - (dep.) to think, judge - to think, judge, decide to decide, think, stand, set up - to establish, determine, appoint - to establish, arrange, decide, introduce to settle, resolve, aim, make fast to permit, allow to stop, cease to wish, be willing - to be unwilling, not wish - to prefer - wish, consent - pleasure - to fly [d.] - flying, a bird to be used to, accustomed to - accustomed to - custom to be accustomed to to learn - training, discipline to teach to read, select - to collect - to elect, select to write to not know, be ignorant of to fool, deceive, escape notice, be mistaken - deceitful, false - false


dubit, -re, -v, -tum - dubius, -a, -um

to doubt, hesitate - doubtful, hesitant

10. Favor
am, -re, -v, -tum - amor, -ris, m. - amcitia, -ae, f. - amcus, -, m. - inimcus, -a, -um fove, -re, fv, ftum complector, -, complexus sum nb, -ere, nps, nuptum cr, -re, -v, -tum - cra, -ae, f. - scrus, -a, -um dlig, -ere, -lx, -lctum - dligns, -entis - dlctus, -a, -um prob, -re, -v, -tum plaud, -ere, plaus, plausum fave, -re, fv, fautum mror, -r, -tus sum - mrus, -a, -um celebr, -re, -v, -tum veneror, -ri, -tus sum libet, -re, libuit (libitum est) - libns, -entis - libd, -inis, f. place, -re, -u, -itum - placidus, -a, -um iuv, -re, iv, itum - iuvenis, -is, mf. (gen. pl. -um) - iuventa, -ae, f. - iuvents, -tis, f. fruor, fru, frctus sum (fruitus sum) - frctus, -s, m. - frx, frgis, f. (mostly pl.) gaude, -re, gvsus sum - gaudium, -, n. rde, -re, rs, rsum ld, -ere, ls, lsum - ldus, -, m. salve, -re, --, -- salv (sg.), salvte (pl.) - sals, -tis, f. - salvus, -a, -um vale, -re, -u, -itrus - validus, -a, -um dsder, -re, -v, -tum - dsderium, -, n. opt, -re, -v, -tum to love - love - friendship - friend - enemy, unfriendly to cherish, keep warm (dep.) to embrace, surround, grasp to marry to care for, take care of, cure - care, anxiety - free from care, secure to love, like, esteem - diligent - beloved, dear to approve, prove, show to applaud to favor, help (dep.) to wonder, be astonished, admire - wonderful, astonishing to celebrate, visit frequently or in large numbers, throng, honor, make known (dep.) to venerate, worship it pleases, is agreeable - willing - desire, lust to please, be agreeable - placid, gentle to please, delight, help - youth, young man or woman - youth - youth (dep.) to enjoy - fruit, enjoyment, profit - fruit, produce to rejoice - joy to laugh to play - game, school to be well (used chiefly in greeting) - like our hello! - safety, health - safe, sound to be strong, prevail, goodbye - strong to desire, long for, miss, lose - a desire to desire


cupi, -ere, -v, -tum - cupd, -inis, f. - cupidus, -a, -um stude, -re, -u, -- studium, -, n. - studisus, -a, -um aude, -re, ausus sum - audx, -cis cert, -re, -v, -tum - certmen, -inis, n.

to desire, yearn - a desire - eager, fond, greedy to be eager, zealous, strive for, want - study, zeal, fondness - eager, diligent, studious to dare - daring, bold to struggle, contend - a struggle, contest

11. Disfavor
cave, -re, cv, cautum time, -re, -u, -- timor, -ris, m. vereor, -r, veritus sum metu, -ere, -u, (-tum) - metus, -s, m. horre, -re, -u, -- horridus, -a, -um terre, -re, -u, -itum - terror, -ris, m. patior, -, passus sum dole, -re, dolu, dolitrus - dolor, -ris, m. maere, -re, -u, -- maestus, -a, -um fle, -re, -v, -tum pude, -re, -u, -- pudor, -ris, m. resist, -ere, -stit, -spern, -ere, sprv, sprtum contemn, -ere, -ps, -ptum to beware, watch out for to be afraid - fear (dep.) to fear, revere to fear - fear, dread to shudder, bristle - rough, shuddering, horrible to frighten, terrify - terror, fear (dep.) to suffer, endure to suffer pain, grieve - grief, pain to be sad, mourn - sad to weep, cry to be ashamed, cause shame, disgrace - shame to resist, oppose, stand to spurn, despise to despise, hold in contempt

