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Learning Management System Module

Time Management


Test your organizational and time management skills with the following quiz. Remember that the completion of this questionnaire is the first requirement to get credit for this learning module.

How organized am I?
Check the statements in this list that describe you. _F_1. My backpack is organized and free of crumpled or loose papers. _T_ 2. I come to class with sharpened pencils and pens that work. _T_3. I am prepared for class most of the time. _T_4. My desk is usually neat. _T_5. I know what my assignments are because they are written down in my assignment book _T_6. I can easily find what I need. _F_7. I have a notebook, binder, or multisubject binder with dividers for each subject. _T_8. I rarely lose or forget anything.

My time management skills

Circle each statement true or false. F 1. I know how long it takes me to do things. T 2. I am usually on time. T 3. I can stick to a schedule.

T 4. I finish my homework each night. T 5. I have enough time to do the things I want to do. T 6. I have enough time to do the things I need to do. T 7. It would help if I could organize my time more efficiently.

F 8. I get into arguments with my family because they say I waste time _T_9. I know where my papers and notes F 9. I have to race around on school are for every class. morning so I wont be late _F_ 10. I think of myself as well organized F 10. I plan ahead for long-term projects. T 11. If I say Ill watch television for an hour, I usually stick to it. T 12. I keep an eye on the clock when I have something important to do. Identify by number the organizational Identify by number the time management skills you want to improve: skills you want to improve:

1 7 10

1 10

Name three steps you could take to help you improve: Step 1: I can sit down and take a good 2 hours to organize my backpack and notes. Step 2:I can buy a binder. Step 3:I can force myself to do more organizing on a day to day basis.

Name three steps you could take to help you improve: Step 1:I can time myself when I do different homework assignments. Step 2:I can write out a plan for my long term projects instead of doing them last minute. Step 3:I can stop watching television completely.

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