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Elements of successful human resource management to address age diversity at the workplace

Ahmad Radzi Yusof (2011504177)

Mohd Hamirul Bin Mohd Puad (2011355359)

Diversity - variety that exists in the workplace and the social environment Diversity in the workplace can be referred as a broad range of human qualities component to make the organization succeed, but it is a vital factor.

Age Diversity at Workplace

The employees of all ages are asset for the organization and add tremendous value to the organization. develop effective strategies to retain and retrain their best employees whether the employees are young, midlife or older the age diversity is important components in the future for the organization to compete with other organization

Age Related
Older Employees/Traditionalist/Veterans

Baby Boomers
Generation X Generation Y

Aging And Productivity

Age, interrelations with training

Age, experience and learning

Age, productivities and wages

Age, interrelations with training

One of the common notions about the older employees is the belief that most of this group of aged people is not interested in training training costs Literatures discrimination

Age, experience and learning

determinants in evaluating determinants of job performance Dilemma between keeping out old workforce to secure productivity, or utilize talents that have been built up Many old employees like to continue working when they reach retirement age,

Age, productivities and wages

The most common wage differentials could be based on different levels of schooling or experience (Dostie 2011). productivity is the issue in relating the wages rate, wages can be defined by other factors than individual contribution to the firms value-added, including the role of unions, uncertainty about new workers productivity, etc.

Human Resource Management

Learning, training and development practice
The age limits must be removed for access to learning and training opportunities give opportunity to older employees to progress their career or change their job

Flexible working arrangements

flexibility of the working hours, the places where the employee work, the employees access to technology, the professional development

Waging strategies
Based on productivity

Eliminate stereotypes

Understand the needs of older employees

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