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1Peter 2

2:1 apoqemenoi
apothemenoi G659 vp 2Aor Mid Nom Pl m FROM-PLACING putting-off fqonous phthonous G5355 n_ Acc Pl m ENVIES kai kai G2532 Conj AND oun oun G3767 Conj THEN pasan pasan G3956 a_ Acc Sg f EVERY all kakian kakian G2549 n_ Acc Sg f EVIL malice kai kai G2532 Conj AND panta panta G3956 a_ Acc Sg m EVERY all dolon dolon G1388 n_ Acc Sg m FRAUD guile kai kai G2532 Conj AND upokriseis hupokriseis G5272 n_ Acc Pl f hypocrisies kai kai G2532 Conj AND

. Wherefore laying aside all malice, and all guile, and hypocrisies, and envies, and all evil speakings,

pasas pasas G3956 a_ Acc Pl f ALL

katalalias katalalias G2636 n_ Acc Pl f DOWN-TALKS vilifications brefh brephE G1025 n_ Nom Pl n BABES to to G3588 t_ Acc Sg n THE logikon logikon G3050 a_ Acc Sg n logical adolon adolon G97 a_ Acc Sg n UN-FRAUDED unadulterated gala gala G1051 n_ Acc Sg n MILK epipoqhsate epipothEsate G1971 vm Aor Act 2 Pl ON-LONG-YE long-ye-for !

2:2 ws
hOs G5613 Adv AS

artigennhta artigennEta G738 a_ Nom Pl n at-PRESENT-generated recently-born autw autO G846 pp Dat Sg n it

As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:

ina hina G2443 Conj THAT

en en G1722 Prep IN

auxhqhte auxEthEte G837 vs Aor Pas 2 Pl YE-MAY-BE-BEING-GROWN ye-may-be-growing oti hoti G3754 Conj that crhstos chrEstos G5543 a_ Nom Sg m kind is-kind o ho G3588 t_ Nom Sg m THE kurios kurios G2962 n_ Nom Sg m Master Lord zwnta zOnta G2198 vp Pres Act Acc Sg m LIVING upo hupo G5259 Prep by anqrwpwn anthrOpOn G444 n_ Gen Pl m humans men men G3303 Part INDEED

2:3 eiper
eiper G1512 Cond IF-EVEN if-so-be-that

egeusasqe egeusasthe G1089 vi Aor midD 2 Pl YE-TASTE

If so be ye have tasted that the Lord [is] gracious.

2:4 pros
pros G4314 Prep TOWARD

on hon G3739 pr Acc Sg m WHOM

prosercomenoi proserchomenoi G4334 vp Pres midD/pasD Nom Pl m TOWARD-COMING ones-approaching para para G3844 Prep BESIDE de de G1161 Conj YET

liqon lithon G3037 n_ Acc Sg m STONE toward-stone

. To whom coming, [as unto] a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, [and] precious,

apodedokimasmenon apodedokimasmenon G593 vp Perf Pas Acc Sg m HAVING-been-FROM-testED having-been-rejected

qew theO G2316 n_ Dat Sg m God

eklekton eklekton G1588 a_ Acc Sg m chosen

entimon entimon G1784 a_ Acc Sg m IN-VALUED held-in-honor oikodomeisqe oikodomeisthe G3618 vi Pres Pas 2 Pl YE-ARE-beING-HOME-BUILDED ye-are-being-built-up pneumatikas pneumatikas G4152 a_ Acc Pl f spiritual oikos oikos G3624 n_ Nom Sg m HOME house qusias thusias G2378 n_ Acc Pl f SACRIFICES