IV. Adjectives and Related Words

1. Size
magnus, -a, -um - mior, mius - maximus, -a, -um - magis - magnitd, -nis, f. - magister, -tr, m. largus, -a, -um grandis, -e immnsus, -a, -um ingns, -gentis tantus, -a, -um quantus, -a, -um big, great, large - bigger, greater - biggest, greatest - more, rather - greatness, magnitude - master, teacher plentiful, liberal, generous great, large, grand immense huge, vast so great, so much how great, how much (following <tantus>, as)


altus, -a, -um ltus, -a, -um - latus, -eris, n. [d.] parvus, -a, -um (comp. minor, superl. minimus) - minor, minus - minimus, -a, -um - parum exiguus, -a, -um tenuis, -e longus, -a, -um brevis, -e gravis, -e levis, -e - lev, -re, -v, -tum amplus, -a, -um modicus, -a, -um

tall, high, deep broad, wide - side [d.] little, small - smaller, less - smallest, least - too little, less very little, tiny thin, weak long short heavy, serious light - to raise ample, large moderate

2. Number
aequus, -a, -um pr, paris - pariter quot (indecl.) omnis, -e - cnctus, -a, -um - ttus, -a, -um - tot (indecl.) - niversus, -a, -um multus, -a, -um - pls, plris - plrimus, -a, -um - multitd, -inis, f. paucus, -a, -um (class. only pl. pauc, -ae, -a) - paulus, -a, -um rrus, -a, -um nllus, -a, -um - llus, -a, -um nus, -a, -um - nicus, -a, -um - singul, -ae, -a - slus, -a, -um - slitd, -inis, f. - prmus, -a, -um - prior, prius duo, duae, duo - geminus, -a, -um trs, trs, tria - ter - tertius, -a, -um qurtus, -a, -um qunque (indecl.) sex (indecl.) septem (indecl.) equal, fair, just equal, like - in like manner, alike how many? all - all, the whole - whole, entire, all - so many - whole (lit. turned into one) much, many - more - most - multitude, large number few, scarce - little, small rare, few, scattered none, no - any one - only, sole, unique - single, one at a time - only, alone, sole - solitude - first - former, prior two - double, twin three - three times - third fourth five six seven


oct (indecl.) novem (indecl.) decem (indecl.) centum (indecl.) mlle (sg. indecl., pl. mlia, -ium n.)

eight nine ten hundred thousand

3. Texture Density
cer, cris, cre - acis, -, f. firmus, -a, -um - firm, -re, -v, -tum mollis, -e - lnis, -e - lentus, -a,- um - mtis, -e - tener, -era, -erum plnus, -a, -um - comple, -re, -v, -tum - exple, -re, -v, -tum - imple, -re, -v, -tum innis, -e - vnus, -a, -um - cavus, -a, -um dnsus, -a, -um - crber, -bra, -brum - frequns, -entis liquidus, -a, -um sharp, keen, brave - line of battle firm, strong - to strengthen soft - gentle - slow - mild - tender full - to fill up - to fill up - to fill up empty - empty, void, vain - hollow dense, thick - thick, frequent - crowded, numerous liquid

4. Appearance
albus, -a, -um - candidus, -a, -um niger, -gra, -grum - ter, tra, trum obscrus, -a, -um purpureus, -a, -um pulcher, -chra, -chrum pinguis, -e ndus, -a, -um white - shining white black - black, dark dark, obscure purple beautiful rich, fat bare, nude

5. Position
celsus, -a, -um - sublmis, -e medius, -a, -um plnus, -a, -um nferus, -a, -um - nfernus, -a, -um humilis, -e profundus, -a, -um extrmus, -a, -um scrtus, -a, -um lofty, high - high, exalted, sublime in the middle of plain, level, flat lower, lower world, dead - lower, lower world low, humble deep, profound last, extreme, end secret


prvtus, -a, -um - pblicus, -a, -um - rs pblica, re pblicae, etc. - commnis, -e - proprius, -a, -um

private - public - the state - common - one's own, special

6. Time
aeternus, -a, -um - immortlis, -e - perpetuus, -a, -um vetus, -eris - vetusts, -tis, f. - antquus, -a, -um - prscus, -a, -um - mtrus, -a, -um novus, -a, -um - recns, -entis - praesns, -entis - assiduus, -a, -um celer, -eris, -ere - vlx, -cis - rapidus, -a, -um - citus, -a, -um tardus, -a, -um eternal - immortal - perpetual old - age, antiquity - ancient, old - former, ancient - mature, ripe new - recent - present - constant, steady swift - swift, rapid - rapid, violent, devouring - quick slow, late

