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Ayurveda Today, Index grouped by issue and title

The Importance of Meditation But for Whom? Ayurveda for Self Realization Those Marvelous Herbs: Onion Pitta, The Dosha of Transformation Ayurvedic Cuisine: Coconut Milk Ayurvedic Cuisine: Coconut Saffron Rice The Theory of the 5 Basic Elements Those Marvelous Herbs: Garlic Vata Dosha Ayurvedic Cuisine: Kitcheri The Biodynamics of Ayurveda Obesity & Ayurveda Winter Nasya The Importance of Sanskrit in Ayurveda Ayurvedic Cuisine: Masala Rice Those Marvelous Herbs: Ginger The Stories Told by Lines of the Face Ayurvedic Cuisine: Bengali Kheer Ayurvedic Cuisine: Potato & Cabbage Veg. Ayurvedic First Aid: Nose Bleeds Asatmya - The Concept of Allergies in Ay Ayurveda & Spirituality Those Marvelous Herbs: Dandelion Ayurveda & Gemstones: The Diamond Those Marvelous Herbs: Coriander Ayurvedic Cuisine: Lassi (Buttermilk) The Summer Season and Pitta Dosha Ayurvedic Cuisine: Kadhi (Yogurt Soup) Ayurveda & Gemstones: The Pearl Investigating Color, A look at Orange Ayurvedic First Aid: Athletes Foot Pitta Pacifying Diet Pranayama Ayurvedic Cuisine: Peas Pilau Investigating Blue Color A Gemstone for Vata: The Ruby The 5 Types of Vata & Functions Mudras Those Marvelous Herbs: Basil Ayurvedic Cuisine: Raisin Chutney Ayurvedic Cuisine: Samosa Taking Ayurveda to Europe Ayurvedic Cuisine: Carrot Pickles Cholesterol & Excess Kapha Those Marvelous Herbs: Turmeric Tears Investigating Indigo Color The Divine Balance The 3 Gunas, Satva, Rajas & Tamas Seasonal Influences on Human Energy

Goodman Melanie Sachs Lad & Flint Goodman Stinnett Janhavi Janhavi Vasant Lad Goodman Stinnett Usha Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Diane Westwater Robert Svoboda Usha Lad Goodman Vasant Lad Usha Lad Usha Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Stinnett Goodman Arline Flint Vasant Lad Dorothy Seeger Vasant Lad Dorothy Seeger Vasant Lad et alt Arline Flint Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Chaitanya Usha Lad Arline Flint Arline Flint Stinnett Vasant Lad Goodman Usha Lad Usha Lad Melanie Sachs Usha Lad Vasant Lad Goodman Vasant Lad Arline Flint Stinnett Arline Flint Vasant Lad

spirituality & ayurveda nutrition, digestion & spirituality & ayurveda herbology & disease & ayurveda nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & ayurveda, the science of herbology & Ayurveda, the science of nutrition, digestion & Ayurveda, the science of disease & Ayurveda Ayurvedic massage & Ayurveda, the science of nutrition, digestion & herbology & clinical assessment arts nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & disease & ayurveda disease & ayurveda spirituality & ayurveda herbology & subtle therapies - gems herbology & nutrition, digestion & ayurveda, the science of nutrition, digestion & subtle therapies - gems subtle therapies - color disease & ayurveda nutrition, digestion & yoga nutrition, digestion & subtle therapies - color subtle therapies - gems ayurveda, the science of yoga herbology & nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & ayurveda, the science of nutrition, digestion & disease & ayurveda herbology & psychology & ayurveda subtle therapies - color ayurveda, the science of ayurveda, the science of ayurveda, the science of

YEAR Season
1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1988 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1989 1990 Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Page 1 of 9