2:5 kai
kai G2532 Conj AND also

autoi autoi G846 pp Nom Pl m SAME sameye

ws hOs G5613 Adv AS

liqoi lithoi G3037 n_ Nom Pl m STONES

zwntes zOntes G2198 vp Pres Act Nom Pl m LIVING

Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

pneumatikos pneumatikos G4152 a_ Nom Sg m spiritual

ierateuma hierateuma G2406 n_ Nom Sg n SACRED-effect priesthood tw tO G3588 t_ Dat Sg m to-THE

agion hagion G40 a_ Nom Sg n HOLY

anenegkai anenegkai G399 vn Aor Act TO-UP-CARRY to-offer-up ihsou iEsou G2424 n_ Gen Sg m JESUS cristou christou G5547 n_ Gen Sg m ANOINTED Christ

euprosdektous euprosdektous G2144 a_ Acc Pl f WELL-TOWARD-RECEIVED most-acceptable

qew theO G2316 n_ Dat Sg m God

dia dia G1223 Prep THRU through en en G1722 Prep IN

2:6 dio
dio G1352 Conj THRU-WHICH wherefore siwn siOn G4622 ni proper SION

kai kai G2532 Conj AND also

periecei periechei G4023 vi Pres Act 3 Sg it-IS-ABOUT-HAVING it-is-being-included

th tE G3588 t_ Dat Sg f THE

grafh graphE G1124 n_ Dat Sg f WRITing scripture kai kai G2532 Conj AND

idou idou G2400 vm 2Aor Act 2 Sg BE-PERCEIVING lo ! o ho G3588 t_ Nom Sg m THE

tiqhmi tithEmi G5087 vi Pres Act 1 Sg I-AM-PLACING I-am-laying

en en G1722 Prep IN

Wherefore also it is contained in the scripture, Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious: and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded.

liqon lithon G3037 n_ Acc Sg m STONE

akrogwniaion akrogOniaion G204 a_ Acc Sg m capstone-CORNER corner-capstone mh mE G3361 Part Neg NO

eklekton eklekton G1588 a_ Acc Sg m chosen

entimon entimon G1784 a_ Acc Sg m IN-VALUED held-in-honor

pisteuwn pisteuOn G4100 vp Pres Act Nom Sg m one-BELIEVING one-believing

ep ep G1909 Prep ON

autw autO G846 pp Dat Sg m it him it

ou ou G3756 Part Neg NOT

kataiscunqh kataischunthE G2617 vs Aor Pas 3 Sg MAY-BE-BEING-DOWN-VILED may-be-being-disgraced

ScrTR : ScrTR_t 1.0 / Strong 1.0 / Parsing 1.1 / CGTS 1.5 / CGES_id 2.3

Translation : AV

2010 Scripture4all Foundation -

1Peter 2
2:7 umin
humin G5213 pp 2 Dat Pl to-YOU(p) to-ye liqon lithon G3037 n_ Acc Sg m STONE oun oun G3767 Conj THEN h hE G3588 t_ Nom Sg f THE timh timE G5092 n_ Nom Sg f VALUE honor tois tois G3588 t_ Dat Pl m to-THE pisteuousin pisteuousin G4100 vp Pres Act Dat Pl m ones-BELIEVING ones-believing apeiqousin apeithousin G544 vp Pres Act Dat Pl m to-ones-UNPERSUADING to-ones-being-stubborn egenhqh egenEthE G1096 vi Aor pasD 3 Sg WAS-BECOME de de G1161 Conj YET

on hon G3739 pr Acc Sg m WHICH

apedokimasan apedokimasan G593 vi Aor Act 3 Pl FROM-test reject

oi hoi G3588 t_ Nom Pl m THE

oikodomountes oikodomountes G3618 vp Pres Act Nom Pl m ones-HOME-BUILDING ones-building

outos houtos G3778 pd Nom Sg m this

eis eis G1519 Prep INTO

Unto you therefore which believe [he is] precious: but unto them which be disobedient, the stone which the builders disallowed, the same is made the head of the corner,

kefalhn kephalEn G2776 n_ Acc Sg f HEAD

gwnias gOnias G1137 n_ Gen Sg f OF-CORNER

2:8 kai
kai G2532 Conj AND

liqos lithos G3037 n_ Nom Sg m STONE

proskommatos proskommatos G4348 n_ Gen Sg n OF-TOWARD-STRIKE of-stumbling apeiqountes apeithountes G544 vp Pres Act Nom Pl m UN-PERSUADING ones-being-stubborn genos genos G1085 n_ Nom Sg n breed race

kai kai G2532 Conj AND

petra petra G4073 n_ Nom Sg f ROCK

skandalou skandalou G4625 n_ Gen Sg n OF-SNARE

oi hoi G3739 pr Nom Pl m WHO who(p)

proskoptousin proskoptousin G4350 vi Pres Act 3 Pl ARE-TOWARD-STRIKING are-stumbling

