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100000 Sr No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Particulars Equipment Cost Miscellaneous cost Furniture Initial Marketing Exp Preliminary & Pre Operative Exp

Contingency Working Capital Margin Cost of Project Means of Finance Promoter's equity Private investor Total Amt (Rs in Lacs) 77 1 9 5.000 11.175 4 2 109

45% 55%

49.2 60.1 109.3

1 Equipment costs 1 No of Seats Voice Call Back Office Total Seats Cost per seat Voice Call Back office Sub Total (A) 2 Desktop Cost No of Desktop Cost per desktop Sub Total (B) 3 Cost of Software Cost of Operating System per PC Cost of MS Office Per PC Total cost of Operating System Total Cost of MS Office Sub Total Total Equipment Costs 2 Miscellaneous Cost Document Mgmt System Fax Machine Lazer Printers Photo Copier Canteen Equipment Fire Fighting Equipment Speaker System Total Misc Cost 3 Furniture Area (Sq ft) Rate Per Sq. ft. Total

12 12 24 2 2.5 54 40 35000 14 8500 13500 3.40 5 9 77

1500 600 9

4 P&P Company formation (Form Filing, Company Incorporation, Partnership) Legal Expenses Consultancy Fees Establishment Expenses/Set Up Cost 1. Manpower Training & Certification expenses 2. Office Rent 3. Electircity 4. Internet Connectivity 5. Administration Total 5 Initial Marketing Exp 6 Contingency Contingency Equipment Furniture Miscellaneous Total

3 1 3

1 1 1 1 1 11 5

5% 4 0.4500 0.0500 4

$ $ $ $ $ $

No of Months Call Centre 1 10 1 1 Back Office 1 12 1 1

12 45 450 85 5 45 540 85 6 Year 1 12 341 Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Year 2 12 358 Year 3 12 376

1 Installed Capacity (Call Centre) No of Seats Rate Per Seat Per Hour in Rs.

Weeks per annum / period Days per Week No of Shifts per day No of Hours per sift Hours per Day Hours per period Utilisation factor 2 Installed Capacity (Back Office) A No of Seats (Captive) B No of Seats (Third Party) Total Rate Per Seat Per Hour in Rs.

52 6 3 8 24 89856 60%

52 6 3 8 24 89856 70%

52 6 3 8 24 89856 80%

8 4 12 394

8 4 12 413

8 4 12 434

Weeks per annum / period Days per Week No of Shifts per day No of Hours per sift Hours per Day Hours per period Utilisation factor

52 6 3 8 24 89856 60%

52 6 3 8 24 89856 70%

52 6 3 8 24 89856 80%

Revenue- Call Centre in (Rs) Lacs Revenue- Back Office in (Rs) Lacs Total

184 212 396

225 260 485

270 312 583

Expenditure Office Rent Area Rate

Sq ft Per Month Per sq. mtr

2500 31.5

Sub Total Add: Taxes Maintenance Total Office Rent Rent Salary Model Director-Call Centre Salary Pm Salary PA Director-Back Office Salary Pm Salary PA Agents for Call Centre Salary Pm Salary PA Supervisors for Call centre Salary Pm Salary PA Agents for Back office Salary Pm Salary PA Supervisors for Call centre Salary Pm Salary PA Administration Administration-Head Salary Pm Salary PA Assistants No of Persons Salary Pm Salary PA Total-Administration Marketing Marketing-Head Salary Pm Salary PA Assistants No of Persons Salary Pm Salary PA Total-Marketing Accounts/Finance Accounts/Finance-Head Increase

10% 10%

9.45 1 1 11 Year 1 Year 2 11 Year 1 Year 2 13 Year 3 Year 3 15



30000 4

33000 4

36300 4


30000 4 40 15000 72 5 12000 7 40 15000 72 5 12000 7

33000 4 40 16500 79 5 13200 8 40 16500 79 5 13200 8

36300 4 40 18150 87 5 14520 9 40 18150 87 5 14520 9

10% 10%

10% 10%

10% 10%

10% 10%


1 12000 1 2 10000 2 4

1 13200 2 2 11000 3 4

1 14520 2 2 12100 3 5


1 10000 1 2 8000 2 3

1 11000 1 2 8800 2 3

1 12100 1 2 9680 2 4

Salary Pm Salary PA Assistants No of Persons Salary Pm Salary PA Total-Accounts/Finance