7. Favorable
bonus, -a, -um - bene - bengnus, -a, -um - melior, -ius - optimus, -a, -um pius, -a, -um - piets, -tis, f. - impius, -a, -um fortis, -e nbilis, -e lber, -era, -erum - lberlis, -e - lber, -re, -v, -tum - lberts, -tis, f. - liber, -br, m. [d.] - libellus, -, m. sapins, -entis - sapientia, -ae, f. - snus, -a, -um ntus, -a, -um - not, -re, -v, nottum - gntus, -a, -um - clrus, -a, -um - praecipuus, -a, -um - nsgnis, -e good - well - kind - better - best dutiful, God-fearing, pious - virtue, piety, devotion - impious, godless brave, strong noble free - suitable to a freeman, generous, noble - to set free - liberty - book [d.] - little book wise - wisdom - sane, healthy noted, known - to mark, note - unknown - famous - special, distinguished - distinguished, outstanding


dgnus, -a, -um - dgnits, -tis, f. - dgnor, -r, -tus sum - indgnus, -a, -um vrus, -a, -um - vr flx, -cis - nflx, -cis - betus, -a, -um - laetus, -a, -um - sernus, -a, -um - contentus, -a, -um prosper(us), -era, -erum - dves, -itis (gen. pl. -um) - dvitiae, -rum, f. (pl.) - ds, dtis - ber, -eris dulcis, -e - suvis, -e - blandus, -a, -um - crus, -a, -um - icundus, -a, -um - commodus, -a, -um prus, -a, -um - merus, -a, -um - integer, -gra, -grum - castus, -a, -um sacer, -cra, -crum - sacerds, -tis, mf. - snctus, -a, -um - sollemnis, -e - fstus, -a, -um

worthy - dignity - (dep.) to consider worthy - unworthy WAHR - in truth, really happy, fortunate - unhappy, unfortunate - blessed - joyful - serene, fair weather - contented prosperous, fortunate - rich - wealth - rich - rich, abundant; (as noun) udder sweet - sweet, pleasant - flattering, tempting - dear - joyful, jolly - easy, convenient, obliging, fit pure - pure, unmixed - whole, upright - chaste sacred, holy - priest - holy, sacred, saint - solemn - sacred, festive

8. Unfavorable
malus, -a, -um - vlis, -e - foedus, -a, -um - turpis, -e - improbus, -a, -um crdlis, -e - ferus, -a, -um - fer [d.] - saevus, -a, -um - drus, -a, -um - sevrus, -a, -um - asper, -era, -erum - drus, -a, -um - vstus, -a, -um miser, -era, -erum - miseror, -r, -tus sum - trstis, -e - anxius, -a, -um bad - vile, common, worthless - foul, filthy - disgraceful, base - bad, wicked cruel - fierce, wild, savage - almost [d.] - raging, violent - dire, horrible - severe, strict - rough, harsh - hard, harsh, enduring - ruined, laid waste poor, wretched - (dep.) to pity - sad - anxious


- sollicitus, -a, -um aeger, -gra, -grum - fessus, -a, -um - lassus, -a, -um caecus, -a, -um - stultus, -a, -um - rudis, -e avidus, -a, -um - invtus, -a, -um

- worried, agitated sick - tired, exhausted - weary, languid blind - stupid - rude, rough, uncultivated greedy, eager, avid - unwilling

9. Unclassified
tlis, -e - qulis, -e necesse (only used with esse) - necessits, -tis, f. similis, -e simplex, -icis varius, -a, -um aptus, -a, -um certus, -a, -um - incertus, -a, -um vehemns, -entis frgidus, -a, -um - frgus, -oris, n. such - as, what sort of necessary - necessity, need, relationship like, similar simple varied apt, fitting, fastened to certain - uncertain vehement, violent cold, frigid - cold (noun)

