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WRT 307: Professional Writing

Fall 2012, Mondays and Wednesdays, 12:45-2:05 p.m., Bowne Hall 110 Patrick W. Berry,, office: HBC 235 office phone: 315-443-1912 office hours: Mondays, 9:00-11:00 a.m. and by appointment

Portfolio Cover Memo Your final portfolio is due on Wednesday 10/3 before class. You should submit one document with each the three items listed below through Blackboard: 1) Your revised bio (30 points) 2) Your revised application letter (50 points) 3) A cover memo (35 points) Your cover memo should be at least 600 words and focus on your own learning during this onboarding unit. You will send this memo to me. Think of each of the tasks (the introductory bio, the group recommendation memo, the application letter, the editing test, and your PowerPoint presentation) and your own process working with each task. Also, Id like you to consider which were the top three presentations in our class and explain your reasoning. What made each presentation particularly effective? Guidelines for Cover Memo: 1. Have you provided a clear rationale for your top three presentations? 2. Have you described your own process of learning and working with the different tasks in the onboarding unit? 3. Have you written in a style that is professional and clear? Refer to the reading on memos to make sure you have avoided clichs and overly formal language.

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