Vernalis's Theory On Music

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Carol Vernalis is another prominent theorist that has a rather subtle view on music videos.

She argues that music videos use way more edits than in a film. These edits make the film seem more continuant towards the audience as well as grab their attention. Most of these edits according to Carol stand out as a disjuncture, in other words the editing has a connection to the song(closely connected).These edits could be the following: Jump cut- takes the audience by surprised, for example in Michael Jackson thriller the camera cuts from a normal Michael to a werewolf, just to scare the audience. Cross cuts are used widely in a film , they cut from one scene to another. Match cut- makes the action appear more seamless(time is seen as being continuant). The use of ellipses to shorten the hours or minuets in a day is really important for most artists. The use of base track, fades and dissolve are employed as

Carol argues that editing is broken down to what is on the screen, just to make it seem continuant. By breaking it down to different sections it benefits both the audience in terms of them enjoying it more as well as making it easier for producers to plan and see where to improve if there is any room for improvements. She also argues that jump cuts are used quite allot in music videos ,at least all music videos should use one or more jump cuts, it takes the audience by surprise. Backtracks are often use to create the structure and the style of the music video.

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