V. Adverbs
1. Time
lim quondam nper (superl. nperrim) simul iam nunc prtinus (prtenus) statim subit repente mox mne crs tandem dnique numquam - umquam (unquam) quoti(n)s semel iterum rrsus (rrsum) once, formerly once, sometime recently at the same time now, already now, already immediately immediately, on the spot suddenly suddenly soon early, in the morning tomorrow finally, at last finally, at last never - ever how many times once again back, again


bis saepe di semper sque interim - intere - interdum quand - aliquand tum - tunc

twice often for a long time always even, up to, continuously meanwhile - meanwhile - meanwhile when - sometimes, at some time then - then

2. Place
hc - hinc - hc - adhc ib (ibi) - ibdem (ibidem) illc - illc inde - deinde penitus fors passim procul ub (ubi) qu unde - undique here - from here, hence - to this place, hither - up to this time there - in the same place there, at that place - thither, to that place thence, from that place - thereupon, then, next deeply outdoors, not at home everywhere, here and there far off, at a distance where (in) where (to) whence, from where - everywhere, on all sides

3. Cause Manner
cr - qur (qu r) erg - igitur - ide sc - scut (scut) ita - itaque - item tam - tamquam quam - quamvs satis nimis why - why, wherefore, on what account therefore, then, so - therefore, then, so - therefore, then, so thus, so, in this manner - as, just as so, thus - and so, therefore - also, likewise, in like manner so, so far, so much, to such a degree - as, as if, just as how, in what way, how much, than, as - as much as you please, ever so much, exceedingly, however much enough too much


- nimius, -a, -um plrumque frstr

- too much, too great, too long for the most part, generally in vain

4. Adversative
nn - haud - nndum nve (neu) - nve ... nve (neu ... neu) forsitan paene - fer - ferus, -a, -um [d.] vix modo saltem mm tamen not - not at all - not yet and not, nor - neither, nor perhaps almost - almost - wild [d.] hardly, scarcely only, sometimes at least rather (contradicting a previous statement as not being strong enough) nevertheless, however, yet

VI. Interjections
ecce heu (heu or eheu) i sclicet quippe look! see! alas! too bad! hurrah! O of course, to be sure certainly, by all means

VII. Conjunctions
et - -que etiam quoque atque (ac) at sed aut autem vel - vel ... vel - -ve - velut (velut) nam (or namque as a stronger variant) enim quidem and - (attached to a word) and even, also, yet, again also and, and also but but or however, on the contrary or - either ... or - (attached to a word) or - as, just as for a long time for, indeed indeed, at least


- qudam, quaedam, quiddam (subst., quoddam, adj.) [d.] an nec (neque) n - -ne ut (ut) - utinam cum dum dnec quoniam quia quod quamquam s - sve (seu) - sve ... sve - quasi - nis (nisi) - ets qun

- someone [d.] whether, or and nor, nor lest, that...not, not - (attached to a word) sign of a question, translated only by changing the English word-order to question form that, in order that - O that! would that! when, since, although (as prep., with) while until since because because although if - or if - whether ... or - as if - unless - although lest, that ... not, rather

VIII. Prepositions and Prefixes

ante - ante prae - praeter - praetere pr - prope - proximus, -a, -um - propinquus, -a, -um propter - ob ad in inter apud circum - circ contr super - supr - superior, -ius - suprmus, -a, -um - super, -re, -v, -tum - superbus, -a, -um sub - nfr before (in time) - before before, in front of, on account of - besides, beyond, more than, except - besides, further for, before, in place of, in proportion to - near - nearest - near, neighboring near, on account of - on account of, towards, at, in the way of to, toward in, at, on (as prefix somtimes means not) (prep. with acc.) between, among, amid at, near, at the house of, in the words of around - about, in the neighborhood of against, opposite over, above, more than - over, above, more than - higher, upper, former - highest, last - to overcome, conquer - proud, arrogant below, under, (of time), about, just before - below, beneath


per extr sine (ab) d ultr - ulterior, -ius - ultimus, -a, -um (ex) post - poste - postquam - posterus, -a, -um - postrmus, -a, -um con- (com-) disre- (red-) trns- (tr-)

through outside of without from, away from from, down from, concerning beyond, on the other side of - farther, beyond - farthest, last out of, from after - afterwards - after - later, the following, the future - last (prefix) together (prefix) apart, not (prefix) back, again (prefix) across


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