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One who has never been disappointed is
either a fool or a corpse.
Dear Reader,

What you have on this scribd are write ups that I have
mailed to people over the years; it contain over 21 inspir-
ing mails.

My prayer is that the positive impact it had then on those

that read it will be the same result I will get from you too.

Stay bless

Femi Fasanya
They are men like you

There are no feats accomplished by man, without the

feeling of fear....

The Wright brothers had the fear of failure; they were

told by scholars of their time that it was impossible for a
metal to fly on air because of the law of gravity,
They went forward to become the first to build and fly an

Nelson Mandela had the fear of death; his stand for the
emancipation of the blacks in South Africa was a threat to
their colonial masters.He went forward and became the
first president after South Africa gained independence.

Florence Nightingale had the fear of rejection from her

family and friends, because the nursing profession was
not a desirable one in her time. She went forward and be-
came the first to make the nursing profession a honour-
able one
This people are not extra ordinary people,
They simply took steps in the direction of their passion,
there is a number one position that is still vacant for you,
look at God, not the challenges, and faith will overcome
your fears.

Cus D' Amato said, "the hero and coward both feel ex-
actly the same fear, only the hero confronts his fear
and convert to fire. "
You can be different

One step at a time in the right direction,

Will ultimately lead to your desired destination.
Great dreams are birth,
When the dreamer know the divine way to accomplish it.
Only very few finds the path,
That is why there are few stories of great accomplish-
You can be different,
You can have that dream fulfilled.
You only need to take a daily step in obedience to God's
And divinity will interplay to bring your dream to reality.

Sophodes said, "Heaven will never help the man that

will not act".
Irrespective of people's opinion

There is no great achievement you see today,

that the achievers did not 1st believe in themselves.
The story of the wright brothers,
is that of to young men who had a vision and believed in
people told them that it was impossible,
but today we have planes that fly in the air.

someone said, "a truly great man is he who can build a

firm foundation with bricks others throw at him.
bricks of criticism, doubt, discouragement, and pov-

The only thing that is impossible for you,

is what you believe is not possible.
Irrespective of peoples opinion,
you can actualize that vision in your heart.
It is time to live again

Do you know that the size of d scar you had from your
wound (past hurt) is not the same with the wound you 1st
when you focus on the hurt inflicted on you,
it is like scratching d surface of d wound over & over
it create unforgiveness,
and unforgiveness creates a putrefying wound in your
which takes a long time to heal,
and it leaves behind an after effect of a large scar.
it is time to consciously let go of the hurt,
it is time to let the peace of God reign in your heart,
it is time to live again.

Aristotle said, "i count him brave who overcomes his

desire than him who conquers his enemies, for the
hardest victory is victory over ones self".
You are not alone

Is there a time your life,

that you want to engage in a worthy venture,
and you were afraid,
you are not alone.

John Maxwell said, "all people experience fear; it's a

part of life. what we fear may change with the times,
but every generation experiences it."

however you must not allow your fear to stop you,

you must not make it to make you to draw back on your
just as the study done in University Of Michigan said...
 "60%of our fears are totally unwarranted; they never
come to pass.
 20% of our fears are focused on our past.
 10% of our fears are based on things so petty thatthey
make no difference in our lives.
Of the remaining 10%,only 4 to 5% could considered jus-
it is time to take a risk today,
so that you can be relevant tomorrow.
Yesterday is gone

Pain is a prove that you are life,
Failure is a prove that you are not perfect,
Heart break is a prove that no man has the capacity to
trully love,
Darkness is a prove that the sun is about to arise in
your horizon,
Is another day, yesterday is gone forever,
God's love for you is like the rising of the sun,
Whose intensity is about to be felt,
To heal the pains of yesterday,
And to answer your heart's desire question of what love
trully means.

GRAFFITO said "One who has never been disap-

pointed is either a fool or a corpse."

