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Information Systems Operation Support Systems Management Support Systems

Transaction Processing System

Process Control Systems

Enterprise Collaboratio n Systems




TPS is an information system that captures and processes data generated during an organizations day to day transactions. Transaction is a business activity such as a deposit,payment TPS computerized an existing manual system to allow faster processing,reduced clerical cost.


and control industrial processes Example



Support team,workgroup, and enterprise communication and collaboration

Examples : email,chat,videoconferencing

Is an information system that generates accurate,timely and organized information so managers and other users can make decisions,solve problems,supervise activities ,and track progress


is an information system designed to help users reach decision when a decision Making sitiuation arises.
DSS uses data from internal and external sources.



system consists of five major

1. people Resources
specialists:- system analysts,software developers End Users:- any one else who uses IS

2. Hardware Resources Machines computers,printers Media floppy,magnetic tape

3. Software Resources Programs Operating system programs Procedures-data entry procedures

4.Data Resources
Customer records 5 Network Resources Communication media


of Data Resources Processing of Data into information Output of information products Storage of Data Resources Control of System Performance

MIS is defined as a system which provides information support for decision making in the organisation.

MIS is defined as a computer-based Information System.

Decision Processing Logic Data Data Computers Human Beings Database MIS Decision Making Intelligence Design Choice


Design Implementation

Monitoring / Feedback



System ensures that an appropriate data is collected from the various resources processed and sent further to needy destinations.
MIS Plays the role of information generation,communication,problem identification and helps in the process of decision making.


1. It creates an impact on the organisations functions,performance and productivity. 2. Information System creates Structured database and knowledge base for all the people in organisation.

3. Information Systems use the dictionary, there is common understanding of terms and terminology in organisation bringing clarity in comm.
4.Clerical work is transferred to computerized system, relieving the human mind for better work.

1. Planning : is a process of forseeing the future in advance.This step involves mapping out exactly how to achieve a particular goal.

2. Organising : is a process of identifying the entire job.

After a plan is in place, a manager needs to organize her team and materials according to her plan. Assigning work and granting authority are two important elements of organizing.

3. Staffing : putting right person at right job. 4. Directing : communication,motivation.leadership

5. Controlling : Monitoring


A Selection from various alternatives strategies,resources,methods. Etc. A selection of a combination out of several combinations of goals,people,resources,methods Providing a proper manpower Choosing a method from various methods of directing the efforts in the organisation. Choice of tools and techniques for coordinating the efforts for optimum results. A selection of exceptional conditions and the decision guidelines


Staffing Directing



leadership, or how effectively management communicates and translates the vision and strategy of the organization to the members delegation, or how well management gives assignments and communicates instructions to members of the organization return on investment, or how well management utilizes the resources (financial, physical, and human) of the organization to bring an acceptable return to shareholders motivation, how management attempts to understand the needs of others and inspires them to perform. Motivation focuses on how performance is rewarded rather than how failure is punished. consideration, or how well managers seek to understand and appreciate others' values; and not merely as a means to a business goal.

Management Philosophy Attitude towards employees,consum ers,suppliers,share holders

Management Practices Planning Organising Staffing Directing Coordinating Controlling Management Effectiveness

Environment Factors Social Economical Educational Political Legal

Enterprise Effectiveness

Negandhi Estafen Model for analysis of Management effectiveness

1 . Horizontal Organization Structure 2 . Flat Organization Various Elements of Organization

1 2 3 4 5 . People . Task . Technology . Structure . Culture


behavior can be termed as the behavior of persons in an organization.

1. OB is a systematic study of the actions and attitudes that people exhibit within the organization. It also helps any individual to understand his behavior.
2. OB has proved instrumental for managers in getting their work done effectively. 3. OB lays emphasis on the interaction and relations between organization and individual behavior. It works as a positive attempt in fulfilling psychological agreement between

organization and the individuals.

4. OB delivers job satisfaction to employees .

5.OB helps in building motivating climate in the organization.

A System is an assembly of elements arranged In local order to achieve certain objectives.

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