Analysis of Health Insurance Data

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Subsequent to hosting of summary tables of health insurance data for 2007-2008 on 15.12.

2008, it has now became possible to host further additional health data tables for the said period for information of all stakeholders Additional Health data tables

Macro data
No of Policies Premium
(Rs in crs)

No of Claims 5,75,774 16,51,770 15,760 1,08,345 23,51,649 87

Claims Paid (Rs

in crs.)

Health Insurance directly serviced by Insurers Health Insurance directly serviced by TPAs Overseas mediclaim Others (UHIS, Jan Arogya, Varishta etc.) Total % of TPA data in this study

4,92,563 45,08,259 14,70,607 9,23,055 73,94,484 84

633 3,657 296 478 5,064 75

462 3,331 91 253 4,137 87


Frequency of claims by gender

1.1. Male


(Total frequency = no. of claims in age/no of total exposure in age group*100) (Disease-wise frequency = no of claims for the disease in the age/no. of total exposure in age group*100) Note :Other disease combined include: Accident, Clinical findings, Codes for Special purposes, Health Services related, Malformation/Deformations and Mental discorders. Same logic holds good for all the tables that follow.

Tariff Advisory Committee

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1.2. Female


(Total frequency = no. of claims in age/no of total exposure in age group*100) (Disease-wise frequency = no of claims for the disease in the age/no. of total exposure in age group*100)

Note: The frequency of claims follows a similar pattern for both genders. Some diseases like Circulatory and Eye show higher frequencies in the higher age groups.


Claims Distribution

2.1. Disease-wise and paid claim amount-wise distribution of claims (No. of Claims ):


Tariff Advisory Committee

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2.2. Disease-wise and paid claim amount-wise distribution of claims (amount of Claims Paid):



Number of days of hospitalisation


Note: 32.11% of claims needed only one day or less than one day of hospitalization

Tariff Advisory Committee

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