And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of offence, [even to them] which stumble at the word, being disobedient: whereunto also they were appointed.

tw tO G3588 t_ Dat Sg m to-THE

logw logO G3056 n_ Dat Sg m saying word

eis eis G1519 Prep INTO

o ho G3739 pr Acc Sg n WHICH

kai kai G2532 Conj AND also

eteqhsan etethEsan G5087 vi Aor Pas 3 Pl THEY-WERE-PLACED they-were-appointed ierateuma hierateuma G2406 n_ Nom Sg n SACRED-effect priesthood eqnos ethnos G1484 n_ Nom Sg n NATION agion hagion G40 a_ Nom Sg n HOLY

2:9 umeis
humeis G5210 pp 2 Nom Pl YOU(p) ye laos laos G2992 n_ Nom Sg m PEOPLE

de de G1161 Conj YET

eklekton eklekton G1588 a_ Nom Sg n chosen

basileion basileion G934 a_ Nom Sg n KINGish royal aretas aretas G703 n_ Acc Pl f VALORS virtues

eis eis G1519 Prep INTO

peripoihsin peripoiEsin G4047 n_ Acc Sg f procuring

opws hopOs G3704 Adv WHICH-how so-that

tas tas G3588 t_ Acc Pl f THE

exaggeilhte exaggeilEte G1804 vs Aor Act 2 Pl YE-SHOULD-BE-OUT-MESSAGING ye-should-be-recounting autou autou G846 pp Gen Sg m OF-Him

tou tou G3588 t_ Gen Sg m OF-THE of-the-one

But ye [are] a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:

ek ek G1537 Prep OUT

skotous skotous G4655 n_ Gen Sg n OF-DARKness

umas humas G5209 pp 2 Acc Pl YOU(p) ye

kalesantos kalesantos G2564 vp Aor Act Gen Sg m CALLing

eis eis G1519 Prep INTO

to to G3588 t_ Acc Sg n THE

qaumaston thaumaston G2298 a_ Acc Sg n MARVELous

fws phOs G5457 n_ Acc Sg n LIGHT

2:10 oi
hoi G3588 t_ Nom Pl m THE the(p)

pote pote G4218 Part ?-when once

ou ou G3756 Part Neg NOT

laos laos G2992 n_ Nom Sg m PEOPLE

nun nun G3568 Adv NOW

de de G1161 Conj YET

laos laos G2992 n_ Nom Sg m PEOPLE

qeou theou G2316 n_ Gen Sg m OF-God

oi hoi G3588 t_ Nom Pl m THE the(p)

ouk ouk G3756 Part Neg NOT

10 Which in time past [were] not a people, but [are] now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy.

hlehmenoi EleEmenoi G1653 vp Perf Pas Nom Pl m HAVING-been-MERCIED having-been-shown-mercy

nun nun G3568 Adv NOW

de de G1161 Conj YET

elehqentes eleEthentes G1653 vp Aor Pas Nom Pl m BEING-MERCIED being-shown-mercy ws hOs G5613 Adv AS paroikous paroikous G3941 a_ Acc Pl m BESIDE-HOMers sojourners kai kai G2532 Conj AND parepidhmous parepidEmous G3927 a_ Acc Pl m expatriates apecesqai apechesthai G567 vn Pres Mid TO-BE-FROM-HAVING to-be-abstaining
11 Dearly beloved, I beseech [you] as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;

