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Irregular Verbs Fun

In each case, work out the tense required for the irregular verb in each sentence.

1. When I __________ (leave) the house, I __________ (see) him crossing the street.
2. She __________ (send) a text message to me earlier: she __________ (write) to me
warning me that she __________ (be) late. I __________ (tell) her not to worry.
3. If I __________ (know) then what I ___________ (know) now, I ____________
___________ (never do) what I __________ (do).
4. I _______________ (never ride) a horse before? It __________ (look) dangerous.
5. One Direction __________ (rise) to international success despite _________ (be)
only young and __________ (have) virtually no talent.
6. After I __________ (give) her a kiss goodnight, she __________ (fall) asleep and
only __________ (wake up) the next morning.
7. We ________________ (already eat) and __________ (drink) so much at the
barbecue that I __________ (feel) sick just looking at more food.
8. If I __________ (be) you, I __________ (say) sorry before she __________ (tell)
someone what you _________ (do). She __________ (forgive) you last time, right?
9. We __________ (drive) about 1,000km and once we __________ (get) there, we
__________ (find) there was no water and we __________ (forget) to bring some.
10. The sun __________ (shine) brightly the whole day, and now we __________ (feel)
really exhausted, completely __________ (wear out) by the heat.
11. We _________ (sit) in this boat all day, and we __________ (catch) a single fish!
12. The thunder rumbled loud throughout the city after the lightning __________
(strike) the cathedral, which __________ (break off) a piece of the stonework.
13. When the bomb __________ (blow up) it __________ (leave) a lot of people with
serious injuries. We ______________ (already ring) the emergency services.
14. After the plane __________ (take off), it __________ (fly) 10,000km to Europe
15. I _____________ (never read) Harry Potter and I __________ (be) proud of it.
16. The UK economy __________ (shrink) last quarter. Lets hope it __________
(grow) next quarter, otherwise pay and bonuses __________ (freeze) even longer.
17. He __________ (throw) his keys up into the air and __________ (catch) them,
which his wife __________ (forbid) him to do.
18. They __________ (deal) with the crisis well up to now, given the circumstances.
19. You __________ (sweep) the bad news under the carpet, hoping it would vanish.
20. She __________ (tear up) the contract and then __________ (set) fire to it.

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