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What did I want? What do you think I wanted? I wanted you to care Arnav!

She cried, the tears shed been holding in for the past few months streaming down her cheeks, as she strove to drag in a much needed breath of air. A man accustomed to being exactingly precise in every sphere of his life, a man who had only ever been right; Arnav Singh Raizada watched as he learned for the very first time that he wasnt. Not because she claimed money couldnt buy the world. It could. But because nothing could buy her. And for him, that was all that mattered. For while to some the world was still rampant in all its glory, for Arnav Singh Raizada the world as he knew it had embodied itself in one tiny being, with caramel eyes and perpetually surreptitious smile. There were people, however, who were not only exempt from any such show of brutality, for even if only verbal Arnav Singh Raizadas verbal lashings were nothing if not brutal, but privy to a part of his life only a handful saw. For as volatile as Arnav Singh Raizada was, he was perhaps just as if not more serene in love. In fact most people would say not only was he human but positively saintly. But that Dear Readers is a tale for another day A/N: I had a question, asking why Khushi thought Arnav didnt deserve her. It wasnt a you dont deserve me but more of a you deserve better - basically

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