Don't let the pain of yesterday,

Stop you from reaching your utmost this year.
The ghost of yesterday

There is a time in your life ,that you are haunted by some-

It is the fear of the exposure of the mistake(s) of yester-
The effect it will have on your life, relationship, family,
marriage e.t.c; scares you,
However it time to STOP...
Yesterday's event(s) really happened,
You can run, but you cannot hide,
Blaming Yourself
To err is human,
It is time to turn to God,
His wisdom is required,
His ability to heal those that will be affected by yester-
day's mistake(s) is needed,
Ask Him for forgiveness, help and direction,

Like King David the Psalmist said, "For you Lord are
good and ready to forgive; and plenteous in mercy
unto them that call up on you."
Don't do it

There are forces that rules the world,

Force of good (God) and that of evil (devil),
The evil force wants you to do what is not appropriate,
Due to the challenges you are facing,
One of it is to make you Commit Suicide,
Because of the pressure of hopelessness,
You are confronted with,
Don't Do It,
Death is not an end,
It is a door way to life eternal.
Allow the force of good to work for you,
Let God have His way in the hopeless situation you are
He is able to see you through,

Never forget that life often present itself to us like bit-

ter leaf, the initial taste is bitter but the after taste is

Don't give up,

Don't let him/her go

There is someone who brings light into ones life,

His/Her presence is like the sun in the day,
And like the moon in the night,
The absence of that person brings some form of empti-
There is need to locate that person and settle all differ-
ences between you.
When you sow the seed of unforgiveness,
You will reap the seed of loneliness.
So keep your friend.



so let GO of yesterdays pain,

let the peace of God reign.
it is a key to moving FORWARD in life.
Do not give up

It is often said that" When there is life, there is hope",

this statement is not often true in the light of events sur-
rounding many. There are people waiting for death be-
cause the doctors has certified their ailment as incurable;
adverse circumstances of life has made some depressed
and discouraged to the point of committing suicide.

I believe that "When you have God and life, you have
hope." This hope is a supernatural expectancy despite
the adverse situations in our natural realm of events.

Have you gotten to the end of the road and the adverse
circumstances around you appears unchanging? Don't
forget that God can bring you through. Dreams may be
shattered, but a hope centered on God cannot be shat-
tered. We serve a God who has mastered the act of turn-
ing failure to success. He is the God of a NEW BEGIN-

Nothing happens by chance, every change a man experi-

ence starts with taking a positive step. It is time for you to
let go of your life to the one who can substain it. If you
have not made a commitment to making Jesus your
Lord, it is time to do that. Pray after me, "Lord Jesus I
believe you are the son of God sent forth for my re-
demption, I ask that you forgive my sins. I accept you
as my Lord and Savior.".
Please let me know what the Lord is doing in your life if
this is the first time of making this commitment.

For a long time , you have been taught that God is the
CAPTAIN of the ship of your life and you are part of the
sailing team.
Recently found this not to be true.
The world is like the sea,
Your life like a ship,
You are the CAPTAIN,
God is only your INSTRUCTOR,
Where the ship ends is your CHOICE.
It is time to....
Stop blaming anyone for where you are,
It time for you to be responsible.


Dream killer 1

In the pursuit of your dream beware of fear. Someone

said, ‘Fear explains why many do nothing or accom-
plish little.’ Your fear is as real as you imagine it,it is as
real as you run away from it.
It is time to STOP RUNNING. Tell God your fears and let
His word produce Faith in your heart to confront it. Face
your fear, you will find it will disappear as darkness give
way when light appears.
You have a great future.
Dream killer 2

Dear reader,

Dream is a revelational knowledge of an end. It comes

by the inspiration of God to the heart of men. The differ-
ence in our dreams is part of our uniqueness from one

To me GOD means- G=Giver O=Of D=Dreams. In the

pursuit of these dreams care must be taken not to ignore
God. When God is left behind, its attainment becomes al-
most impossible. With Him you can receive -constant
guidance -comfort when it appears the dream is not com-
ing to actualization. -faith to confront impossibilities -
people to complement you in it's fulfillment

Acknowledge Him and He will bring that dream in your

heart to fulfillment. Ignore Him and you will end up a cele-
brated failure.
Dream killer 3

