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New-Think is a 5000 word stream of consciousness that discovers the poetic nature of Motion, Time, Life, Suffering and Death. I think, on subjects that many humans have thought on. Me, David Richardson, born 24.09.70, in England, another human being, another face in the crowd, another piece of consciousness, another frame of reference. Given a brain by the Universe, sculpted over 13.8 billion years, a piece of Universe, an island of the lowest entropy in the Universe, thinking about itself, that's me.

Experiencing motion
Is it me, or am I losing it? But for the life of me I swear I felt my coffee cup move a foot-ward east. And curiously at the same time the table; and then the house, and then the Earth and then the Sun and then the rest of the Solar System, and..... until everything in the whole Universe had moved a foot to the east. And at the end of this happening, everything in the whole Universe had moved a foot that way. How could I be sure it has just happened, and my memories of before had not been tampered with? How could I be sure that its not happening all the time, with everything slowly moving to the east? And how could any of these so called brainy people detect this,

if all of their measuring instruments are also moving, and how do I know that the laws of physics haven't been carefully adjusted by some other force to ensure that no experiment will reveal this motion? 2 Whether you are going, or staying, or sitting, or lying down, the whole world has moved a foot. You must find out whether the mountains, rivers, grass, and forests exist in your own mind or exist outside it. Analyse the ten thousand things, dissect them minutely, and when you take this to the limit you will come to the limitless, when you search into it you come to the end of the search, where thinking goes no further and distinctions vanish. When you smash the citadel of doubt, then cough, to make a new reality,

and move it back a foot. Then try to use new words, and make every attempt a wholly new start, and a different kind of thought. Because one needs to learn to get the better of words For the thing one no longer has to say, is the way in which one finds to say it. . 3 The worlds moved a foot to the east. A world gone mad and no one knows. The feeling like there is something going on, goes on. Find the journey of form along the line of time, inseminating time with the form of God, a form conscious of an image coming back from a feast in the infinite mirror. Its moved a foot and no one knows, moved out of what has gone before, that hung by threads of destiny; too late to change or to restore? Each move serves to silver foil, a judgement that will come to see

a world a foot away, gone eastwards in a time beyond, found in people moving back. To backward think that thought in man, catch the inner maths that measures a volumed world, that branch and bird and horse replies; Had I known, I would have stayed. So let crackling twigs of green-white light weave fantastic tree-patterns on the paranoid mirror-sea. So let the deceptive sky celebrate the fall of its ice-cathedrals and its icebergs and its ice-stars when darkness hardens the black waters into the sullen black ice-pack of night. For tomorrow we become sons of man. 4 The one that was, and the one that moved one foot awry two Universes, twin-born with flowers that waken, now hath passed from sense of sun and rain: Wind from off the earth-crowned branch

hath shaken one of the twain. One twin flower must pass, and one remain: one, the word said coldly, shall be taken, and another left: can death refrain? Remember, remember how it was, throughout an infinite resplendent time; but always remember that the swirl of the unhindered still, will remain an infinite time bigger than any form before. From a distance, recognition in a face triggers a shadow of forever ago, that has disappeared in a blink as you backward turn. Strange turns and mystery sound ticks when the winds of goneness blow. The long empty frosty sky-thoughts are crystal clear and cold. A space left cold. One foot-ward east, and no one knows, except for me.

Different thoughts in time

1 If a person believes that time exists apart from events, such that if there were no events there would still be time, then it does not entail a beginning to time.... On the other hand, if one accepts that time cannot exist apart from events, then, a beginning of events would entail a beginning of time as well. 2 Time is unbounded. For every instant of time must be preceded and succeeded by another instant of time. The physical Universe itself may have had a beginning but this can only be true if there is a period of time before the beginning, during which the Universe did not exist. Since prior to and after every period of time

there is more time, and since, the same instant of time never recurs, time must have gone on, and will go on forever. Although space would not exist without physical objects, time would. But, without physical objects, time could not be measured: you could not distinguish an hour from a day in a period of time without objects. So to say that the Universe began to exist on such a time scale, would simply be to say that; a certain time ago there were no physical objects. 3 Time could neither begin nor end..... If there was an absolutely stationary Universe prior to the first event, you would have to say, that time did not exist until the first event occurred. At the beginning of time no past tense statements could be made, since there was no past.

