Dolica ST-1100

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ST-1100 - Professional Monopod with Ball Head

The Dolica ST-1100 monopod with ball head is the ideal tool for indoor and outdoor photography. Monopods are ideal when a photographer is unable to use tripod due to space or weight requirements. The step up feature of the Dolica ST-1100 is that it includes an integrated ball head with camera mount stud. The ball head will allow photographers to pan and tilt the camera. With the integrated ball head the ST-1100 is able to do camera vertical shots as well. The ST-1100 is made of light aluminum alloy construction and has a foam comfort grip. Other convenient features include a secure hand strap, quick flip leg locks, and a retractable spike/ rubber foot for shooting on dirt or hard surfaces. The Dolica ball head monopod is capable of holding a camera up to 6.7lbs capacity. Also included is a monopod carrying case. The ST-1100 has a one year warranty.

FEATURES Lig h tw eig h t a lu m in u m al l oy c ons tr uc ti on Integr ated bal l head wi th v ertic al s hot c apabi li ty Retrac tabl e s pi k e foo t and rubber f oot for i ndoor and outdoor c apabi li ty F oam Com for t Gr ips on monop od leg for inc reas ed h andli ng c omf ort Buil t-i n wris t s trap prev ents monopo d fr om f all ing fro m han d Inc l udes Ny lon c arr y ing c as e Max i mu m o pe ra tin g hei gh t: 6 8" Mi n i m um o p e ra ti n g h e i gh t: 2 5. 6 F olded height: 25.6" Net wei ght: 1.5 lbs Max operati ng l oad: 6.7 lbs Number of l e g s ec ti ons : 4 Base thread: 1/4" (direc t mount for Camera/ Camcorder) Mater ial : al u mi num al loy

Address: 241 S. 3rd Ave. suite 3, La Puente, CA. 91746 Tel: 626-968-3366 Fax: 626-968-8457 Website:

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