Ayurveda Today, Index grouped by issue and title

Now May the Twain Meet Those Marvelous Herbs: Cinnamon Investigating Green Color What is Health Ayurvedic Cuisine: Ginger Drink Ayurveda & Gemstones: Beryl Ayurvedic Cuisine: Chapatis Incompatible Food Combination Hypoglycemia Those Marvelous Herbs: Shatavari Herbalism, Ayurvedic (part 1) Migraine Headaches: An Ayurvedic Prospe Investigating Color: Yellow Ayurveda & Gemstones Ayurvedic Cuisine: Ghee Jyotisha (Vedic Astrology) Investigating Color; Violet Triphala - A report from the Herb Room Ayurvedic Cuisine: Potato Subji Ayurvedic Herbalism, part 2 Samprapti (Pathogenesis) Part 1 Samprapti (Pathogenesis) Part 2 Ayurvedic Cuisine: Eggplant Subji Herbs and the Digestive Process A Tasty Poem from the Herb Room Sitopaladi: An Ayurvedic Compound Ayurvedic Cuisine: Kapha Tea Vive Les Differences Manas Prakruti / Psych. Constitution Becoming a Hands-On Practitioner Ayurvedic Cuisine: Masala Rice Herbs, Our Friends for Life The Vedic Use of Gems Ayurvedic Psychology Astrology; Where are the stars? Cuisine: Rose Petal Jam Ayurvedic Cuisine: Vada (potato & chick pea patties) That which we call a rose The Vedic Use of Gems (Part 2) Cuisine: Rose Ghee Nature's Medicine, Ayurveda Asthi-Sandhi, Majja-Rogani All That You Are Not Ayurvedic Cuisine: Puja Masur Dal Basil, The Great Protector Tratakam Anupans Vegas; Ignoring Natural Reflexes or Urges Ayurvedic Cuisine: Upma An Ayurvedic View of Dreams & Sleep Quotes from Caraka Samhita

Charles Goodman Lennie J. Young Arline Flint Vivian White Usha Lad Arline Flint Usha Lad Vasant Lad Athrine Thomas herbroom David Frawley Vasant Lad Arline Flint Chaitanya Usha Lad Hart deFouw Arline Flint Scott Cote Usha Lad David Frawley Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Usha Lad David Frawley Scott Cote Scott Cote Usha Lad Chaitanya Vasant Lad Donald VanHowten Usha Lad Teresa Hart David Frawley Vasant Lad David Frawley Theresa Hart Usha Lad Theresa Hart David Frawley Theresa Hart David Frawley Vasant Lad Ammons Usha Lad Teresa Hart Cathrine Thomas Kevin Spelman Vasant Lad Usha Lad David Frawley Caraka

ayurveda, the science of herbology & subtle therapies - color ayurveda, the science of nutrition, digestion & subtle therapies - gems nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & disease & ayurveda herbology & herbology & disease & ayurveda subtle therapies - color subtle therapies - gems nutrition, digestion & jyotisha subtle therapies - color herbology & nutrition, digestion & herbology & disease & ayurveda disease & ayurveda nutrition, digestion & herbology & herbology & herbology & nutrition, digestion & psychology & Ayurveda psychology & Ayurveda Ayurvedic massage & nutrition, digestion & herbology & jyotisha psychology & Ayurveda jyotisha nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & herbology & jyotisha nutrition, digestion & Ayurveda, the science of disease & Ayurveda spirituality & ayurveda nutrition, digestion & herbology & spirituality & Ayurveda herbology & disease & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & psychology & Ayurveda disease & Ayurveda

YEAR Season
1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1990 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1991 1992 Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Page 2 of 9