Yet it is obvious that certain statements, such as, 'The stars were moving', is a meaningful, though in this case, a false statement, that could be made about the state of the Universe prior to the first event. Without space there would be no metric to impose upon time. 4 Time and space are bound up together in space-time. If the Universe had an absolute beginning, then, time would also have a beginning; but that if, the universe had only a relative beginning from a prior dormant state, then time would not have a beginning. If the Universe were frozen into immobility, there would still be time because temporal duration and measurement are not dependent upon the continuous operation of a clock throughout that time.... The beginning of the temporal series of events would not entail a beginning to time itself.... On the other hand, to say there is a the beginning of events

is the same as saying there is a beginning of time itself. The passage of time consists in the happening of events. So the question whether time is finite or infinite may be reduced to the question: is the series of events finite or infinite? 5 There can be time prior to the first event, because one may abstract from individual events to consider the whole Universe as a sort of event which occurs at its creation. There would thus be a before and an after with regard to this event: no universe/ universe. And a relation of before and after is the primitive relation of which time consists. This may be illegitimate and may presuppose a time above time. For prior to the Universe's beginning, if there was nothing at all, not even space, then it would certainly seem to be true that there was no time either.

For suppose the Universe never came to exist would there still be time? But if the Universe does come to exist, how could we say this first event has an effect on reality, before it ever occurred.... Time does not exist until an event occurs, but when the event does occur, there is a sort of retroactive effect, causing past time to spring into being. Though we can, after creation, think of nothingness one hour before the first event, in terms of reality, there was no such moment. For there was just nothing, and creation was only a future contingent. When the first event occurred, the first moment of time began. 6 Time cannot have a beginning because every instant of time implies a prior instant..... Thus, there could be no first instant of time. Time is merely a relation among objects that are apprehended in an order of succession

or that objectively exist in such an order: time is a form of perceptual experience and of objective processes in the external (to the mind) world. Thus the fact that time is a relation among objects or experiences of a successive character voids the objection that the beginning of the world implies a prior void time: for time, as such, has no existence whatever apart from a relation of succession among these experiences or objective processes themselves. 7 If nothing existed and then something existed, then it is the first moment of time.... Because we speak of 'before creation' or 'prior to the first event', we tend to think that a beginning of time is impossible. When we say 'there are no temperatures lower than absolute zero', the use of 'lower than' does not presuppose there actually are such temperatures,

but only that we can conceive it in our minds. In the same way, to say there was a time when the Universe did not exist does not imply there was such a time, but only that we can mentally conceive of such a time. To say there is no time before the first event is like saying there is no temperature -273 C. Both express limits beyond which only the mind can travel.... If time coexists with events, then an origin of time merely implies a beginning of the Universe. The first moment of time is not a self-contradictory idea. 8 The idea of a 'time before time' is a mental construction only, a product of the imagination. In reality there seems to be no impossibility in having time arise alongside the Universe. Thus, the Universe arises in an absolute, undifferentiated time, while on another view of time, is it comes into existence with time. So would Gods existence

necessitate the presence of time prior to creation? It might be that a personal God could not be timeless and that if God is eternal, then time must be infinite as well. A personal God need not experience a temporal succession of mental states. He could apprehend the whole content of the temporal series in a single eternal intuition, just as I can apprehend all the parts of a circle in a single sensory intuition. 9 In order to avoid an infinite temporal regress of states of consciousness, God's knowledge must be timeless. God might exist changelessly in an undifferentiated time prior to creation. Or God might exist changelessly and timelessly prior to the first event. But what about subsequent to the first event? If God sustains any relations to the world, does not this imply that he exists in time? And can He enter the space-time world

without ceasing to be the Eternal? Does God exists timelessly? Unrelated to creatures, while creatures in time change in their relations to him. In the incarnation of Christ, a human nature becomes related in a new way to the Second Person of the Trinity, but that Person does not sustain a real relation with that human nature. 10 If God coexists with the world and in the world there is change, surely there is a case for saying; that God continues to exist for an endless time, rather than that he is timeless. In general, that which remains the same while other things change, is not said to be outside time, but to continue through time. God however, might exist timelessly and independently, 'prior' to creation; at creation, he willed from eternity to appear temporally, time begins,

and God subjects himself to time by being related to changing things. Thus, the proper understanding of God, time, and eternity would be that God exists changelessly and timelessly prior to creation and in time after creation.

Me, my dog, and God, in Time

Me and my dog are objects in Time, we are an event, we go for our walk, we exist. Time won't exist without her or I, my four legged event with a tail. Every loving wag, gets preceded and succeeded, by another loving wag. We are the beginning, successions to ourselves, as we run unbounded, like Time.