For the actualization of your dream, beware of self im-

posed limitationof INTIMIDATION.
You are the best person to carry out the dream that is in
your heart, that is why you have a revelation of that end.
Here are the words of like men as you who overcame in-
To think you can creates the forces that can.
Samuel Marden
Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid.
Basil King
They conquer who believe they can.
Be willing to do what your soul directs you to do, if
you want to creat what you are asking for.
Sanyana Roman
Nothing on earth can overcome an absolutely non re-
sistant person.
Florence s. Shinn
Dream killer 4

Beware of DISTRACTION if you want to amount to

anything in life.
Anything that wants to take your
attention off your dream is aimed at making you
insignificant .
Your significance is not because you are a male or a
it is in achieving something worthwhile in your
life time.
Don't allow the lack of finance ,the economic
problems, the family challenges e.t.c. distract you.

Zig Ziglar said "a freed from all obstacles, and

difficulties would reduce all possibilities to zero".
Nothing last forever, not even your troubles.
Arnold H. Gleason.
Keep dreaming.
Something is about to happen

There are 3 things you must not give up in life,

they are - -

1) Your believe in God. The day a man stop

believing in God because of the adverse challenging
he is going through, he has lost the advantageous
position he is in . Jesus said with “God all things
are possible”.

2) Your dream. The cure for suicide is not

letting go of that picture of your future of glory
you see today despite the adverse situation you are
going through today. Nelson Mandela the former South
African president, survive imprisonment, torture
etc because he believed in the beauty of his dream.

3) Your mind. It is the battleground, the

result of people who gave up in their mind are
evident around us: high blood pressure, mental
instability, paralysis e.t.c are some of the result
of losing the battle. Abraham Lincom despite the
initial failure he had, did not allow it to effect
his mind. Today he is recognised as one of the
greatest American president.

My dear reader, please do not give up, one of the

things that successful people had encountered is
failure, it is part of the building process. You can
still get married, that relationship that is
breaking up can still experience glory, your life
can still experience a turn around. The Lord gave
me the following words during my distressing period
in the year 2000...

“when life seems to be of no value,

All seems lost,
You have prayed and God seems to be a million mile
Remember that 12.00am marks the beginning of a new
As the seconds run by,
It become darker,
With the cloud covering the moon and stars,
Thick darkness as it is,
It is only few hours to the dawning of the day,
The sun rises and appear reddish,
But the intensity of its glory increases as the
seconds roll by,
No matter what you are going through,
Death is not the last report, Try Jesus,
He is the daystar and the day dawn that can bring a
change in your life”.
You might have failed, try again.
Pastor Paul
Adefarasin often say, ‘something is about to happen.’
Your time will come

Lack of understanding of God's timing makes us weary,

in believing that His promises will be fulfilled in
our life. Compounded by the philosophies of men which
though reasonable to the human senses but
detrimental to our faith in God.
One of them is that "Delay is no denial."
Before God there is nothing called delay
there is an appropriate time for things to happen.
God can not go against His timing,
because it is at this time all,
things can be made beautiful in your life.
To forget means "to put out of mind." God has not
forgotten you, He knows weeping may endure the mo-
ment in your life, but He has assure you of joy in the
It is not over with you, do not let go,
faith and persistency is the connecting bridge to your
God has not told a lie,
He is committed to bringing to pass all that He promised,
what He requires of you is patience and trust in His un-
changing nature of
God is ‘odd’.

It is important as a single, to have an insight on the way

God does His things. Many a time we have our own mind-
set on how we want things to be done; as a single you
have a mindset of where you want to meet your partner,
the skin pigmentation you want, etc. However, many a
times God does not show up the way we want Him to.

A lady told me of her story; her friend wanted her to at-

tend what you will call the happening and the big boys
church here in Nigeria about seven years ago, with the
expectation that she will easily get hooked to one of the
male members. She however declined, and kept attend-
ing the local assembly that she was in. Today she is mar-
ried with two children, but her friend who attended the
happening church is still unmarried.

I heard the story of a lady; when she was in the university

she had two suitors, one rich and the other a student who
was struggling to survive. People tried to convince her on
the need to consider the rich nominal Christian as the
suitor to consider, telling her the voice of the people is the
voice of God. She however prayed, and was instructed to
give her consented to the poor Christian Brother who was
a student. Today God has blessed the Christian Brother,
while the other suitor is no more mentally sound.