Ayurveda Today, Index grouped by issue and title

An Ayurvedic View of Dream & Sleep ( Part2) Ayurvedic Cuisine: Spiced Poha Kundalini, The Divine Mother The Concept of Agni A Constitutional Approach Ayurvedic Cuisine: Poha (Rice flakes) Medical Systems from the Ayurvedic Standpoint Ayurvedic Cuisine: Saffron Rice Ayurveda & Modern Medicine: Quality & Quantity in Medical Methods of Knowing The Ayurvedic Assessment of Pulse Routines, A Life Well Lived Chavanprash Rutu Charya, Seasonal Routines for Winter & Spring Ayurvedic Cuisine: Palak (Spinach) Subji Ayurvedic Cuisine: Vegetable Pakora Rutu Charya Routines for Summer & Fall Hrdroga, Heart disease The Ayurvedic view of Hypertension Supporting the heart with herbs Ayurvedic Cuisine: Teas The Healing Power of Fruit Swasam, Bronchial Asthma Choosing the Food for You Ayurvedic Cuisine: Stuffed Masala Chili The Nabhi Marmas Daily Routines What the ancient Ayurvedic texts say about Neem Ayurvedic Cuisine: Carrot Khir Empty Bowl Meditation The Daily Routine Studying Ayurveda in India An Introduction to Ayurveda Ayurvedic Cuisine: Corn Soup Ayurvedic Cuisine: Mung Dal Kitchari Neem An Introduction to Panchakarma Healing with Household Herbs: Cumin Creation Shad Darshan (Part 1) Healing with Household Herbs: Bay Leaf Ayurvedic Cuisine: Lima Bean Bhaji Ayurvedic Cuisine: Spicy Puri Malas, garlands, necklaces & rosaries Shad Darshan (Part 2) Healing with Household Herbs: Bhringaraj Color Therapy - II Ojas Ayurvedic Cuisine: Cucumber Raita Healing with Herbs: Maintaining Ojas Shirodhara

David Frawley Usha Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Kevin Spelman Usha Lad David Frawley Usha Lad David Frawley Robert Svoboda Vasant Lad Robert Svoboda herbroom Vasant Lad Usha Lad Usha Lad Vasant Lad Robert Svoboda Vasant Lad Karuna Fluhart Usha Lad Usha & Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Usha Lad Vasant Lad Robert Svoboda Vasant Lad Usha Lad Kevala Kumbhak Vasant Lad Claudia Welch Vasant Lad Usha Lad Usha Lad Will Foster Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Robert Svoboda Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Usha Lad Usha Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Kevin Casey Karuna Fluhart Vasant Lad Usha Lad Michael Dick Ed Danaher

psychology & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & spirituality & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & herbology & nutrition, digestion & Ayurveda, the science of nutrition, digestion & Ayurveda, the science of clinical assessment arts clinical assessment arts Ayurveda, the science of herbology & Ayurveda, the science of nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & Ayurveda, the science of disease & Ayurveda disease & Ayurveda herbology & nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & disease & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & Ayurvedic massage & Ayurveda, the science of herbology & nutrition, digestion & spirituality & Ayurveda Ayurveda, the science of Ayurveda, the science of Ayurveda, the science of nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & herbology & Ayurvedic massage & herbology & Ayurveda, the science of Ayurveda, the science of herbology & nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & spirituality & Ayurveda Ayurveda, the science of herbology & subtle therapies - color disease & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & herbology & Ayurvedic massage &

YEAR Season
1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1992 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1993 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1994 1995 1995 1995 1995 Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Page 3 of 9

Ayurveda Today, Index grouped by issue and title

Tejas Yoga Is Like Music Ayurvedic Cuisine: Cilantro Chutney Healing with Herbs: Tejas & Agni Food Breathing is Life Sneha In Snehan And Skin Ayurvedic Cuisine: Urad Dal Soup Healing with Herbs: Prana Prana Polarity Therapy Ayurvedic Cuisine: Red Lentil Soup Yoga And Pregnancy Pregnancy And Infant Care Ayurvedic Cuisine: Mint Chutney Yogasana For Seasonal Balancing of Pitta The Three Nervous Systems and the Polarity Principle Nadi Vijnanam (pulse reading) (Part 1) Healing with Herbs: Bala in the Summer Kurmasana, the Tortoise Pose Why Have a Pulse Assessment? Ayurvedic Cuisine: Mung Dal Kitchari Ayurvedic Teas Nadi Vijnanam (pulse reading) (Part 2) Stress, Rest and Restorative Asana The Pulse and the Heart From the Panchakarma Department Healing with Herbs: Gandharva Haritaki The Heart Ayurvedic Cuisine: White Radish Subji The Role of Asanas in Digestion Herbal Extracts and Cellular Agni Nutrition at the Cellular Level: Pilu Paka & Pithara Pak Ayurvedic Cuisine: After-dinner seeds Ayurvedic Cuisine: Agni Tea Bow & Supported Bridge, Two Pitta Pacifying Yoga Postures Ayurvedic Cuisine: Mixed Vegetable Subji Ayurvedic Cuisine: Saffron Rice Parkinson's Disease Healing with Household Herbs: Fennel Ayurvedic Cuisine: Mixed Vegetable Soup Kati Shula & Grudhrasi (backache & sciatica) Yoga, Ayurveda & Lower Back Pain Agora III, The Law of Karma Jwara Roga, An Ayurvedic Perspective on Fevers Treatment of Jwara Roga with Ayurvedic Herbs Yoga Asana and Healing Visualization Ayurvedic Cuisine: Tapioca Kitchari (Subudana) Shula (Pain) (Part 1) Ayurvedic Cuisine: Samosas The Greatness of Saturn - A Therapeutic Myth

