2 3+There+Their+They're

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Easily Confused Words

there their theyre

Use there when referring to a place, whether concrete ("over there by the building") or more abstract ("it must be difficult to live there"). EX: A zombie swarm is forming over there.

Also use there with the verb BE (is, am, are, was, were) to indicate the existence of something. EX: There is a way to sneak up on a zombie, if you know what you are doing.

Possessive form for belonging to them

EX: Most of my friends lost their brains to zombies.

Contraction for they are

EX: Hurry up! Theyre right behind you!


Rewrite each sentence, choosing the correct word in parentheses.

1. Zombies never really (lose / loose) (their / theyre / there) appetites. 2. (There / Theyre / Their) hunger is legendary! 3. (There / Theyre / Their) are not many places that are safe when zombies attack. 4. First, distract (there / theyre / their) attention, (then / than) run in the other direction. 5. Remember (there / theyre / their) not as friendly as they look.

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