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Briegel 3

Hunter Briegel





I. Communism is a social, political and economic theory that transformed

the world and shaped much of the 1900’s history. Communism was

developed by Lenin, based on the writing of Karl Marx (Source: 2)

II. The ideas of Communism were cultivated by the poor conditions of

factory workers during the mid 1800’s (Source: 2)

A. Marx believed that communism was the “highest stage of human

development” (Source: 2)

1. Shared wealth ensures a “happy, harmonious society” (Source: 2)

2. Believed struggle and violence necessary (Source: 2)

B. Communists share goal of equality and economic security

(Source: 2)

1. Government ownership of land, factories and other

resources (Source: 2)

2. Government planning of economy, command economy (Source: 2)

III. USSR and Soviet Union

A. Russia first Communist state (Source: 1)

1. WWI creates problems

a. Heavy troop losses

2. 1922 formed USSR (Source: 2)

B. Under Stalin

1. Ruled with “iron fist,” opposition sent to death camps (Great Purge)

2. Soviets rallied during WWII, political repression eased (Source: 2)

3. Stalin introduced collective farms (Source: 1)

IV. Communism in Asia

A. Mao Zedong

1. Defeated Nationalists in Civil War (Source: 2)

2. Communists appealed to peasants

V. Communism transformed the world, created wars, and in effect divided

the world into capitalists and communists during the 1900’s. Although the

Soviet Union was dissolved, its influence is still present around the world

and in Russian today. Nations such as North Korea and China continue to

be Communist, although market reforms have been introduced.

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