2:11 agaphtoi
agapEtoi G27 a_ Voc Pl m beLOVED beloved(p) ! twn tOn G3588 t_ Gen Pl f OF-THE

parakalw parakalO G3870 vi Pres Act 1 Sg I-AM-BESIDE-CALLING I-am-entreating-ye epiqumiwn epithumiOn G1939 n_ Gen Pl f ON-FEELings lusts

sarkikwn sarkikOn G4559 a_ Gen Pl f FLESHic fleshly

aitines haitines G3748 pr Nom Pl f WHICH-ANY which-any umwn humOn G5216 pp 2 Gen Pl OF-YOU(p) of-ye

strateuontai strateuontai G4754 vi Pres Mid 3 Pl ARE-WARRING

kata kata G2596 Prep DOWN against

ths tEs G3588 t_ Gen Sg f OF-THE the

yuchs psuchEs G5590 n_ Gen Sg f soul

2:12 thn
tEn G3588 t_ Acc Sg f THE

anastrofhn anastrophEn G391 n_ Acc Sg f UP-TURNing (behaviour) behavior

en en G1722 Prep IN among

tois tois G3588 t_ Dat Pl n THE

eqnesin ethnesin G1484 n_ Dat Pl n NATIONS

econtes echontes G2192 vp Pres Act Nom Pl m HAVING

kalhn kalEn G2570 a_ Acc Sg f IDEAL

12 Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles: that, whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by [your] good works,

ScrTR : ScrTR_t 1.0 / Strong 1.0 / Parsing 1.1 / CGTS 1.5 / CGES_id 2.3

Translation : AV

2010 Scripture4all Foundation -

1Peter 2
ina hina G2443 Conj THAT en en G1722 Prep IN w hO G3739 pr Dat Sg n WHICH katalalousin katalalousin G2635 vi Pres Act 3 Pl THEY-ARE-DOWN-TALKING they-are-speaking-against umwn humOn G5216 pp 2 Gen Pl OF-YOU(p) ye ws hOs G5613 Adv AS kakopoiwn kakopoiOn G2555 a_ Gen Pl m OF-EVIL-DOers of-evildoers ton ton G3588 t_ Acc Sg m THE ek ek G1537 Prep OUT twn tOn G3588 t_ Gen Pl n OF-THE kalwn kalOn G2570 a_ Gen Pl n IDEAL

which they shall behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.

ergwn ergOn G2041 n_ Gen Pl n ACTS

epopteusantes epopteusantes G2029 vp Aor Act Nom Pl m ON-VIEWing ones-being-spectators

doxaswsin doxasOsin G1392 vs Aor Act 3 Pl THEY-SHOULD-BE-esteemizING they-should-be-glorifying

qeon theon G2316 n_ Acc Sg m God

en en G1722 Prep IN

hmera hEmera G2250 n_ Dat Sg f DAY

episkophs episkopEs G1984 n_ Gen Sg f OF-ON-NOTing of-visitation

2:13 upotaghte
hupotagEte G5293 vm 2Aor Pas 2 Pl YE-MAY-BE-BEING-UNDER-SET ye-may-be-being-subject eite eite G1535 Conj IF-BESIDES whether basilei basilei G935 n_ Dat Sg m to-KING ws hOs G5613 Adv AS

oun oun G3767 Conj THEN

pash pasE G3956 a_ Dat Sg f to-EVERY

anqrwpinh anthrOpinE G442 a_ Dat Sg f human

ktisei ktisei G2937 n_ Dat Sg f CREATION

dia dia G1223 Prep THRU because-of

ton ton G3588 t_ Acc Sg m THE

kurion kurion G2962 n_ Acc Sg m Master Lord

13 . Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme;

upereconti huperechonti G5242 vp Pres Act Dat Sg m superior to-one-being-superior ws hOs G5613 Adv AS di di G1223 Prep THRU through autou autou G846 pp Gen Sg m him pempomenois pempomenois G3992 vp Pres Pas Dat Pl m beING-SENT ones-being-sent eis eis G1519 Prep INTO ekdikhsin ekdikEsin G1557 n_ Acc Sg f OUT-JUSTing avenging men men G3303 Part INDEED
14 Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well.