10000 1 2 8000 2 3

11000 1 2 8800 2 3

12100 1 2 9680 2 4

Information Technology IT-Head Salary Pm Salary PA Assistants No of Persons Salary Pm Salary PA Total-IT Salary Add Perks Total Salary


1 10000 1 2 8000 2 3 179 45 224

1 11000 1 2 8800 2 3 197 49 246

1 12100 1 2 9680 2 4 216 54 270


Training & Recruitment Costs Training & Recruitment Costs Repirs & Maintenance Repirs & Maintenance Increase Administration Administration Marketing Marketing Utility Cost Electricity Expenses Air Conditioner Capacity Consumption Unit Rate Total Hrs Per Day Days Per Week Total Weeks Cost of AC Consumption for Computers Consumption per Computer Add: Misc Equipment No of Computers Cost of Computer System

% of salary 8% % of Gross Block 3% 10% % of Revenue 3% % of Revenue 5% 20 24 29 12 15 17 13 15 16

Basis MT Unit/MT/Per Hr Per Unit

Year 1 15 1 5 24 6 52 6

Year 2 15 1 6 24 6 52 7

Watts/Per Hr

200 10% 40 3 40 4

General Lighting Consumption Sq. Ft Cost of General Lighting


1 2500 1 2500 1

Total Electricity Cost Other Miscellaneous Expenses Other Miscellaneous Expenses Mkting Exp Written off Mkting Exp Written off Preliminary Exp Written off Preliminary Exp Written off Working Capital Requirement Current Assets Debtors-Call Centre Debtors-Back Office Total CA Current Liability Creditors Net Current Assets Margin Money Eligible Bank Finance Interest on BB for Working Capital Internet Connectivity Charges Internet Connectivity Charges Depreciation Schedule Equipment Cost Opening Balance Addition Deduction Closing Balance Depreciation Furniture Opening Balance Addition Deduction Closing Balance Depreciation Miscellaneous Opening Balance Months 1.5 1.5 Year 1 % of Revenue 3.0% Years 5 Years 5





Year 2 23 27 50 28 33 61


42 8 2 6 1

46 14 4 11 1



30 Year 1

30 Year 2


80.64 0 0 80.64 13.1

80.64 0 0 80.64 13.1


9.45 0 0 9.45 0.60

9.45 0 0 9.45 0.60



Addition Deduction Closing Balance Depreciation


0 0 1.05 0.05

0 0 1.05 0.05

Total Depreciation



Year 4 12 395

Year 5 12 415

425 229.1328

52 6 3 8 24 89856 90%

52 6 3 8 24 89856 100%

8 4 12 456

8 4 12 479

52 6 3 8 24 89856 90%

52 6 3 8 24 89856 100%

319 369 688

373 430 803

Year 4 17 Year 4

Year 5 20 Year 5

39930 5

43923 5

39930 5 40 19965 96 5 15972 10 40 19965 96 5 15972 10

43923 5 40 21961.5 105 5 17569 11 40 21961.5 105 5 17569 11

1 15972 2 2 13310 3 5

1 17569 2 2 14641 4 6

1 13310 2 2 10648 3 4

1 14641 2 2 11713 3 5

13310 2 2 10648 3 4

14641 2 2 11713 3 5

1 13310 2 2 10648 3 4 238 59 297

1 14641 2 2 11713 3 5 262 65 327






40 MT Sq FT 3 500

Year 3 15 2 6 24 6 52 10

Year 4 15 2 7 24 6 52 13

Year 5 15 2 7 24 6 52 16

40 4

40 4

40 5

2500 1

2500 1

2500 1







Year 3 34 39 73

Year 4 40 46 86

Year 5 47 54 100

52 21 5 16 2

57 29 7 21 3

64 37 9 27 3

30 Year 3

30 Year 4

30 Year 5

80.64 0 0 80.64 13.1

80.64 0 0 80.64 13.1

80.64 0 0 80.64 13.1

9.45 0 0 9.45 0.60

9.45 0 0 9.45 0.60

9.45 0 0 9.45 0.60




0 0 1.05 0.05

0 0 1.05 0.05

0 0 1.05 0.05




Profit & Loss Account Particular No of Seats Call Centre Back office Total Revenue Call Centre Back office Total Expenditure Office Rent Salary Training & Recruitment Cost Utility Costs Repairs & Maintenance Administrative Costs Marketing Internet Connectivity Charges Other Miscellaneous Exp Marketing Exp Written off Preliminary Exp written off Total Expenditure PBDIT Interest on Working Capital Depreciation Profit from Operations 30% Tax PAT OPM (%) PAT/Sales (%) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