Across the park she precedes, I precede, nothing precedes, Tegwin flies when she's having fun. Time changes everything, and yet, nothing changes, as you run on. And as I look into your eyes Tegwin, the question rose... 'what about the very beginning?' Reflected back as in a mirror the answer came, 'no such moment prior'. Afterwards I thought, of nothingness, then stopped to throw the ball. And here we find the Eternal One, The Still, The One prior to, The One walking in our garden, The One who subjected Himself to us unchanged,

The One sustaining you and I Tegwin. And as you run on, I am apprehended by a distant voice... .'Eternal Life, is Now!'.

1 Prolonged time periods do not increase the likelihood of spontaneously derived information.. Life. The theory of natural selection is not in doubt. The origin of life is still a scientific unknown. Did a Creator insert know-how onto lifeless matter on Earth? 2 The first candidate for matter with know-how, is water (A naturally occurring Trinity reflecting God's nature?) When water freezes it becomes crystalline. For instance, a snow flake, each one unique. Water from clear mountain springs and streams has beautifully formed crystalline structures when frozen, while the crystals of polluted or stagnant water are deformed and distorted.

Distilled water exposed to classical music takes delicate, symmetrical crystalline shapes. Even WORDS repeated to liquid water effect the crystalline structure. Water exposed to repeated negative words such as 'Hitler' create poorly formed crystals, and positive words like 'Love' produce symmetrical crystalline shapes. If words [voice resonance] can effect water, could 'The Word [resonance] of God effect other crystalline forms such as clays? 3 Clays are crystalline and can self replicate, showing a type of know-how but are not alive. Could early clays have been altered by 'The Word [resonance] of God and became the demi-conscious vehicles for life, allowing the building blocks of life (amino acids) etc.. to self order into live self-replicators. "The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life ... I too was formed from a piece of clay." (Job 33:4,6 RSV).

The Word [resonance] of God creates life and sustains life, defying the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which demands that the information stored on the DNA molecule must degrade and not increase. Did 'The Word [resonance] of God then guide nature to naturally select, non-randomly, for a piece of conscious Universe, as man? 4 A piece of conscious Universe man (Adam) 75,000 years ago? aware, experiencing feelings, wakefulness, intentions self hood. The SELF....the lowest island of entropy in the Universe The only separated piece of Universe.... floating conscious of itself and God, a centre away from God. Adam (mankind), our first self conscious ancestors, became curved in upon themselves and alienated from the divine reality. Falling out of 'The Garden',

The Fall out of ONENESS into the garden of SELF reference, an evolutionary consequence. A cosmic consequence. A new Universal centre away from God, the Creator, (the human self centre)..... Once man became self conscious and centred, he then saw God in everything. Initially believing God to be many...... He worshipped nature, having the innate need to worship and know the Creator, recognizing Him in things.... God then chose a tribe of men, (genetically set up by Him to see Him as ONE) The Jews. Then when the time was right, God took human flesh from this line of people and became incarnate as Christ. The Temporal King. Exposing Himself to space and time as Christ, God revealed Himself to this conscious piece of Universe called man. Christ unified the human self, back with God. He became the gate back,

He was The Good Shepard. He is The Good Shepard. He will be The Good Shepard. 5 God loved us so much He exposed Himself to Time and Space, as Christ, to find us - this lost piece of Universe, to lead us back to FELT ONENESS OF BEING LOVE The risen Christ bridged us back to the divinely sustained reality. His love is dynamic, and love needs to be free, to be chosen. Robots can't love, lilies don't need to love, they are lilies, they do not struggle.

Suffering of the ape gone mad

1 In the hopeless condition of the mind and body, a sick suspect arises, namely, the philosophy of the human ape (silver foiled in a hundred alibis), is fallacious. Universal dishonesty can infect and possess a fellow to such an extent that, thinking round the clock, can not cure a career of melancholia, thus creating dangerous antisocial thoughts concerning ones mother and normal fellows. We see expressions of this misunderstanding in every corner of the monkey mind. Two conditions would give example of this point; murder and suicide, coupled with, powerful combinations of love and birth, therefore creating riddles in the thinking of man. 2 The ape of today and yesterday is, and was, touched with handicapped mind causing a hundred forms of self delusion.

