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Novah Mae SamarBSA-3

July 5, 2012


I am the type of person who is afraid of breaking rules, well, not really of breaking it, but of facing the consequences of breaking it. Thus, personally, I am into principles and these principles serve as the rules that govern my life so that I may not be lost in my journey in life. First is, do unto others what you want others to do unto you. Most of the people put this saying in their minds so that they will be guided not to harm others so that others will not harm them. But I understood it differently. What I am doing towards others, those positive acts I show to them, is what I want them to do also to me. Thats what I wanted but I do not expect it to always happen, because, in connection to my second principle, expectation is a word that sums up all the hurts in the world. I am too tired of expecting, too tired to believe in promises and false hopes. It is not bad to expect, but just dont expect too much, expecting that leads to relying. Third is, doing the right thing is always better than being nice. Thus, when it comes to decision-making, I am always favorable with what is right and not to what is good. There are times that you need to do the right thing and not the good thing. Others may oppose to this principle but for me, this is what I practice most.

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