2:14 eite
eite G1535 Conj IF-BESIDES or kakopoiwn kakopoiOn G2555 a_ Gen Pl m OF-EVIL-DOers of-evildoers

hgemosin hEdemosin G2232 n_ Dat Pl m to-LEADers to-governors epainon epainon G1868 n_ Acc Sg m ON-PRAISE applause

de de G1161 Conj YET

agaqopoiwn agathopoiOn G17 a_ Gen Pl m OF-GOOD-DOers of-doers-of-good to to G3588 t_ Nom Sg n THE qelhma thelEma G2307 n_ Nom Sg n WILL tou tou G3588 t_ Gen Sg m OF-THE qeou theou G2316 n_ Gen Sg m God agaqopoiountas agathopoiountas G15 vp Pres Act Acc Pl m GOOD-DOING by-ones-doing-good
15 For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men:

2:15 oti
hoti G3754 Conj that

outws houtOs G3779 Adv thus

estin estin G2076 vi Pres vxx 3 Sg IS

fimoun phimoun G5392 vn Pres Act TO-BE-MUZZLING

thn tEn G3588 t_ Acc Sg f THE

twn tOn G3588 t_ Gen Pl m OF-THE

afronwn aphronOn G878 a_ Gen Pl m UN-DISPOSED imprudent mh mE G3361 Part Neg NO ws hOs G5613 Adv AS

anqrwpwn anthrOpOn G444 n_ Gen Pl m humans

agnwsian agnOsian G56 n_ Acc Sg f UN-KNOWledge ignorance econtes echontes G2192 vp Pres Act Nom Pl m HAVING ths tEs G3588 t_ Gen Sg f OF-THE kakias kakias G2549 n_ Gen Sg f EVIL
16 As free, and not using [your] liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God.

2:16 ws
hOs G5613 Adv AS

eleuqeroi eleutheroi G1658 a_ Nom Pl m FREE free(p)

kai kai G2532 Conj AND

epikalumma epikalumma G1942 n_ Acc Sg n ON-COVER-effect for-cover

thn tEn G3588 t_ Acc Sg f THE

eleuqerian eleutherian G1657 n_ Acc Sg f FREEdom

all all G235 Conj but

ws hOs G5613 Adv AS

douloi douloi G1401 n_ Nom Pl m SLAVES

qeou theou G2316 n_ Gen Sg m OF-God

2:17 pantas
pantas G3956 a_ Acc Pl m ALL

timhsate timEsate G5091 vm Aor Act 2 Pl VALUE-YE honor-ye ! ton ton G3588 t_ Acc Sg m THE

thn tEn G3588 t_ Acc Sg f THE

adelfothta adelphotEta G81 n_ Acc Sg f brotherhood

agapate agapate G25 vm Pres Act 2 Pl BE-YE-LOVING be-ye-loving !

ton ton G3588 t_ Acc Sg m THE

qeon theon G2316 n_ Acc Sg m God

17 Honour all [men]. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king.

fobeisqe phobeisthe G5399 vm Pres midD/pasD 2 Pl BE-YE-FEARING be-ye-fearing !

basilea basilea G935 n_ Acc Sg m KING

timate timate G5091 vm Pres Act 2 Pl BE-YE-VALUING be-ye-honoring !

ScrTR : ScrTR_t 1.0 / Strong 1.0 / Parsing 1.1 / CGTS 1.5 / CGES_id 2.3

Translation : AV

2010 Scripture4all Foundation -

1Peter 2
2:18 oi
hoi G3588 t_ Nom Pl m THE oiketai oiketai G3610 n_ Nom Pl m domestics upotassomenoi hupotassomenoi G5293 vp Pres Pas Nom Pl m beING-UNDER-SET ones-being-suject agaqois agathois G18 a_ Dat Pl m GOOD good-ones caris charis G5485 n_ Nom Sg f grace kai kai G2532 Conj AND en en G1722 Prep IN panti panti G3956 a_ Dat Sg m EVERY all alla alla G235 Conj but fobw phobO G5401 n_ Dat Sg m FEAR tois tois G3588 t_ Dat Pl m to-THE despotais despotais G1203 n_ Dat Pl m OWNers
18 Servants, [be] subject to [your] masters with all fear; not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward.

ou ou G3756 Part Neg NOT

monon monon G3440 Adv ONLY

tois tois G3588 t_ Dat Pl m to-THE

epieikesin epieikesin G1933 a_ Dat Pl m lenient lenient-ones dia dia G1223 Prep THRU because-of

kai kai G2532 Conj AND also

tois tois G3588 t_ Dat Pl m to-THE

skoliois skoliois G4646 a_ Dat Pl m CROOKED crooked-ones upoferei hupopherei G5297 vi Pres Act 3 Sg IS-UNDER-CARRYING is-undergoing
19 For this [is] thankworthy, if a man for conscience toward God endure grief, suffering wrongfully.

