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Jean Carlos Tapia Garca

Personal Data: Address: Acacias Block G3 Dept 4-4 Guayaquil-Ecuador Phone: 042334274-085704842 Date of Birth: August 26, 1991 Identity Card: 0926321092 Status: Single Email:;


To present my skills and continue the growth, development and application of my knowledge.

Academic Training:

School Navy Naval Lyceum Cmte. Rafael Andrade Lalama Polytechnic School 3er. semester Commercial and Business Engineering Courses Taken: English COPEI 7mo module Basic Accounting I SECAP Basic Accounting II - SECAP Commercial Accounting I SECAP Math APOL

Work experience: 2011 2012: Restaurant City Bistro-Airport Jos Joaqun de Olmedo International Pre Shipment ( 1 Ao 3 Meses )

Personal References:

Engineering Carmen Olaya de Garca Licensed Kelly Riera Coello -

089451580 042430443

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