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As an Indian company involved in food processing, you are looking to source raw fish from Africa into India

(It is cheaper and of similar quality compared to India), carry out processing and export it to Europe, Middle east etc. Find out the feasibility of this plan. Which region of Africa would you prefer to import from and which countries/regions would you prefer to target for export and why?


Market access- Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers (TBTs and SPS measures etc.) Subsidies from Govt in that particular sector (local or foreign) Domestic Production in the related sector and domestic producers Current imports status

Logistic issues Mode of Entry-Partnership, FDI, FII, standalone subsidiary Willingness for technology transfer and how much? Free trade agreements, Adherence to WTO standards (TRIPS) Payment mechanisms Foreign exchange risk-Do you need to hedge for the currency? Ease of Movement of labor and experts Environmental, labor, land acquisition standards Availability of local skilled labor and natural resources required for the business

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