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Continuing Professional Development Training Programme

Games for Key Stage 2

Course details Code Venue(s) Date(s) 27/11/2012 Times Arrival GAM002 Longwell Green Primary School Audience Teachers, TAs, coaches, and school volunteers who wish to develop the teaching & learning of core game skills for Key Stage 2 pupils Aims 7R LQFUHDVH \RXU DZDUHQHVV DQG FRQGHQFH in the basic principles of teaching games to KS2 children across a variety of game activities 15:30 Start 16:00 Finish 18:00

Course description Games is a practical course covering: National Curriculum requirements, knowledge & XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI WQHVV DQG KHDOWK SODQQLQJ lessons including safe warm ups, the use of the STEP framework to adapt activities so that all pupils can achieve success and have fun and progression from Years 3 6. Lead trainer(s) Jeannette Quinn Director, Action 1st Foundation
Full Cost 40 Discount Cost 30

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