Sometimes the self centred simian enters into a plausibility that disregards attendant suffering making light of the havoc of the sick Mother Earth. This sounds like the main suspect in the terrible cycle of untruth. Clearly sufficient force could be given to rid ourselves of this, but rarely the memory of the suffering and humiliation of a week or a month ago can not be crowded out by thought alone. Putting ones hand on a stove for the fifth or sixth time still will not teach us to revolt against our levelling history or indeed help us murder our cancered reason. 3 Murder is by no means the comprehensive common sense, but in a more clear light, it is the leading uncommon sense that pervades us all. Having had a headache, does one hammer ones head against a concrete floor or laugh it off? Probably in our case the former is true.

The problem of the monkey condition centres somewhere away from these ideas, laying in the malady that we refuse to talk of. In a vague way, the obsession that somehow, someday we will beat the game is cotton-wooling the fact that we are Cosmic refugees. The tragic truth is that, if the broken are waiting to be fed, then the happy day may not arrive. 4 The beginning and end are close up views of forces and traditions which have photographed themselves in the odd face of some monkey, seen in a crowd, coming before our eyes, in vivid perfections, the moment we close them. Unexpectedly, the more we look the more we change it, reality is no longer there as a consolidation to any answer. If nothing else, a Cosmic sadist is photographing parts of itself preparing a table for the next meal,

where death only reveals the vacuum that was always there. 5 Looking into the thousand glassy eyes of a monkey made mad by standing, there is no honest eye among them, Special Theory suggests that. Their tongues are full of complex treachery, their thoughts are unanchored windows with no frame of reference, they are lost islands of the lowest entropy in the Universe, telling themselves lies and believing it. They are the fuck-wits that killed the lamb, causing a Universal bleat that echoes forever in the monkey mind, fore-ordained at the beginning and at the end, to be treated as Cosmic sheep, thats what is deserved. Ordained to fight against the law that has no reason, to make hay in the sun of persecution, hunger and nakedness.

6 Monkey in wonderland, sons of the falling ape, ones the ate the apple and spat it out in the face of Christ. A hundred of them bouncing on a Universal bed, the one that fell off and banged its brain, is the one we followed, and thats the one thats lost..... Tickle a badger and run off down the ward laughing, wear ping pong balls for eyes, in front of your deathly mother, paint ducks on a asylum wall, and feed them with 5000 loafs of bread and fish. Futility makes us this way, and weve made it this way. We watch helplessly as a tiny Christ falls to the ground, a ground unaccepting to Christs, bringing a Universal snow. This makes things cold, too cold for us, all it needs is a wind to make it unbearable, and on the third day, a wind springs up, that shakes an Earthly bell

that swings between life and death, in the kingdom that has no end. 7 There is something going on, long and slow like the sea. Ticking in this darkened room, where somebody says something and nobody hears. The darkened room where a dying world is operated on, performed by a screaming surgeon, finding the incomplete, slicing the cancer in the egg.... the more it screams, the more he screams, and the more he goes on cutting. Is there no end to the torture? Is it credible that such extremities of torture are endless? The tortures occur, and either way were for it. He was for it on the cross, why should we get off. Peter knew what was coming, and the blood of the lamb loved that monkey to death, killing his pride and shaming us all. A grief observed

pissing on our fuck-board palace in Hell forever. Come out the trees and look whats happened. A monkey with a fucking bad idea. A beautiful child with a brain thats stormed. Love your son and your daughter, and dont let them drown, if they do, cut your throat and stab your eyes, lay your life down and hope your pain was ten times more than theirs. 8 When confronted by the dilemma of human squalor, and the inconstancy of natural happiness, one is steadily made unbearable. Little flakes of us, like snowflakes, settle down into an image of the human ghost. Whats left? A corpse, a memory, a devil. The mother defiled, the father murdered, the children slain. Having been reduced to the savage, smarting from the eternal admission, one crosses the threshold of reflection. In this supple inflection, in this harmonious recasting

which transfigures the whole grouping of human deformation, externally and internally, we can not fail to find precious confirmation of what we had already guessed; that a Cosmic sickness pervades every human head, every foetus and flower, and that the apocalyptic horse has become Pope. 9 The social id masturbates its ego and ejaculates a darkened history of the black arts and animal sex. The mad ape looks into the wounds of the Christ crucified, only to find that in His victory, the Father was not who we thought He was. The unfinished transgression cancelled the subscription to the ape resurrection killing the quantum cat in a Cosmic car accident. Human evaporation, through Christs Trinity finds itself in His holy urine, cycling in the eyes of St John, narcissistically in the water of which, fell in love with the tears in the eyes of Christ. The horror seen in his eyes