Vasant Lad Ann Harrison Usha Lad Michael Dick Robert Svoboda Ann Harrison Vasant Lad Usha Lad Michael Dick Vasant Lad Karuna Fluhart Usha Lad Betheyla Vasant Lad Usha Lad Vasant Lad Karuna Fluhart Vasant Lad Michael Dick Ann Harrison Michael Dick Usha Lad Zamyat Vimal Vasant Lad Ann Harrison Vasant Lad Ed Danaher Michael Dick Vasant Lad Usha Lad Ann Harrison Michael Dick Vasant Lad Usha Lad Usha Lad Betheyla Usha Lad Usha Lad Vasant Lad herbroom Usha Lad Vasant Lad Betheyla Robert Svoboda Vasant Lad Madhavi Rathod Ann Harrison Usha Lad Vasant Lad Usha Lad Robert Svoboda

disease & Ayurveda yoga nutrition, digestion & herbology & nutrition, digestion & yoga Ayurvedic massage & nutrition, digestion & herbology & disease & Ayurveda subtle therapies - polarity nutrition, digestion & yoga women & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & yoga subtle therapies - polarity clinical assessment arts herbology & yoga clinical assessment arts nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & clinical assessment arts yoga clinical assessment arts Ayurvedic massage & herbology & disease & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & yoga herbology & nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & yoga nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & disease & Ayurveda herbology & nutrition, digestion & disease & Ayurveda yoga spirituality & Ayurveda disease & Ayurveda herbology & yoga nutrition, digestion & disease & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & jyotisha

YEAR Season
1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1995 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1996 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 1997 Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Page 4 of 9

Ayurveda Today, Index grouped by issue and title

The Relationship of Karma to the Disease Process Yoga and the pains of past & future Ayurvedic Cuisine: Shankhar Pali Samskaras in relation to disease Shula (Pain) (Part 2) Headache Relief: A comparison of Herbal & Western Analgesics Ayurvedic Cuisine: Tomato Soup Sattva, Rajas & Tamas: Attaining a quiet mind with Ayuryoga Shirah Shula (Headache) Awareness in Asana and its Effect on the Doshas Mano Vaha Srotas - the Channel of the Mind Ayurvedic Cuisine: Cauliflower & Potato Subji The Attributes of the Doshas & AyurYoga Ayurvedic Cuisine: Coconut Chutney Vyadhi Marga & Dosha Gati - pathways of disease & manifestat AyurYoga and the Sites & Subdoshas of Vata, Pitta & Kapha Relationships Ayurvedic Cuisine: Sidha Dugdham (Medicated Milks) Prana and Pranayama The Inner Workings of Mind Ayurvedic Cuisine: Murmura Chivda (Snack Food) Meda Vaha Srotas Ayurvedic Cuisine: Stuffed Okra Causative Factors of Ama Bhasmas: The Alchemical Preparations of Ayurveda Vibrational Healing: Accessing Psyche Thru Physical Intellig Ayurvedic Cuisine: Peanut Chutney & Sesame Seed Chutney Fundraising Activities Bala Kshaya : Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Part 1) Ayurvedic Cuisine: Green Mung Soup Aromatherapy, Ayurveda & the Power of Essential Oils Ayurvedic Cuisine: Mung Dal Kitchari Fundraising Activities Bala, the Gift of Strength Bala Kshaya: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (Part 2) AyurYoga practice for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Ancient Greek Medicine & Ayurveda Fundraising Activities Prakruti Women's Medicine and Doshic Concepts Dashamula Ayurvedic Cuisine: Green Pea Bhaji Bile and Pitta Punarnava: Healing Waters of Life Determining your Constitution: Assessment of Prakruti Fried Rice Bile and Pitta Ayurvedic Herbs: Punarnava Ayurvedic Cuisine: Fried Rice Fundraising Activities Assessment of Prakruti

