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Analysing posters

The names of the main actors are found on the top of the poster. The surnames are found in pink to show how the film is mainly targeted at girls. The title is situated in the middle of the poster to catch the audiences attention. The girl in the title is a different colour to the rest of the title to emphasize how left out she is. The rest of the title is found in pink to yet again show how the film is targeted at girls. The main character is found at the front of the poster, her facial expression shows how deeply shes being bullied, and her mother is seen in the middle of both rivals. The dark background allows every other element on the poster to stand out more. The main character is found in the centre of the page, his facial expression and props used show us as an audience how troubled he is.

The background lets the audience know where the film is based. Using the green background makes it stand out more than any other element on the page. The 3 girls in the back show the audience how they are the bullies due to their character positioning and the way their looking at the main character. The mother is seen angry and raging and looking back at the bullies as if their lower to her. With the positioning of her arms crossed is also emphasises how furious she is with the bullies.

The cast names are found on the top of the poster. Using a white font colour allows the text to stand out behind the dark background. In the middle of the poster, a core is found in the middle of his chest, this core could show how hes the main part in the film and may have a significant meaning in the film.

At the bottom of the poster the film gives us information about the film including website, rating of the film and the distributor.

The main title of the film is sharp and spacious, which attracts the audiences eye. With the shadowy effect behind it shows the spookiness of the film.

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