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9. Give two effects of noise pollution on human beings.

SRIVIDYA COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY B.E./B.Tech. INTERNAL EXAMINATION, SEPTEMBER 2012 Third Semester Civil Engineering GE-2021 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING (Regulation 2008) Date: 03-09-2012(AN) Time: 1.30 hours maximum: 50 Marks Answer ALL questions. Part-A 1. What is meant by thermal pollution? 2. Mention the source of solid waste. 3. State the role and responsibility of an individual in the prevention of pollution. 4. What are the harmful effects of landslides? 5. List any four adverse affects of Mining. 6. Why nuclear hazards are so dangerous? 7. What is Marine pollution? 8. Define flood. (10 X 2 = 20)

Part-B X 16 = 32) 10. a. Discuss solid waste management in detail. (8) b. Write about effect and control measures of air pollution in detail. (8) (OR) 11.a. Discuss the causes, effects and control of marine pollution. (8) b. Describe the sources, effect s of noise pollution. (8)


12. a. Discuss the role of an individual in preventing pollution. (8) b. Disaster management .(8) (OR) 13. a. Explain various disaster management measures during Cyclone, floods, earthquake and landslides. (16)

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