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The Second Vatican Council


Vatican II

First session 1962 Pope John Paul XXIII died in 1963 before next new Pope Paul VI continued the council 1964 traveled to the Holy Land

1) first time in centuries Pope went outside of Italy

2) met Patriarch of Constantinople there

showed Church serious about Christian unity

3) 1965 led to lifting of the excommunications

Issued 16 documents:
o Sacrosanctum Concilium:


liturgy is Church summit; introduces vernacular lang. encourages fuller participation in Eucharist everyone called to holiness salvation to those outside the Church Human dignity the common good social justice rightful autonomy of earthly affairs primacy of conscience encourgagee Bible reading emphasizes revelation as God's self-disclosure

Lumen Gentium:

Gaudium et Spes:

Dei Verbum:

Challenges :C

one side did not like changes o stopped going to mass other side expected more change o left the ordained ministry
Humane Vitae crisis o encyclical against abortion and birth control o people expected Pope Paul VI to allow birthcontrol banned it against recommendation of advisers o little enthusiasm from bishops o laity ignored teaching

Positive Developments :D

helped bring about aggiornamento (modernization)

open attitude led to an initial burst of optimism, enthusiasm acheivements:
o o o

renewed embracing of God's word (bible)

religious freedom and social justice

more active role of laity (including ecumenical efforts)

Pope Paul VI

strong advocate for peace and social justice flew around the globe to end conflict in Middle East, Northern Ireland, Vietnam "No more war! Never again war! If you wish to be brothers, drop your weapons." (appeal to the end of the Vietnam War) offered to act as mediator in conflict between India and Pakistan offered himself in exchange for hostages held by terrorists

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