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Date: ____________________ Certified Mail # _____________________________________

From: <borrower> (hereinafter "Borrower") <c/o street> <city, state, zip> To: Sheriff <name> <c/o street> <city, state, zip> <Lender> (hereinafter "Lender") <c/o street> <city, state, zip> Loan # ______________________________________________ (hereinafter "Loan")


On <date>, a Notice of Adequate Assurance of Due Performance and an Invoice demanding payment of the Borrower's deposit associated with the Loan by the Lender to the Borrower, was served on the Lender by the Borrower. On <date>, a Notice of Anticipatory Repudiation and Suspension of Payment of the Loan by the Lender to the Borrower was served on the Lender by the Borrower. On <date>, a Notice of Estoppel by Acquiescence and Estoppel in Pais concerning the Loan by the Lender to the Borrower was served on the Lender by the Borrower. Based upon Lender's response, or lack thereof, to the above Notices, the Borrower hereby reports to you by this NOTICE OF FELONY CRIME, as a proper civil authority, the commission of a felony crime by the Lender concerning the processing of the Loan by the Lender to the Borrower, pursuant to 18 USC 4, because the Lender has on record a BOGUS LIEN in your county on the Borrower's property claimed as collateral for the Loan. I have good reason to believe that the Lender has not performed according to the Loan agreement, has forged signatures on material Loan documents, has stolen the Borrower's promissory note and deposit, has extorted payments and interest, and has wrongfully transferred a security. I trust that the full power and honor of your office will be brought to bear to order the Lender to surrender and stand trial for their felonious actions. I further trust that this will be handled expeditiously and that I will not have to proceed further through the court system nor add to the list of defendants. Accordingly, I expect to receive within 15 days from your receipt of this Notice, a NOTICE OF INTENT from your office outlining the actions you intend to take regarding the reporting of this felony crime. Sincerely, __________________________________ cc: Lender

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