2:19 touto
touto G5124 pd Nom Sg n this this-is tis tis G5100 px Nom Sg m ANY anyone

gar gar G1063 Conj for

ei ei G1487 Cond IF

suneidhsin suneidEsin G4893 n_ Acc Sg f conscience consciousness

qeou theou G2316 n_ Gen Sg m OF-God

lupas lupas G3077 n_ Acc Pl f SORROWS

pascwn paschOn G3958 vp Pres Act Nom Sg m EMOTIONING suffering gar gar G1063 Conj for kleos kleos G2811 n_ Nom Sg n credit

adikws adikOs G95 Adv UN-JUSTly unjustly ei ei G1487 Cond IF amartanontes hamartanontes G264 vp Pres Act Nom Pl m missING ones-sinning agaqopoiountes agathopoiountes G15 vp Pres Act Nom Pl m GOOD-DOING ones-doing-good para para G3844 Prep BESIDE qew theO G2316 n_ Dat Sg m God kai kai G2532 Conj AND kolafizomenoi kolaphizomenoi G2852 vp Pres Pas Nom Pl m beING-CHASTENED-FROM ones-being-buffeted pascontes paschontes G3958 vp Pres Act Nom Pl m EMOTIONING ones-suffering
20 For what glory [is it], if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? but if, when ye do well, and suffer [for it], ye take it patiently, this [is] acceptable with God.

2:20 poion
poion G4169 pi Nom Sg n ?-THE-WHICH what ?

upomeneite hupomeneite G5278 vi Fut Act 2 Pl YE-SHALL-BE-UNDER-REMAINING ye-shall-be-enduring-it upomeneite hupomeneite G5278 vi Fut Act 2 Pl YE-SHALL-BE-UNDER-REMAINING ye-shall-be-enduring-it

all all G235 Conj but

ei ei G1487 Cond IF

kai kai G2532 Conj AND

touto touto G5124 pd Nom Sg n this this-is

caris charis G5485 n_ Nom Sg f grace

2:21 eis
eis G1519 Prep INTO

touto touto G5124 pd Acc Sg n this

gar gar G1063 Conj for

eklhqhte eklEthEte G2564 vi Aor Pas 2 Pl YE-WERE-CALLED

oti hoti G3754 Conj that seeing-that ina hina G2443 Conj THAT

kai kai G2532 Conj AND also

cristos christos G5547 n_ Nom Sg m ANOINTED Christ

epaqen epathen G3958 vi 2Aor Act 3 Sg EMOTIONED suffered

uper huper G5228 Prep OVER for-the-sake-of icnesin ichnesin G2487 n_ Dat Pl n TRACES footprints

21 For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:

hmwn hEmOn G2257 pp 1 Gen Pl US

hmin hEmin G2254 pp 1 Dat Pl to-US us

upolimpanwn hupolimpanOn G5277 vp Pres Act Nom Sg m leavING-UP leaving

upogrammon hupogrammon G5261 n_ Acc Sg m UNDER-WRITing copy

epakolouqhshte epakolouthEsEte G1872 vs Aor Act 2 Pl YE-SHOULD-BE-ON-followING ye-should-be-following-up

tois tois G3588 t_ Dat Pl n to-THE

autou autou G846 pp Gen Sg m OF-Him

2:22 os
hos G3739 pr Nom Sg m WHO

amartian hamartian G266 n_ Acc Sg f miss sin

ouk ouk G3756 Part Neg NOT

epoihsen epoiEsen G4160 vi Aor Act 3 Sg DOES

oude oude G3761 Adv NOT-YET neither

eureqh heurethE G2147 vi Aor Pas 3 Sg WAS-FOUND

dolos dolos G1388 n_ Nom Sg m FRAUD guile

en en G1722 Prep IN

tw tO G3588 t_ Dat Sg n THE

22 Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:

stomati stomati G4750 n_ Dat Sg n MOUTH

autou autou G846 pp Gen Sg m OF-Him

2:23 os
hos G3739 pr Nom Sg m WHO

loidoroumenos loidoroumenos G3058 vp Pres Pas Nom Sg m beING-say-SPEARED being-reviled

ouk ouk G3756 Part Neg NOT

anteloidorei anteloidorei G486 vi Impf Act 3 Sg INSTEAD-say-SPEARED reviled-again

pascwn paschOn G3958 vp Pres Act Nom Sg m EMOTIONING suffering

ouk ouk G3756 Part Neg NOT

hpeilei Epeilei G546 vi Impf Act 3 Sg threatenED

23 Who, when he was reviled, reviled not again; when he suffered, he threatened not; but committed [himself] to him that judgeth righteously:

