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The ocean water is a frigid 10c.

There is a loose oil container floating 100 meters off the coast that needs to be returned to dock. If this container leaks it will harm the sea life in the ocean and contaminate the fish that we eat from these waters. There have been sharks sightings so it would not be wise to go into the water. Your team has to recover this item from the water in 2 minutes. Design and construct an underwater ROV (remotely operated vehicle) using the kits provided. On Thursday your team will test your underwater ROV at the Hampton YMCA pool. Make sure you can explain: How it works How it was constructed The parts and their functions Why ROVs are needed Problems you had and your solutions What you would do improve the performance of the ROV

Teams Pick Up their ROV and Get Scores on the Coastal Plain Carry Pollutants Up the Continental Slopes Deposit Oil Container in Safe Zone Capture Oil Container (ball) to Take to Safe Zone Collect Pollutants (magnetic chips) Off the Abyssal Plain of the Ocean Floor Pass the Container Ship on the Starboard Side Go Under the Sharks

Launch Area

Teams Pick Up their ROV and Get Scores on the Coastal Plain

Deposit Oil Container within the Safe Zone

Team Members:



Go Under Sharks 5 Pass Container Ship on Starboard Side 5 Collect Pollutants 5 Capture Oil Container 5 Deposit Oil Container in Safe Zone 10 Carry Pollutants Up Continental Slopes 1 point for each chip Team Stayed Behind the Drain When 2 points for each star not crossed off their ROV Was Not in the Water (cross off a star for each time a team member had to be reminded) Total Points Earned

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