Leading Nazispreass Rubric

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LEADING NAZIS and the Holocaust Museum Assignment



Students are to research and present to the class a famous Nazi and event who/that led to the rise of the 3rd Reich. Groups may use Wikipedia for their research of the perpetrators. However, they must use The Holocaust Memorial Website for their event. The Leading Nazis will be assessed and feedback given. The Event will be assessed using a similar rubric. The leading Nazis is due on Monday October 1st. The event will be the following week.
Leading Nazis Rubric
Criteria Knowledge: Level R Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4


Does not adequately reflect a well researched individual. Group does not know the background of this person. No note is given 0 1 2 3 4

Does not y reflect a well researched individual. Group does not fully understand the background of this person. Inadequate note is given 5

Adeqquately researched individual. Group understands the background of this person in a minimal capacity. Note is adequate. 6

Researched individual well. Group understands the background of this person .Note is Complete.

Thoroughly Researched individual Group fully understands the background of this person .Note is exceptional. 8 9 10

Presentatio n

Does not demonstrate appropriate knowledge and does not convey enthusiasm or ability to present. 0 1 2 3 4 Does not attempt to reach a conclusion about the motivation of individual

Demonstrates basic presentation skills and a base understanding of the subject.

Demonstrates simple presentation skills and an understanding of the subject. Engages the audience to some degree.

Demonstrates good presentation skills and a solid understanding of the subject. Engages the audience .

5 Limited understanding about the motivation of individual 5

6 Attempts to reach a conclusion about the motivation of individual. 6

7 Successfully explores the motivation of individual 7

Exceptional presentation. Demonstrates great communication skills and a sharp understanding of the subject. Highly engaging 8 9 10 Fully explores the motivation of individual and explains his reasons behind his descisions 8 9 10



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