is in the continuous fall down a black hole giving a fairytale meaning of torture and starvation, past Auschwitz and ground zero, past famine and chain stoking, and in a grandmothers incontinence as her arse is wiped by a gum chewing 19 year old care assistant, wanting to get home to her beer swilling boyfriend (Both of whom will die). 10 Like a dance stopped in mid career, love cut short, or a flower with its head unluckily snapped off, human squalor is no sherry party. To keep the dead completely dead, to keep the bedroom exactly as the departed left it, ten bottles of sherry will not suffice. Did Christ know how much He took away with Him when he left? In our paper mind all reality is in ruins. But then of course, we know perfectly well, He can not be used as a road, for all those approaching Him this way

will not be approaching Him at all. World with out end, is no more than a chuckle in the darkness. ''Cancer, cancer, cancer'' cries the Universe, pour a cup of tea over your head, shout ''cancer'' and die. It is incredible how much happiness, even how much gaiety we have after all hope is gone.

1 A life creating death. Is it so hoarse, that the voice of it, blows away ourselves? Death, into a unexpecting soul will chill the extremities, and creep towards the heart. The eye film of death puts out the bright centers of the brain, for it is on Good Friday that a victory was hidden, holding its breath, waiting for Sunday to comfort a dying Grandmother in the words of her helpless Grandson. God wanting her to derive her name, from the matter on which He rests. For as we sometimes find, He has no distinctive name among us.... Where she moves towards the position of a God-ward place allowed....

2 The last days have come! Eternal life is NOW! The stars of Heaven are on the Earth, falling like plums cast out by a plum tree. The Sun, the great luminary of the Universe, has become as a sack cloth of red hair. The Moon, as red as blood. The firmament will be as a scroll, rolled away. The angel once seen in a supermarket will appear glorious and terrible against the sky. With one foot on the Earth and one foot on the sea a wind will blow from a trumpet showing the brazenness of time. A time, that is, and was, but now, time will be no more. When I die, (end of the world - mine), time ceases in its hold,

so the dead die into the whole of humanity stretching out from the beginning to the end. The Grandmother dies into her Grandson and with his Grandchildren; he dies to live in them for ever more. 3 In death there is no remembrance of thee' preparations must be made for this option. And do the workers of evil, just leave? However, in death-survival, temporal and spatial alterations will be felt How will we know who we are, with no prefrontal cortex? To be like an ant, once knowing the seven times table, but not now. The countenance of His light will evaporate time and space, so take refuge in that, and join in the song. A Son of Dog will be the only dog,

and the only Cow, the same. And in the Son of Man, we will be as one, all with individual view points, and not assimilated to an amorphous blob of nameless Spirit (as wishy-washy agnostics predict). 4 Death out of space-time brings a sudden change of reality, and if disembodied survival occurs, a five sense loss, and time distortion, will cause disorientation... You have now arrived in the Acclimation Room. In here, if a new frame of reference is not found, one will perish and no longer exist. Those that established a remote location in Gods Second Person (Christ) whilst embodied, a frame of reference will be established from our information bearing pattern (soul);

and identity will arrive, firstly from the recognition of our info bearing pattern, and secondly from a brand new perception of self in the Second Person of the Trinity (Christ).. a point from which you can Be. To exist again! Resurrected into a new body of unearthly light.. The memory of your Earthly life will be seen by the resurrected self and self judgment will occur in His Light. 5 You find your new self in a room. A room full of draws, stacked as high as the eye can see. Each draw is labeled with a title wrongs you did to your neighbor.. you look in the draw and find a box full of cards with writing on stealing Mr. Browns chicken' and at the bottom of the card is your own signature. I never signed this! You quickly open another draw,

this time saying Sins of omission you start reading and look away ashamed, you go to another draw, this one says unfaithfulness and at the bottom of each card there lays your signature. Suddenly you become aware of a person at the end of the corridor.. You try to hide the draws. its impossible. You fall to your knees crying and ashamed. No one should read these. The person approaches you and puts his hand on your head. He opens a draw, this one saying culpable ignorance. You try to stop him reading it, for you realize he is the Son of Man. He shows you your signature at the bottom of the card.. And then signs His name in blood over your signature. Images of the crucifixion flash into your mind

The pain. The pain of the old Self.. the dislocation, the blindness, the loneliness, The Fall This seemed to last a eternity As His blood runs over your signature, flashes of the resurrection come before you. A new body of light, the resurrected Self, a new identity. And memorys. Ive seen you somewhere before You were with my Grandmother when I was a boy.. You were the kindness in my Grandmother My Grandmother is here isnt she. He answered; humanity is here Take your place in Me, and meet her, in your Maker........... The Father of Lights.

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