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Peter School

Our Week
Dear Parents, The Pizza Hut reading program begins today. You or another adult needs to read to your child (or they can read to you) for a minimum of 20 minutes a night. The calendars went home last week. Let me know if you have any questions. Our field trip to Marmion Farms is this Friday. We will be leaving right after lunch. Please make sure that your child dresses for the weather. They can wear jeans, but with a spiritwear or uniform shirt only. They can bring an old pair of gym shoes to wear in case it is muddy at the farm. We will be back in time for dismissal. This week in religion we will complete Chapter 5, Jesus Welcomes the Children. We will read the Bible story of Jesus blessing the children, make candles to show that we can bring Jesus light to others and color doorknob hangers to take home. The students did a great job at the school Mass last week! I am very proud of them. Remember to continue to go to Mass on the weekends. In Math we will identify and sequence numbers, identify, describe and compare triangles to squares, name shapes using three attributes, identify and create AB patterns and sort objects. In Reading we will continue to read about Alf. We will identify the medial /a/ sound, match capital and lowercase

Aurora, IL

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Mrs. Patsavas Classroom Newsletter

letters, read a poem, write a page for a class book and follow oral directions. In Science we have studied the different parts of the body. We are now learning about our five senses. Happy Fall, Mrs. Patsavas

Please remember to send in items for our Draw Down Birthday Basket. I still need: streamers, disposable camera, party plates and any other birthday party item you would like to donate. Please make sure that the items are generic, NO characters. The deadline is October 5th. Thank you! Please remember to return the red folder and the white home/school envelope to school to following day. Thank you! There will not be school on: October 8-Columbus Day October 9-Teacher Institute

Parent tip of the week: When reading to your child, have them participate by turning the pages or finishing the sentences. Remember to read slowly, so they have time to look at the illustrations and understand the story.

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