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George II founded Georgia in his own name in 1732,later granting the business rights of running of the colony to eight lords proprietors and even later to 21 trustees.

Do you want to be in a community where you feel safe? Well come to Georgia where every ones is considerate. If there is ever a problem with something that someone doesn't like , it should be addressed to George II. He is located at the center of our colony.

Map of Georgia main/A4georgi.jpg

Religion In Georgia there are English prisons, and Oglethorpe envision places where Foreigners visiting become persecuted for the consciences sake, in order to find a safe place to live. Many visit Georgia to escape religious persecution in order that the colony had a tradition of religious freedom.

Climate and geography In Georgia the winters are shorter and milder than the harsh English winters and the summers are long hot, and humid.. You may be bothered by violent thunderstorms which is caused by the Atlantic Oceans. I must warn you the there are swamps along the coast where plantations of rice and indigo and plants which were used to make dyes. On the inlands you can find cotton ,tobacco ,red-clay plains. Farmers focus on farm work instead of large plantations.

Economy The Economy in Georgia is centered around farmers growing cotton, indigo tobacco and rice. Georgia is known for having slave labor. But, the good news is that it presently is outlawed in the colony. Georgia, is a competitive with farm products of other colonies.

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