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Team Members: Devendra Bhagyawant Atit Dhaigude Roy Thomas Pratik Patil

Introduction of RBI

Management Of The RBI

Top Management:
Deputy Governor Smt. Shyamala Gopinath Deputy Governor Smt. Usha Thorat Governor Dr. D. Subbarao Deputy Governor Dr. Subir Gokarn

Deputy Governor Dr. K. C. Chakrabarty

Organisation Structures:
Central Board of Directors Governor Deputy Governors Executive Directors Principal Chief General Manager Chief General Managers General Managers Deputy General Managers Assistant General Managers Managers Assistant Managers Support Staff

Functions of RBI
Monetary Functions: Non Monetary

1. Note Issue 2. Banker to the Government 3. Bankers bank and lender of last resort 4. Custodian of Foreign Reserves 5. Controller of Credit

Functions: 1. Supervisory Functions 2. Promotional Functions

Other Functions:
Currency Management
Financial Regulation & Supervision Foreign Exchange Reserves Management

Market Operations
Payment & Settlement Systems Policy Research & Data Dissemination

Departments of RBI:
1. Banking Department

i) ii) iii) iv)

Public Accounts Department Public Debt Office Deposit Accounts Department Securities Department

2. Issue Department 3. Central office Department

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