ScrTR : ScrTR_t 1.0 / Strong 1.0 / Parsing 1.1 / CGTS 1.5 / CGES_id 2.3

Translation : AV

2010 Scripture4all Foundation -

1Peter 2 - 1Peter 3
paredidou paredidou G3860 vi Impf Act 3 Sg BESIDE-GAVE gave-over-it de de G1161 Conj YET tw tO G3588 t_ Dat Sg m to-THE krinonti krinonti G2919 vp Pres Act Dat Sg m One-JUDGING one-judging dikaiws dikaiOs G1346 Adv JUSTly

2:24 os
hos G3739 pr Nom Sg m WHO

tas tas G3588 t_ Acc Pl f THE

amartias hamartias G266 n_ Acc Pl f misses sins

hmwn hEmOn G2257 pp 1 Gen Pl OF-US

autos autos G846 pp Nom Sg m SAME shimself tais tais G3588 t_ Dat Pl f to-THE

anhnegken anEnegken G399 vi Aor Act 3 Sg UP-CARRIES carries-up amartiais hamartiais G266 n_ Dat Pl f misses sins

en en G1722 Prep IN

tw tO G3588 t_ Dat Sg n THE

swmati sOmati G4983 n_ Dat Sg n BODY

24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed.

autou autou G846 pp Gen Sg m OF-Him

epi epi G1909 Prep ON

to to G3588 t_ Acc Sg n THE

xulon xulon G3586 n_ Acc Sg n WOOD pole

ina hina G2443 Conj THAT

apogenomenoi apogenomenoi G581 vp 2Aor midD Nom Pl m FROM-BECOMING ones-coming-away

th tE G3588 t_ Dat Sg f to-THE

dikaiosunh dikaiosunE G1343 n_ Dat Sg f JUSTice righteousness

zhswmen zEsOmen G2198 vs Aor Act 1 Pl WE-SHOULD-BE-LIVING

ou hou G3739 pr Gen Sg m OF-WHOM

tw tO G3588 t_ Dat Sg m to-THE

mwlwpi mOlOpi G3468 n_ Dat Sg m WELT

autou autou G846 pp Gen Sg m OF-Him

iaqhte iathEte G2390 vi Aor Pas 2 Pl YE-MAY-BE-BEING-HEALED

2:25 hte
Ete G2258 vi Impf vxx 2 Pl YE-WERE

gar gar G1063 Conj for

ws hOs G5613 Adv AS

probata probata G4263 n_ Nom Pl n sheep sheep(p)

planwmena planOmena G4105 vp Pres Pas Nom Pl n beING-STRAYED

all all G235 Conj but

epestrafhte epestraphEte G1994 vi 2Aor Pas 2 Pl YE-ON-TURNed ye-turned-back

nun nun G3568 Adv NOW

epi epi G1909 Prep ON

25 For ye were as sheep going astray; but are now returned unto the Shepherd and Bishop of your souls.

ton ton G3588 t_ Acc Sg m THE

poimena poimena G4166 n_ Acc Sg m SHEPHERD

kai kai G2532 Conj AND

episkopon episkopon G1985 n_ Acc Sg m ON-NOTEr supervisor

twn tOn G3588 t_ Gen Pl f OF-THE

yucwn psuchOn G5590 n_ Gen Pl f souls

umwn humOn G5216 pp 2 Gen Pl OF-YOU(p) of-ye

ScrTR : ScrTR_t 1.0 / Strong 1.0 / Parsing 1.1 / CGTS 1.5 / CGES_id 2.3

Translation : AV

2010 Scripture4all Foundation -

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