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BSIT - 41 Fourth Semester B.Sc.

(IT ) Degree Examination November /December 2011 (Distance Education) (CBCS) ALGORITHMS
Time: 3 hrs] Note: 1. Parr-A is compulsory 2. Answer any five full questions from Part-B.

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[Max. Marks: 100

I. Answer all the questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Define algorithm profiling. Differentiate hetween static allocation and dynamic allocation. What is recusion? Explain. Define Full binary tree and complete binary tree. Give example. Define Graph. Give example. Define circular queue with example Define Debugging. 2 4 2 4 3 4 3

8. Compare Binary search with sequential search technique.

ILAnswer any FIVE full questions. 1. Design an iterative and recursive algorithm to find the maximum among given set of V elements. 2. Define the following with example. a) Depth of the tree b) Binary tree c) Queue 3. Design and Simulate the working of binary search algorithm 4. a) Design an algorithm to find the GCD of two numbers. b) Design an algorithm to find whether the given graph is connected or not. 5 5 5 15 7 8 Contnd....2 15

5. Explain the following with example a) In-order traverse b) Pre-order traverse c) Post-order traverse 6. a) Explain Time and Space complexity of an algorithm. b) write an algorithm to sort a list of elemenls using quick sort. 7. a) Explain the dimcntional representation of a binary tree. b) What is incidence matrix? Explain. 8. Write short notes on a) Linked list. b) Stack and in application c) Merge - sort. ********

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5 5 5 8 7 8 7 3x5=15

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