Madhavi Rathod Ann Harrison Usha Lad Madhavi Rathod Vasant Lad Beth Biegler Usha Lad Betheyla Vasant Lad Ann Harrison Vasant Lad Usha Lad Betheyla Usha Lad Vasant Lad Betheyla Vasant Lad Usha Lad Betheyla Vasant Lad Usha Lad Betheyla Usha Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Karuna Fluhart Usha Lad Glen Crowther Vasant Lad Usha Lad Sonia Elisa Usha Lad Glen Crowther Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Ann Harrison Coen van der Glen Crowther Dr. Vasant Lad Coen Van Der Kroon Beth Biegler Usha Lad Coen van der Beth Biegler Dr. Vasant Lad Usha Lad Coen Van Der Kroon Beth Biegler Usha Lad Glen Crowther Dr. Vasant Lad

spirituality & Ayurveda yoga nutrition, digestion & disease & Ayurveda disease & Ayurveda herbology & nutrition, digestion & yoga disease & Ayurveda yoga psychology & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & yoga nutrition, digestion & disease & Ayurveda yoga psychology & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & yoga psychology & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & yoga nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & disease & Ayurveda subtle therapies nutrition, digestion & fundraising disease & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & subtle therapies nutrition, digestion & fundraising herbology & disease & Ayurveda yoga Ayurveda, the science of fundraising Janma, Deha, and Ancient Greek & herbology & nutrition, digestion & Gynecology and Ayurveda Ayurvedic Herbs Prakruti Assessment Ayurvedic Cuisine Ancient Greek herbology & nutrition, digestion & fundraising Determining Your

YEAR Season
1997 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 1999 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Page 5 of 9

Ayurveda Today, Index grouped by issue and title

Fundraising Activities Ayurvedic Cuisine: Tapioca Khir Floral Waters: Discovering the Action of Subtle Aromatherapy Brahmi: Reweaving the Fabric of the Mind Manas Prakruti: Your Mental Constitution Carrier Oils: Their Use in Aromatherapy and Ayurveda Shamana (Part 1) Shatavari: Celebrating the Matrix of Creation Ayurvedic Cuisine: Spicy Sauted Asparagus Ayurvedic Cuisine: Chapattis Friends of Ayurveda Shamana (Part 2) Ashwagandha: A Different View of Horse Power Fundraising Activities Prameha and Diabetes (Part 1) An Aromatherapy Approach to Diabetes Shardunika & Prameha: Balancing the Devourer & the Ayurvedic Cuisine: Varan Phala Yoga's Role in Balancing Diabetic Conditions Ayurvedic Cuisine: Mung Dal and Vegetable Bhaji Prameha and Diabetes (Part 2) Neem: A Cool Herb in a Hot Season Asatmya (Allergies) Vata and Prana Shankhapushpi: Uncovering the Nature of Mind Ayurvedic Cuisine: Ghee (Clarified Butter) Ayurveda and the Blood Type Diet Chitrak, or What the Fire Said Ayurvedic Cuisine: Carrot Raita Kala: The Concept of Time Ayurvedic Cuisine: Squash Subji Eranda: A Laying On of Hands Snehana (Oil Massage) An Introduction to Ayurvedic Bodywork Rutu Charya Seasonal Routine for Spring Svedana, Therapeutic Sweat Chandana: The Bouquet of Bliss An Introduction to Vastu Shastra Seasonal Routine for Summer Vastu Shastra: The Site Natural Summer Beauty On the Sweetness of Breathing: Yashti Madhu and Prana Ayurvedic Cuisine: Buttermilk Curry Vastu Shastra: The Entrance to a Building Seasonal Routine for Fall Asana from the Floating World: Yoga as Rasayana Rasayana Chikitsa: The Art of Rejuvenation Ayurvedic Cuisine: Date Khir How to Use Rasayana Therapy Herbal Rasayanas for Prana Vaha Srotas

