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First Semester 2011-2012 Botany Lab, IE Ph Group 6 Pantig, Gene Realingo, Nolin Rivera, Zari Sagum, Gio Santos,

Zharyne Saylo, Teresa

Necessity of O2 in Respiration
IV. Results I. Objectives 1. To determine the necessity of oxygen in respiration 2. To know the difference of the growth of mongo seeds in water and in the mixture of KOH and pyrogallic acid II. Materials Growth of Mongo Seeds
In water
In KOH & pyrogallic acid

After 1 day After 2 days Explanation:

About 2 cm About 2 cm About 4 cm About 2 cm

After placing the flask in a dark chamber, the growth of mongo seeds in water is greater than the growth of mango seeds in KOH and pyrogallic acid since it continues to grow even after 2 days. V. Conclusion We discovered that the growth of mongo seeds in H2O is greater than the mongo seeds in the mixture of KOH and pyrogallic acid. The K pyogallate absorbs oxygen, which proves that oxygen is needed in respiration.

III. Procedure
Germinate 60 seeds for one night.

Pour 50 mL distilled water in an Erlenmeyer flask.

Pour 25 mL KOH and 25 mL pyrogallic acid in another flask.

VI. References Bot 102A Laboratory manual Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology 4th Edition, James D. Mauseth botany

Suspend a tulle bag containing 30 pieces of water in one flask. germinating mongo beans in each flask. Secure this in place in such a way that stopper tightly holds the length of the string. Be sure that the seedlings do not touch the solution.

Pour 50 mL of distilled

Put the flasks in a dark chamber for two days.

Observe and write down the results.

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