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Installing the Bex Analyzer Add-In with MS Excel 2007

The following instructions will guide you through setting up the Bex Analyzer in Microsoft Excel 2007. 1. Open Microsoft Excel 2007. 2. Click on the office button in the upper left corner . 3. Click on the Excel Options button at the bottom of the menu

Installing the Bex Analyzer Add-In with Microsoft Excel 2007 with Microsoft Windows XP or Vista
4. Choose the Add-Ins option from the left hand menu

5. Drop down the Manage Drop Box at the bottom of the main window 6. Choose the Excel Add-Ins option 7. Click the Go Button

Installing the Bex Analyzer Add-In with Microsoft Excel 2007 with Microsoft Windows XP or Vista
a. This opens another window that lists the Excel Add-Ins b. Please note that the SAP Business Explorer Analyzer should not be listed at first so do not panic if you do not see it.

8. Click the Browse button on the right 9. Using the file dialog box that opens Browse to the following location. C:\Program Files\Common Files\SAP Shared\BW

Installing the Bex Analyzer Add-In with Microsoft Excel 2007 with Microsoft Windows XP or Vista
10. Select the sapbex.xla file and click the OK button.

11. When the File Dialog box closes the SAP Business Explorer Analyzer box should be visible and checked.

Installing the Bex Analyzer Add-In with Microsoft Excel 2007 with Microsoft Windows XP or Vista

12. Click OK on the Excel Add-Ins window to close it. 13. When the window closes you will notice that the SAP Bex Analyzer Splash screen will open for a few seconds while the toolbar loads. 14. To view the Bex Analyzer toolbar click on the Add-Ins tab at the top of the Excel window and you will see the toolbar on the ribbon.

15. After following the above steps, Close Excel and re-Open it and the Bex Analyzer Toolbar should automatically open every time Excel is opened.

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