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September 26, 2012

Objectives: Exemplify place Describe migration Classify migration Agenda: Objectives/Place Place/Migration/ Classification/Article

Wednesday, September 26, 12

What makes this place unique?

Wednesday, September 26, 12

Progress Check
What theme of geography (of the two we have covered) best describes this excerpt?
Nation Rich in Land Draws Workers From One Rich in People--Russians harbor fears that broadening economic cooperation will lead to a wave of Chinese immigrants taking over sparsely populated territories, a concern heard in many villages. The New York Times (Edited)

Wednesday, September 26, 12

Migration Brainstorming
In a small group, think of all the reasons that people or animals might migrate.

Wednesday, September 26, 12

September 26, 2012

Objectives: Classify causes of the Civil War Interpret causes of the Civil War Identify the first battles of the Civil War Demonstrate adding details to answers

Wednesday, September 26, 12

Do Now:Grade 8
Categorize the causes of the Civil War in the following categories: Social Political Economic Ideological

Wednesday, September 26, 12

Do Now: Grade 8
Rank the causes of the Civil War. Which do you think was most relevant in causing the outbreak of war? Explain your reasoning.

Wednesday, September 26, 12

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