Glen Crowther Usha Lad Sonia Elisa Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Sonia Elisa Vasant Lad Beth Biegler Usha Lad Usha Lad Sonia Elisa Vasant Lad Beth Biegler Glen Crowther Vasant Lad Sonia Elisa Beth Biegler Usha Lad Karayianis & van Usha Lad Vasant Lad Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Coen van der Beth Biegler Usha Lad Yolande Manson Beth Biegler Usha Lad Vasant Lad Usha Lad Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Jaisri Lambert Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Sonia Elisa Beth Biegler Usha Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Usha Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad

fundraising nutrition, digestion & subtle therapies herbology & psychology & Ayurveda subtle therapies Ayurvedic cleansing herbology & nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & fundraising Ayurvedic cleansing herbology & fundraising disease & Ayurveda subtle therapies herbology & nutrition, digestion & yoga nutrition, digestion & disease & Ayurveda herbology & disease & Ayurveda ancient Greek herbology & nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion and herbology & nutrition, digestion & Ayurveda, the science of nutrition, digestion & herbology & Ayurvedic massage & Ayurvedic massage & seasonal routines & seasonal routine & Ayurvedic massage & herbology & vastu shastra seasonal routine & vastu shastra Ayurvedic beauty care herbology & nutrition, digestion & vastu shastra seasonal routine & yoga herbology & nutrition, digestion & herbology & herbology &

YEAR Season
2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2002 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 2003 Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Page 6 of 9

Ayurveda Today, Index grouped by issue and title

Ayurvedic Cuisine: Tur Dal Soup No. 2 Where the Breath Takes You: Yoga & the Prana Vaha Srotas Vastu Shastra: Subtle Factors Affecting Vastu Seasonal Routine for Winter Ayurvedic Cuisine: Bitter Melon Subji No. 2 Ode to the Art of Digestion I: Asana and the Anna v.s. Herbal Rasayanas for Anna Vaha Srotas Rejuvenation through Herbal Rasayana The Do's and Don'ts of Vastu Shastra Ayurveda and Spirituality in Daily Living Ayurveda Under Cultivation Embodying Ayurveda Ganesha Ayurveda Ashram Ayurvedic InstituteThen & Now Reflections on Ayurveda: Past, Present & Future Ayurvedic Studies Students Trividha Pariksha: The Three Categories of Clinical Ex Ayurvedic Cuisine: Turmeric Pickle Ode to the Art of Digestion 2: Asana and the Anna v.s. Vastu Shastra: The Kitchen Spiritual Healing with Special Reference to Puja Ayurvedic Cuisine: Creamed Wheat Porridge Finding Time to Cook Vastu Shastra: Focus on the Bedroom & Bathroom Jyotish and the Practice of Ayurveda Urah Shulam (Chest Pain) Herbal Rasayanas for Udaka Vaha Srotas Bodies of Water: Asana and the Ambu Vaha Srotas Yoga & Planetary Types, Part One Carrot Subji Yoga & Planetary Types, Part Two Embodiment of Taste: Asana and Rasa Vaha Srotas Brief Overview of Ayurvedic Pharmacology Pachak Lassi Herbal Rasayanas for Rasa Vaha Srotas Yoga & Planetary Types, Part Three Tracing Our Bloodlines: Asana and Rakta Vaha Srotas Herbal Rasayanas for Rakta Vaha Srotas Concept of Cancer in Ayurveda Female Health Issues, Part One Sweet Potato Khir Rasayanas for Mamsa Vaha Srotas On Being Moved: Asana and Mamsa Vaha Srotas Live Happily for a Hundred Years Female Health Issues, Part Two Mung Dal Kitchari for Kapha Breast Self-Exam Speaking Up for Fat Rasayana for Meda Vaha Srotas Cilantro & Almond Sauce Ayurvedic Herbs

