Non-Pharmaceutical Therapy For Hypertension: Lifestyle

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Non-Pharmaceutical Therapy for Hypertension


Maintain ideal weight Include movement and exercise in an active lifestyle


Increase potassium : sodium ratio by reducing salt intake and increasing consumption of potassium rich fruits and vegetables (DASH diet) Replace coffee with green tea 10-30 gms. of dark chocolate (70% cocoa) daily Limit alcohol and avoid tobacco products


Consider regular practice of a meditation technique Recommend abdominal breathing, slowing the breath to 6 breaths per minute for 30 breaths three times a day. Consider a bio-feedback device to train breathing and positive emotions towards reducing sympathetic tone and blood pressure.


Co-Enzyme Q10 60-120 mg in gel form or 100-200 mg in tablet form. If taking more than 60 in gel or 100 in tablet, divide dosing to twice a day. Fish oil (EPA + DHA=1000 mg/day) If levels low consider; o Vitamin D3 1000 IU daily (will raise blood levels~10 pts.) o Magnesium glycenate or aspartate 500-750 mg daily o Potassium aspartate 1.5-3 mg (20-33 mEq). Follow serum levels. o Calcium 1200 mg daily


Hawthorn Extract 0.5-1 mL three times a day or 600-1800 mg of whole herb daily.

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