12 12 24

12 12 24

12 12 24

12 12 24

12 12 24

184 212 396

225 260 485

270 312 583

319 369 688

373 430 803

11 224 13 10 2 12 20 30 12 1 2 337 59 1 13.72 45 13 31 15% 8%

13 246 15 12 2 15 24 30 15 1 2 375 111 1 13.72 96 29 67 23% 14%

15 270 16 15 3 17 29 30 17 1 2 417 166 2 13.72 150 45 105 28% 18%

17 297 18 18 3 21 34 30 21 1 2 463 225 3 13.72 209 63 146 33% 21%

20 327 20 22 3 24 40 30 24 1 2 513 289 3 13.72 272 82 191 36% 24%

Cash flow
Sources of Funds PAT Depreciation Increase in equity Prel. & Pre-op. exps. W/off Increase in creditors Increase in Working capital loan

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

31 14 109 3 42 6

67 14 0 3 5 5

105 14 0 3 5 5

146 14 0 3 6 6

191 14 0 3 6 6

Total inflow Application of funds Increase in Fixed assets Increase in P&P Increase in Marketing Increase in Debtors Total outflow Op. cash balance Add.: surplus/deficit Closing cash balance






91 0 11 0 5 0 50 11.14495 157 0 48 48 11.14 48 82 130

0 0 0 12.13561 12.14 130 120 251

0 0 0 13.19748 13.20 251 161 412

0 0 0 14.33519 14.34 412 206 618

Balance Sheet
Liabilities Share capital Reserves & surplus Working capital loan Creditors Total Liabilities Assets Fixed Assets Less: Depreciation Net Block Debtors Cash balance Prel. & Pre-op. expenses not w/off. Initial Marketing exp not written off Total Assets Difference

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

109 31 6 42 188

109 98 11 46 265

109 203 16 52 380

109 349 21 57 538

109 540 27 64 741

91 14 77 50 48 9 4 188 0.000

91 27 64 61 130 7 3 265 0.000

91 41 50 73 251 4 2 380 0.000

91 55 36 86 412 2 1 538 0.000

91 69 23 100 618 0 0 741 0.000

Investment by Private investor Conversion Price at PE of No of Shares on Conversion Equity Before Conversion Total Equity after Conversion at end of Year 4 PAT at the end of Year 4 Fully diluted EPS at end of Year 4 5

60.09 57 1.82 10.92627 12.74213 146.27 11.48 104 -44.13

IRR of the project Particular Outflow Investments Total Outflow Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

109 109

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

Inflow PAT Depreciation Preliminary expt written off Total Inflow Net Cash Flow IRR 31 14 3 14 -95 79% 67 14 3 50 50 105 14 3 88 88 146 14 3 129 129 191 14 3 174 174

Particular Outflow Investments Total Outflow

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

60 60

0 0

0 0

0 0

0 0

Inflow Capital Gain 524

Total Inflow Net Cash Flow IRR

0 -60 72%

0 0

0 0

0 0

524 524

Year 5 PE EPS Market Price per share No of Shares Capital Gain 5 17 87 6 524

NPV Investment Inflows Rate NPV

Year 1 -109 14 10% 188.49

Year 2 0 50

Year 3 0 88

Year 4 0 129

Year 5 0 174

Scenario Analysis Base Rate PAT PAT/Sales OPM/Sales IRR NPV 1.05 31 8% 15% 79% 188.49

Change in selling price Scenario I PAT PAT/Sales OPM/Sales IRR NPV

5% 20 5% 11% 22% 19.69 Scenario II 31 8% 15% 79% 188.49


5 13.39 66.93673 1.82 121.5479

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