It is so odd that this two ladies as singles could have

peace to make a choice that many will not even consider,
yet it paid of for the best in the end.
All that God requires from you is that…
You trust Him (You need to realize that He is concern
about your happiness and fulfillment.); He is inter-
ested in your having a successful marital life in fu-

Be a person of character. To have a successful marital

life in future requires consistent positive qualities.

You need to discover and pursue your purpose. Pur-

pose is a major reason for the creation of the oppo-
site sex. God said in the book of Genesis that the
man needs a help that is suitable for him. Someone
to help him do what he has been created to fulfill.
Do not “fall” in love.

You have heard people say, “People fall in love”; the truth
however is that people who fall in love rise up with pains
depending on the degree of their fall. Many of the people
who fall in love now live with the ache of a broken heart,
and some a broken life.

Love is not a something you fall into, it is something you

walk in. it is not something you devote to a particular per-
son you heart skip a beat for, it is something that you give
to everyone you meet in the journey of life. It is when you
truly do this that you can discern when what you feel for
someone is genuine or not.

Feelings people call love is unstable that is the reason

that it should not be the parameter for choosing who to
make a commitment to in the area of marriage. Be a per-
son who can master his emotion and you will be a person
that can make practical decisions in all areas of life.

Love is not a matter of what happens in life. It's a

matter of what's happening in your heart.
Ken Keyes
Let go of the pain of yesterday 2

The Lord put it in my heart to write on letting go of yester-

day’s pain again, but this is specifically for those who
have been abused in the past.

Have you been abused sexually and emotionally by some

one you trust or by a stranger who took advantage of you.
The Lord asked me to tell you that it is time to let go of
that pain and allow Him to heal you.

Many a times the victim of an abuse blame God and

themselves for the situation they got into; hate people of
the sex that abused them; hate themselves and behave in
a way that shows they have given up in life. They are
prone to demonic oppression, are revengeful, depressed,
and can develop the suicide tendency.

The Lord wants you to know that it is not His will that you
were abused, that He loves you and wants to heal you.
But you have to open up for Him to do that; and one of
the ways to do this, is to forgive your abusers. The Lord
said to me, “The size of the scar you have now, was
not the size of the wound you had, the reason is be-
cause you kept visiting the pains of yesterday and the
wound kept enlarging.”

Do not abuse your own self by living in unforgiveness; let

God have His way in your heart and you will experience
His peace and healing.
When you live a life of unforgiveness, revenge natu-
rally follows. Revenge is deceptive. It looks sweet,
but it’s truly bitter. It always cost more to avenge a
wrong than to bear it. You never can win by trying to
even the score.
John Mason
You need wisdom.

To succeed in any aspect of life requires that you work in

an exceptional wisdom, which only God and His word can
give. Many of the information we adhere to today are det-
rimental to our future success especially in the area of our
marital future. They paint a falsehood on the reality of
things… love, relationship, etc. To prove this, check out
the biography of those that have writing or sang songs
about love.
God knows the importance of wisdom, which is the rea-
son He permitted that the Bible be written so that all may
have access to true wisdom. Some one said, “If you want
to hide anything from a black man, hide it in a book”; how-
ever, if you want to pass any information to an unwise
man about the solution to the challenges he is going
through, tell him to search for it in the Bible. He likely will
not because he feels he knows the answer, or he assume
that the book is for those freaks that have sold them-
selves to a religion.
Chief Gani Fawehinmi said, “Everyone that gives you
education gives you civilization”; God gave you the Bible
to behave more appropriately, and you will gain the wis-
dom of God beyond human comprehension, which will
find expression in all that you do.

The Bible is so simple you have to have

someone else help you to misunderstand it.
Charles Capp
You are a creation of purpose.

Dr. Myles Munroe, defines purpose as…

The original intent for which a thing was made.

The end that creates the means.
The destination for which a thing was made.

Purpose is your end, where you are going, what

your are created to finish.

You are not born without a definite reason in the mind of

your maker, discovering the purpose for your creation is a
key to experiencing fulfillment in life.

No man can truly tell you what you are created for; only
your Maker can unveil this mystery to you

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