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Pluralism and workforce diversity management


Warda Khawar






Dr. Asma Imran


26th Sept, 2012

COMSATS Institute of Information and Technology, Lahore

Pluralism: Pluralism is defined as "A condition in which numerous distinct ethnic, religious, or cultural groups are present and tolerated within a society." Pluralism is when you don't get caught up in your different beliefs and backgrounds, but rather strives to be open-minded and tolerant. Listen to what others have to say and adapt to those around you. Pluralism is a belief that such a condition is socially beneficial. How Pluralism helps in tackling Diversity Issues: Organization is a system synonymous to society. If pluralism is present then tackling with the diversity issues becomes much easier. This is because when different groups are tolerated in a society then the style of management is also tolerant of these differences. The workforce is usually diverse in terms of age, disability, gender, religion, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background and culture. These differences may lead to Loss of equal employment opportunity for employees Differences in the salary level Promotions of preferred group Challenging assignments to the preferred employees Glass ceilings

Pluralism helps in tackling with the diversity issues in the following ways By creating an organizational culture where the differences are respected By the adoption of non-discriminatory behavior by the top management and employees alike By capitalizing on the benefits that diversity brings By making management sensitive and responsive to the needs and concerns of individuals

By creating a team based organizational environment where the members help each other to improve their weaknesses By establish a transparent system for determining the compensation and promotion so that the employees dont feel alienated that they do not belong to the preferred group

Pluralism is not just tolerance, but the active seeking of understanding across lines of difference. When the differences are understood, they are respected. And when they are respected, they can be utilized to get the most out of it to benefit the employees individually and the organization as a whole.

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