Build A Safe Home

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Build a Safe Home Bing and Bong are beavers. They live in a river. Bing is very hardworking.

Bong is very lazy. Beavers have to build a dam around their lodges. They will store food in the pond for the winter. The dam also protects them from dangerous animals. For the past few months, Bing has worked very hard at night. He chews off small trees. He builds a strong dam with the sticks, logs and mud. Bing has also collected sticks and logs to build his dam. But, Bong is lazy. He makes a very small dam. Then, he spends his time playing in the river. Bong, you should build a bigger and stronger dam, Bing advises him. Dont worry. My dam is big and strong enough, Bong says. One day, it rains heavily. The river water swells and rises. It floods over Bongs dam. The dam finally gives way. Bong has lost his home. Bing takes pity on Bong. He invites Bong to live surrounded by a big and strong dam. They make it through the winter. Thank you, Bing, for sharing your home with me, Bong says. Since then, Bong learns to work harder. bld sef hm | bin nd b bivz | e lv n rv | bin z veri hdwk | b z veri lezi | bivz hv t bld dm rand e ldz | e wl st fud n pnd f wnt | dm ls prtekts m fhrm dendrs nmlz | f pst fju mns | bin hz wkt veri hd t nat | hi tuz f sml triz | hi bldz str dm w stks | lz nd md | bin hz ls klektd stks nd lz t bld hz dm | bt | b z lezi | hi meks veri sml dm | en | hi spendz hz tam ple n rv | b | ju d bld br nd str dm | bin dvazz m | dnt wri | ma dm z b nd str nf | b sez | wn de | t renz hevli | rv wt swelz nd razz | t fldz v bz dm | dm fanli vz we | b hz lst z hm | bin teks pti n b | hi nvats b t lv srandd ba b nd str dm | e mek t ru wnt | k ju | bin | f er j hm w mi | b sez | sns en | b lnz t wk hd | |

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