Usha Lad Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Usha Lad Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad R. Svoboda Beth Biegler Vasant Lad unknown Vasant Lad unknown Vasant Lad Usha Lad Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Usha Lad Michele Khalef Vasant Lad Betheyla Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Beth Biegler Betheyla Usha Lad Betheyla Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Usha Lad Vasant Lad Betheyla Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Usha Lad Vasant Lad Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Usha Lad Vasant Lad Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Michele Schulz Vasant Lad

nutrition, digestion & yoga vastu shastra seasonal routine & nutrition, digestion & yoga herbology & herbology & vastu shastra psychology & Ayurveda philosophy & Ayurveda yoga fundraising general philosophy & Ayurveda general clinical Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & yoga vastu shastra philosophy & Ayurveda nutrition, digestion & nutrition, digestion & vastu shastra jyotish disease & Ayurveda herbology & Ayurveda yoga Jyotish nutrition, digestion & Jyotisha yoga Herbs, minerals and nutrition, digestion & herbology & Ayurveda Jyotisha yoga herbology & Ayurveda cancer: source, diagnosis Women's health and nutrition, digestion and herbology and Ayurveda yoga longevity and Ayurveda Women's health and nutrition, digestion & Women's health Asana and meda vaha herbal rejuvenation for Food & Balance Rasayana for Asthi Vaha

YEAR Season
2003 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer

Thursday, February 02, 2012

Page 7 of 9

Ayurveda Today, Index grouped by issue and title

Earth Sutra Role of Devotion in Life Emotional Healing Nathamuni's Yoga Rahasya Ayurvedic Herbs Panchakoshas Ayurveda and Massage Spice Churnas Male Health Issues Ayurvedic Herbs Ayurveda and Nursing Winter Squash Soup with Greens Non-Suppression of Natural Urges Confetti Salad & Candied Fennel Seeds Bodywork and Ayurveda Rasayanas for Purisha Vaha Srotas Ashtanga Ayurveda Rasayanas for Kundalini Rising Kundalini: Dormant and Rising Energy Basmati & Millet Summer Risotto Introduction to the Yoga Sutras of Patajali Addiction and Substance Abuse Integrating Ayurveda into Spas End of Life Care Pear Ginger Crumble Purusha and Prakruti Ayurvedic Management of Insomnia Savory Wild Rice w/Vegetables Five Movements of the Mind The Healing Power of Mantra Practice and Non-attachment Creamy Dandelion Salad Inspiration of Ayurveda The Healing Power of Mudra The Healing Power of Yantra Management of Rasa Dhatu Mala Warm Summer Salad Staying Balanced in Summer Chronic Lyme Disease Book Review Ayurvedic Products in the News States of Consciousness within Prakruti Zucchini Soup The Inner Chakras Stages of Concentration Hearty Soda Bread Rasayanas for Rakta Dhatu Mala Characteristics that Sustain Progress Irritable Bowel Syndrome Ayurveda in the South of France Celiac Disease w/Ref. To Grahani Roga

Beth Biegler Vasant Lad Luscha Weeks John Kepner Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Sandra Aumiller Michele Schulz Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Marcia Meredith Michele Schulz Vasant Lad Michele Schulz Donald VanHowten Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Michele Schulz Barbara Cook Vasant Lad Tara Grodjesk Vasant Lad Michele Schulz Barbara Cook Sonia Masocco Laura Humphreys Barbara Cook Vasant Lad Barbara Cook Michele Schulz K. Fluhart-Negrete Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Michele Schulz Vasant Lad Vasant Lad L. Humphreys Wynn Werner Barbara Cook Elke Sargent Vasant Lad Barbara Cook Michele Schulz Vasant Lad Barbara Cook Vasant Lad Joaninha Vasant Lad

