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# 1083490

This Request for Expression of Interest is for a Firm Selection. Please log in as a valid Firm User if you wish to express interest in this selection.

Selection Information
Assignment Title Publication Date Expression of Interest Deadline Language of Notice Soapberry WWTP - TECHNICAL CONSULTANT 17-Sep-2012 08-Oct-2012 at 11:59:59 PM (EST) English

Selection Notice
Assignment Country Funding Sources Individual/Firm JM - Jamaica The World Bank intends to finance the assignment/services under Trust Funds: BB - BANK BUDGET TF022293 - PPIAF: COUNTRY SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES The consultant will be a firm.

Assignment Description
Request for Expression of Interest for A Technical and Environmental Consultant Soapberry Waste-Water Treatment Plant Pre-feasibility and Environmental Baseline Study

Introduction International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, is w orking through the Development Bank of Jamaica (DBJ), w hich is a government corporation, to support the National Water Commission (NWC), a statutory body w hich provides potable w ater and sew erage services to Jamaica, in its goal of expanding the Soapberry Waste Water Treatment Plant (the Plant) through a Public Private Partnership (PPP). During the preliminary due diligence, IFC identified tw o technical issues w hich may impact the ability to expand the Plant through a PPP: (1) The current treatment process cannot effectively remove nitrogen to comply w ith the effluent quality standard and potential solutions to nitrogen removal require significant capital investment, w hich w ill have to be assessed to see if it is recoverable on commercial basis; (2) Effluents recipient body of w ater (Hunts Bay) is show ing signs of pollution and may be too sensitive to future effluent discharge. Uncertainties surrounding the environmental impact on Hunts Bay may be perceived as risky by potential investors, therefore need to be clarified. To assess the risks associated w ith the issues described above and to determine w hether they could be structured under a PPP arrangement, tw o studies are needed. i. The pre-feasibility study (the Study) w hich w ill help identify cost-effective affordable technological options to reduce the level of nitrogen in the effluent of the Soapberry Wastew ater Treatment plant to the level required by local standard. The Study w ill focus on the technical and economic viability of the available technological options for nitrogen removal and w ill determine the most viable option in the context of the Soapberry plant and based on the results of the Environmental Baseline Study, described in the paragraph below . ii. The Environmental Baseline Study (the EBS) of the current Soapberry Plant w ill be used as input to model the expanded orm.html 1/3


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Plants future environmental and social impacts on the Rio Cobre and Hunts Bay, and select the best available technological solution for cost-effective nitrogen reduction. IFC intends to draw upon the services of a Technical Consultant w ith extensive international experience to support IFC and NWC w ith the Pre-feasibility and the Environmental Baseline studies. Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) IFC now invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing their services by submitting a response to this Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI). Firms that have been determined to be qualified through the evaluated results of this first stage may be invited to submit proposals for the Request for Proposals (RFP) that w ill be issued at a later date.

Scope of The Assignment The duration of the assignment is expected to be about 8 months from the initial mobilization, covering the follow ing main tasks: - perform a comprehensive assessment of the current w astew ater treatment Plant efficiency and influent/effluent quality; - undertake an assessment of concentrations levels in the receiving w ater bodies (Rio Cobre/Hunts Bay/Kingston Harbour), follow ing effluent standards set by NEPA , IFC EHS guidelines for Water and Sanitation and General EHS guidelines . During such assessment the Consultant w ill particularly focus their attention on nitrogen concentration in the influent/effluent and on potential Plants environmental and social impacts on the Rio Cobre and Hunts Bay follow ing requirements of IFC Performance Standards. - pre-assess the feasibility of the Plants expansion and the viability of technological solutions needed for the nitrogen removal to the required standards and w ill assess the environmental impact of the expanded Plant (that w ill obviously include the existing plant) and the new technological options proposed for nitrogen removal. The specific tasks and outputs required from the Consultant w ill be described in detail in the RFP, how ever, it should be noted that the key deliverables w ill be the Pre-feasibility and the Environmental Baseline studies as described above. Requirements for the Assignment The consulting firm or the Consultant must have experience in preparation of pre-feasibility and EBS studies of large w astew ater and environmental projects. Consulting firms are strongly encouraged to associate w ith local technical firms for the implementation of some of the tasks highlighted above.

Responses to this REOI shall not exceed 10 pages. If the submitted response exceeds 10 pages, IFC reserves the right to read only the first 10 pages. In addition, each firm w ill be requested to provide a short description of their company - less 5 pages. A link to the companys w ebsite w ould suffice. By responding to this REOI, you are confirming compliance w ith the World Bank Group Procurement Policy. IFC reserves the right to limit the number of qualified firms shortlisted for efficiency. IFC reserves the right to verify any information provided, or to request additional information after REOI packages are received. IFC reserves the right to proceed, or to not proceed, w ith issuing an RFP. IFC reserves the right to modify the scope of w ork for the RFP as necessary to meet Project requirements. All data and information received from IFC for the purpose of this assignment are to be treated confidentially and are only to be used in connection w ith the execution of these Terms of Reference. The contents of w ritten materials obtained and used in this assignment may not be disclosed to any third parties w ithout the expressed advance w ritten notice of IFC.

Qualification Criteria
1. Interested consultants should provide information showing that they are technically qualified in the field of the assignment including waste water engineering assessment, design, costing (OPEX/CAPEX) and its impact on tariffs and social & environmental assessment (execution of Environmental Baseline Studies in particular). * 2. Consultants should demonstrate relevant experience for the assignment including experience of waste water treatment plant schemes preferably working in the Caribbean, in Jamaica in particular. * 3. Interested consultants should provide information of the qualifications of likely key staff. At a minimum this should include a range of staff with skills and experience in waste water supply assessment and design, PPP transactions in small-scale rural water schemes and preferably working in the Caribbean, Jamaica in particular. * 4. Interested Firms will provide information on the qualifications of key staff. *
* - Mandatory

Selection and contracting will normally be made from responses to this request for expression of interest. The consultant will be orm.html 2/3


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selected from a shortlist, subject to availability of funding.


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