Human Resources (HR) Self-Service Human Resources (SSHR) Irecruitment Learning Management Time & Labor (Otl) Payroll

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Oracle Human Resources Management System (HRMS) is a major component of the Oracle E-Business Suite of applications. Oracle HRMS is an integrated suite of applications that supports all aspects of the HR function. It includes:

Oracle Human Resources (HR) Oracle Self-Service Human Resources (SSHR) Oracle iRecruitment Oracle Learning Management Oracle Time & Labor (OTL) Oracle Payroll Oracle Advanced Benefits (OAB) Oracle HRMS Intelligence (HRMSi)

All Oracle HRMS applications share tables in the Oracle database, which eliminates data redundancy, reduces the possibility of error, and creates a consistent record of every worker. Within this framework, however, you can define a human resources model that supports your enterprise's structures and policies. The Oracle HRMS applications meet the requirements of a global workforce. For example, HRMS enables you to manage information in a variety of national languages and supports multiple address styles, legislation-specific date formats, and national identifiers (such as social security numbers), which can be validated according to the rules in each country.

Work Structure
Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 00:32



WORK STRUCTURE defines the structure of an organization by defining

Location Organization Jobs Position Grades Hierarchy

(notes: Even if we are not using HRMS then we would have defined location, organiztion, jobs, position etc for normal inventory and purchasing activites) You can think of Work structure as representing the organizational units of your enterprise ; the Business Group being the largest unit representing the enterprise as a whole KFFs in HR There are seven Key Flexfields (KFFs) in Oracle HR 1. 2. 3. JOB POSITION GRADE

4. 5. 6. 7.


Lookups in HRMS Define the lookups as per business requirement.

Profile Options To acess HRMS below two profile options must be set and should contain the same business group for an user. The profile options can be set in responsibility level or in user level. If the business group is not same in responsibility level then it should be same in user level else user wont able to acess the HRMS forms like job, position etc.

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 10:39



Grades are normally used to record the relative status of employee assignments and to determine compensation and benefits, such as salary, overtime rates, and company car. When you define a grade you enter a value for each segment of the grade name structure. Most customers who use grades choose between one and five segments. A typical grade might be Clerical.C.1. If you operate in multiple countries we usually recommend that you use the same structure for grade names in all countries. However, in this interview you can define exceptions to this common structure for a single country or for a set of countries that you define as a Region. STEP1: Define the grade flex field structure

STEP2: Assign the new grade flex field structure to the business group


GRADE sequence Numbers are used by PJRM for defining job level For each new grade, the flex-field structure opens and calls the values from the defined value sets.Each combination of values is called a Grade and is attached to an employee A drop-down of the combination values are provided to choose from


Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 04/03/2009 - 16:24



You define roles to represent the ways that different groups of employees work. A job is a generic role within a business group, which is independent of any single organization. For example, the jobs Manager and Consultant can occur in many organizations. Career path is defined based on Jobs Your enterprise may have groups of employees hired to perform specific tasks. This can be on a temporary or a permanent basis. Staff in this category can include agency workers, consultants, and contractors. For these staff, you can define the role more flexibly as a job. You can also use jobs to set up supplementary roles that an employee might hold, for example, fire warden, or health and safety officer. You can distinguish these supplementary roles from other jobs by using job groups. Job groups are used to store supplementary roles of a similar type in one group. Set ups STEP1 First define the job flex field structure


Assign the job flex field to the business group.

STEP 3 Create a new job group if required for the newly cretated job KFF.

STEP 4 Create Jobs in the above created job group from the newly created job flex field structure.

Assign valid grades to the job

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 18:20



You define roles to represent the ways that different groups of employees work. In Oracle HRMS you can use jobs or positions, or a combination, to define roles. Oracle HRMS uses jobs to represent the duties people perform and the required skills, for example:

Professor Developer Accountant

Positions represent a specific instance of a job, such as:

Assistant Professor of Sociology Senior Software Developer Payroll Accountant

Job: A job is a generic role within a Business Group, which is independent of any single organization. For example, the jobs Manager and Consultant can occur in many organizations. You can also use jobs to set up

supplementary roles that an employee might hold, for example, fire warden, or health and safety officer. You can distinguish these supplementary roles from other jobs by using Job Groups. Position: A position is a specific occurrence of one job, fixed within one organization. For example, the position Finance Manager would be an instance of the job of Manager in the Finance organization. The position belongs to the organization. There may be one, many, or no holders of a position at any time. Example In a large structured organization, you may have a permanent establishment of positions for most of your employees. However, you may also have groups of employees hired to perform specific tasks. This can be on a temporary or a permanent basis. Staff in this category can include agency workers, consultants and contractors. For these staff, you can define the role more flexibly as a job. Using Oracle HRMS to Manage Jobs and Positions As you implement your enterprise model, one of the earliest decisions you face is whether to use jobs, positions, or a combination of both. You can use Oracle HRMS to define required skills and valid grades for either one. Enterprises fall into one of three general categories:

1. Rule-based If your organization is a rule-based enterprise, you regulate employment, roles, and
compensation according to strict policies and procedures. Fixed roles tend to endure over time, surviving multiple incumbents. You manage roles rather than individuals. Examples include government, higher education, and health care. Rule-based industries, where roles continue to exist after individuals leave, typically model the enterprise using positions. Project-based If your organization is a project-based enterprise, such as a construction or software company, you require the flexibility to assign people to new projects or organizations on a regular basis.You manage people and their skill sets, rather than fixed roles. This requires the flexibility to match competencies to tasks quickly and easily. Project-based organizations, where roles end when individuals complete a project, typically model the enterprise using jobs. Hybrid If your organization is a hybrid enterprise, you assign some individuals to fixed roles, and others to multiple projects. This is typical of large manufacturing or corporate enterprises. Hybrid enterprises such as these model the enterprise using both jobs and positions. Roles HRMS provides two key contexts for a role: the primary role and the HRMS role. Primary role You set up primary roles using jobs and positions, as described above, to define the key tasks the enterprise employs people to perform. HRMS role You set up HRMS roles to grant permission to authorize or approve HR actions, such as creating new positions, recruitment, hiring, or managing expenses. Roles also specify destinations in a routing and approval sequence, such as initiator, classifier, reviewer, or approver. You can associate multiple users with the same role, allowing anyone occupying the role to process a position or budget transaction, or approve other changes, such as promotions or transfers Defining a Position STEP 1: Define the position flex field structure



STEP 2: Assign the new position flex field structure to the business group

STEP 3: Define the new position.

Position Details
Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/13/2009 - 19:04



1. Position Management Check Boxes The check boxes at the top of the window are for information purposes only. They are checked if the position belongs to an organization selected for position control. The check boxes indicate whether the position is: Open: Unfilled Under Review: Changes to the position definition are in process using a position transaction Approved Future Actions: The position or changes to it are approved for a future effective date

2. Select the position type. The choices are: Single Incumbent, meaning that only one employee is allowed to hold the position at any time Shared, meaning there can be several incumbents, up to the value of the FTE field Pooled (Public Sector only), meaning the position is loosely defined so rules about FTE and hours are not enforced by the system None, which you can select if you do not need to record position types 3. If the position is permanent and budgeted every year, select the Permanent check box.

4. If the position is only used in one season each year (such as a summer teacher), select the Seasonal check box. You can enter the season dates in the Seasonal Information extra information type. 7. Select the organization and job for this position. They must have a start date on or before the start date of this position. Note: You cannot change the organization or job once you have saved the definition. You can set up several positions that have the same job in the same organization. Each position name must be unique 8. Select a location for the position, or leave the default, which is the location of the organization. 9. Optionally, select a status for the position. Selecting Valid or leaving the Status field blank enables employees to be assigned to the position, provided other conditions (such as an Active hiring status) are met. If the status is Invalid or any other status defined at your site, employees cannot be assigned to the position Entering Hiring Information 1. Enter the number of Full Time Equivalents to be assigned to this position. If the Position Type is Single Incumbent, FTE must be 1.0 or less.

2. You can enter the number of incumbents that are planned for the position in the Headcount field. 3. If appropriate, select a bargaining unit code for the position. This is usually the legally recognized collective negotiating organization. Note: You set up your different bargaining units as values for the Lookup type BARGAINING_UNIT_CODE. 4. If required, enter the earliest date at which incumbents can be hired into this position. If you have created a requisition and vacancy for this position, the earliest hire date must be within the vacancy dates. 5. Enter the date by which the position should be filled. This date must be on or after the Earliest Hire Date.

6. Use the Permit Recruiting check box to identify, for your own information, a position that is frozen but due to become active in the near future. Note: The Permit Recruiting check box is for information purposes only. Proposed Entry Salary 1. Select the payroll to which the position's incumbents are normally assigned. This payroll's calendar can be used for calculations of budgeted amounts and commitments. 2. Select the salary basis to which the position's incumbents are normally assigned. 3. Select the default grade to be used to determine the entry salary of position incumbents. Note: If you maintain information about valid grades for the position or the position's job, this grade must be one of the valid grades. 4. Do one of the following, or leave these fields blank: If the position is paid from a pay scale, select the grade step and scale rate that represent the entry level salary for this position. The system displays the value of the step on the scale rate you selected. If you maintain a grade rate to hold entry salary for this position, select the appropriate grade rate. The value or range (minimum, maximum and midpoint values) for this grade rate are displayed. Probation If there is a probation period for this position, you can enter its length in the Probation region. Overlap Select the length of time a new incumbent can overlap with a leaving incumbent for transfer of skills. Note: You can enter proposed start and end dates for particular periods of overlap using the Extra Information Types window.

Position Hierarchy
Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 01/07/2010 - 11:30



Use the Position Hierarchy window to create position hierarchies. Always define hierarchies from the top position down. Note: You can use the Hierarchy Diagrammer to create your position hierarchy graphically.

Each position can belong to any number of hierarchies at the same time, but can only appear once in any hierarchy. You should define the primary reporting hierarchy as part of your implementation of positions. The first version of your hierarchy should show your reporting structures when you implement Oracle HR.

Suggestion: You may find it easier to define the Hierarchy using the top position and one other. Then you can add other positions into the hierarchy when you make your definitions in the Position window.

To create a position hierarchy:

Notes: In the above example number of subordinates is 3 for the position 02.Supervisior - 01.Data Entry Operator(which has one subordinate 1.LAC , total 2), 05.Buyer Assistance and 01.Data Entry Operator has one subordinate 1.LAC 1. Enter a unique name, and check Primary if it is your main reporting hierarchy. 2. Enter the version number and start date for the hierarchy. You can copy an existing hierarchy. 3. Query the top position name into the Position block. The Holder field displays the name of the employee who holds this position. If there is more than one holder, this field displays the number of holders. You can choose the List icon from the toolbar to display the list of holders.

4. In the Subordinates block, select the immediate subordinates for the top position. 5. To add organizations below one of these immediate subordinates, check the Down check box for the position. The Position block now displays the position you selected. You can add subordinates to this position. To return to the previous level, check the Up check box. Attention: The list of positions from which you can select in the Subordinates block includes positions that are already in the hierarchy. If you select such a position, you will move it and all its subordinates within the hierarchy.

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