Asana and Asthi Vaha Devotion Integrating Ayurveda Book Review Rasayana for Majja Sheaths or Layers of the Integrating Ayurveda Food & Balance Male Health Rasayana for Shukra Integrating Ayurveda Food & Balance Non-suppression of urges Food & Balance Integrating Ayurveda Ayurvedic Herbs 8 Clinical Disciplines of Ayurvedic herbs philosophy, subtle Food & Balance Yoga Sutras of Patajali addiction and modes of Integrating Ayurveda dying and the physician's Food & Balance Yoga Sutras of Patajali Insomnia, Ayurveda Food & Balance Yoga Sutras of Patajali Mantra, Chanting, Organ Yoga Sutras of Patajali Food & Balance Integrating Ayurveda Mudra, Ayurvedic Yantra, 8 famous Ayurvedic Herbs Food & Balance managing pitta Ayurvedic Herbs Review of "Unstuck" by Joint Response Aug 08 Yoga Sutras of Patajali Food & Balance subtle chakras, marma Yoga Sutras of Patajali Food and Balance Ayurvedic herbs, dhatu Yoga Sutras of Patajali Ayurvedic herbs Integrating Ayurveda Ayurvedic Herbs

YEAR Season
2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2009 Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Summer Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring

Thursday, February 02, 2012

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Ayurveda Today, Index grouped by issue and title

Passion, Effort and Surrender Rasayana for Mamsa Dhatu Mala Sprouted Mung Bread/Pancakes Rasayana for Meda Dhatu Mala Grace, Surrender and Ishvara Cool-as-a-cucumber Coconut Milk Rasa Chikitsa: Taste Therapy Rasayana for Asthi Dhatu Mala Amaranth Biscuits Obstacles and Solutions, Love and Attention Art of Parenting the Hyperactive Child Rasayana for Majja Dhatu Mala Ayurveda & Yoga: The Integration of Life Parsnip Pizza & Vegetable Patties Inner Peace and the Path to Unity Shat Kriya Kala: Mgmnt of Samprapti for Vata Middle Eastern Quinoa Salad w/Tahini Sauce Continuous Consciousness Ojas Balls Sadhana:Inviting Grace into Daily Living Shat Kriya Kala: Mgmnt of Samprapti for Pitta Causes of Suffering, Part 1 When Vision and Current Reality Differ Curried Cauliflower Soup General Lifestyle Recommendations for VPK Shat Kriya Kala: Mgmnt of Samprapti for Kapha Causes of Suffering, Part 2 Upside Down Root Vegetable Pie Yogic Approach to Suffering Wild Rice with Leafy Greens Seasonal Home Cleanse Mediterranean Summer Salad Ayurveda and Acupuncture The Three Bandits Sleep and Dreams Sleep Disorders Ayurveda & Jyotish Sleep Disorders Nut Cake with Chocolate Drizzle Ayurveda & Jyotish Suffering: Avoidable or Inevitable? Thyroid Disorders Ayurveda & Jyotish Radhe Pfau Barbara Cook Vasant Lad Radhe Pfau Sharada Hall Barbara Cook Vasant Lad, MASc Vasant Lad, MASc Radhe Pfau Vasant Lad

Barbara Cook Vasant Lad Glen Crowther Vasant Lad Barbara Cook Michele Schulz Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Barbara Cook Barbara Cook Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Easter Bonnifield Barbara Cook Barbara Cook Vasant Lad Michele Schulz Barbara Cook Michele Schulz Barbara Cook Vasant Lad Barbara Cook Jiwan Shakti Michele Schulz Vasant Lad Vasant Lad Barbara Cook Michele Schulz Barbara Cook Danit Eliav Vasant Lad

Yoga Sutras of Patajali Rejuvenation for muscle Food & Balance Rejuvenation for adipose Yoga Sutras of Patajali Food & Balance Role of Taste in balance Rejuvenation for bone Food & Balance Yoga Sutras of Patajali Ayurvedic suggestions Rejuvenation for Nerve Integrating Ayurveda Food & Balance Yoga Sutras of Patajali Management 6 Stages Food & Balance Yoga Sutras of Patajali Food & Balance Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Management 6 Stages Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Integrating Ayurveda Food & Balance Dosha Management Mgt of 6 Stages of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Food & Balance Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Food & Balance Doing Panchakarma at Food & Balance Integrating Ayurveda Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Sleep, awareness, sleep problems Merging the Two Sleep, Chronic Fatigue, Food & Balance Merging the Two Yoga Sutras of Patanjali Balancing the Thyroid Merging the Two

YEAR Season
2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 2011 Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Fall Fall Fall Fall Fall Winter Winter Winter

Thursday, February 02, 2012

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