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A Challenge for Today and Tomorrow


Consequence of action
Self fulfillment


Happiness/ felicity
Community of being or Community of acting

Self determination



Common good

Acts of will & knowledge (cognition of truth)

Personal meaning is received Human alienation

Different attitudes which man s being and acting as well as other attitudes that affect such relations in the community are characterize (Wojtyla)

Action reveals the person Man creates himself in his actions The experience of human action leads to the conclusion that man is being possessed of dynamism.

Self determination brings to fore of deeper and richer aspect of human causality in action. Self determination by which man makes decision about himself proves that man has possession and control of himself

The acts of will endows man with freedom and the power to be the author of his actions and of himself. The acts of the will ultimately belong to the person.

Mans knowledge of objective reality, of himself and in particular, his knowledge of values as possible ends as the basis of the norms that he refers to in his acting

naturally and intrinsically attracted to good or value moment of truth axiological truth(moral truth) owing to conscience the choosing of true good

Moment of truth or axiological truth is the knowledge of the true goodness or value of the object. Axiological or moral truth refers to the knowledge of the value of the object, which involves not only the apprehension of the goodness or badness of the object, but also the judgment that this attribution of value is indeed true and correct.

To fulfill oneself means to actualize in a way to bring the proper fullness. (Wojtyla) True self-fulfillment is accomplished solely in the performance of a morally good act.

Felicity is the fulfillment of freedom through truth Being happy is to fulfill oneself Self-fulfillment which unrolls parallel to self determination brings about happiness or felicity.

Self-fulfillment and participation or having a share or part in something must go together. When man acts with other men, he retains the personalitistic value of his own acting and at the same time shares in the realization and the result of communal acting.

Common good is the basis of participation when persons act together.

All communities can either be a community of being or community of acting In a community of being, the members are brought together by the objective bonds which exist among them and which define, so to speak, their membership in that communal group such as in family. In a community of acting, the members are brought together by the objective or goal, or set of aims or goals, that brought them to act together.

Authentic attitudes of man to community solidarity opposition, dialogue Non-authentic attitudes of man to community non-involvement and servile conformism

Authentic attitudes Solidarity is that participative attitude which renders the person constantly ready to accept and realize his share in the community.

Opposition is the attitude which aims at a more adequate understanding of the common good, and more specially, of the means employed or need to be employed for its achievement.

Dialogue is the attitude which establishes and keeps the balance of solidarity and opposition.

Non-authentic attitudes Servile conformism denotes a passive compliance which, on the surface, appears as solidaristic, but in reality involves an intrinsic lack of solidarity and an evasion of opposition.

Non-involvement is the complete withdrawal from the community.

I-You and We relations

Peculiar reflexivity and reciprocity between the I and You

The disregard for and the neglect and the absence of participation The weakening or simply the annihilation of the possibility to experience another human being as the other I

Teachers who are in the value of slump is devastating to the organization

Karol Wojtylas philosopy (1984) Of The Acting Person, affirms that the demoralization of man about the very meaning of his own being and that the systematic reunification of the healthy ambition of being a man are the most devastating end-result of this age of violent controversy concerning man.

Given the proper support and follow-up, the following ideas can be assiagned to people who fall on a value slump. a. A consulting or trouble-shooting assignment:
b. a task force to solve a problem or generate ideas; c. Representing the organization to outsiders; and d. Teaching or training assignment

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